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Everything posted by Magpie_Oz

  1. 1812 of course being crotchety old Merkin speak for 1912
  2. Well what ever the particular circumstances I know from my own experience that very few training scenarios involve procedures where you are required to determine the "status" of a target. I have seen the police ranges where the exposed targets include pictures of civilians or unarmed "perps" the idea being to sort the wheat from the chaff so to speak. Perhaps with the focus in more recent times on Urban Ops there is greater target differentiation training being done but it certainly wasn't the case in my day, particularly at the level of higher weapons systems, air support, artillery, SFMG etc all training more or less started with "Target in front" and went from there. Even IFF wasn't stressed all that much.
  3. I think this might be the one? From the USS Vincennes shoot down of the Iraq airliner. "When questioned in a 2000 BBC documentary, the U.S. government stated in a written answer that they believed the incident may have been caused by a simultaneous psychological condition amongst the 18 bridge crew of the Vincennes called 'scenario fulfillment', which is said to occur when persons are under pressure. In such a situation, the men will carry out a training scenario, believing it to be reality while ignoring sensory information that contradicts the scenario. In the case of this incident, the scenario was an attack by a lone military aircraft. It extends from military personnel being trained to shot stuff rather than to NOT shoot stuff. The A10 pilot shoots the taxi because his training focuses mainly on blowing up a target rather than an exhaustive process to identify the target in the first place. I can give you HEAPS of reasons against torture, but I'm sure you already know them anyway.
  4. hmmm, I draw from it, if you want to do a survey don't do it on the streets of new York or New England
  5. That same thinking is what leads people to justify flying airliners in office blocks, or torturing captives, or committing genocide. All I know is that I think our current PM is making decisions that effect my families well being but in two years time I will get the opportunity to remove her from office. On the other hand I live in real fear for the safety of my family because my wife works for the Federal Government in a sensitive area and should one of these "white knight" releases of confidential information contain references to her it could have grave consequences for ME, MY WIFE AND MY CHILDREN, not politicians, not despots, not criminals, not corrupt officials, not anyone important, just ME and the people I love. I have no opportunity to let them know I do not approve of what they do.They are too far up their own arses to give a toss about REAL people and REAL effects their BS has. So I have to put up with the arbitrary choices of someone who seeks to place them selves out side of the law just because they think they know what's best. You show me where that is good and fair and justifiable and I'll give you two words, one of which is Get and the other rhymes with duct.
  6. Without any responsibility, accountability, authority, mandate, regulation or legislation to do so. I see you have no compunction in changing what some one else has said to fit your own agenda. Common Wikileaks practise ? How would we ever know?
  7. MMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Spam Spam Spam Spam spam spam spam spam and spam
  8. Which is why governments are regulated by a statutory system of checks and balances and who are subject to a mandate of the population.
  9. I admire your faith in a self nominated mission statement as safe guarding your private information.
  10. This is what the Germans are supposed to have but I reckon combat losses would have pretty quickly turned the "organisation" into more of a dog's breakfast. http://bayonetstrength.com/german_army/ger_inf_bat_39_42 You can find other nationalities at this site too
  11. While I haven't met the fellow (he is from Townsville which is the next city to mine) I have met a lot of fellows like Assange. Maybe it is a thing from our era ? One thing they all have in common is they really do harbour this belief that they are somehow deigned a higher purpose because of their skills. Maybe it comes from too much D&D but they honestly believe that we will be grateful for them exposing the secrets that governments keep. The thing that really condemned them for me was a series of releases they did earlier in the year that revealed what a number of politicians actually though of each other. I think our PM was quoted as saying the leader of Iran was a tool or something similar and sowe how this was a big revelation. I think it just shows colossal immaturity to not understand that sometimes within politics and particularly international politics you have to deal politely with people you have a low opinion of. The retort I have for people who come out in "band wagon" support of Wikileaks is the simple question "What are you going to do when Wikileaks decides your bank account details and PIN are best made public knowledge?"
  12. I still don't get : A) What they hope to achieve by releasing all of this stuff and Why they think they have a mandate to do it
  13. Which one ? There are so many to choose from in here
  14. Of course not. Most people don't watch the news to be informed or to receive information upon which they can form an opinion. Look at the time of day that news is broadcast, 6 to 7 pm. Just the time when people are getting home, preparing dinner and relaxing a bit before the real programs they want to watch like ..... (insert you country here) Idol . Evening television news presents some footage and a well dressed authoritative person to tell you what your opinion should be. Generally if you don't like a particular news broadcast it is because it tells you things you don't agree with or don't want to hear. The dwindling print media is for sure a more reliable source as they have to print 1000 words for every picture the TV does.
  15. The former exists only in myth, some sightings have been reported but none confirmed.
  16. Have a look at this link http://www.lonesentry.com/articles/ttt/defense-areas-north-africa.html Shows the tactical doctrine for a Bn in North Africa. This one talks about employment of mortars http://www.lonesentry.com/articles/ttt09/mortar-fire.html Maybe have a further look on that website too as there is heaps of information like you are after.
  17. Yeh I was a bit disappointed by that too. I guess the only other alternative was "Stuka's CMBN uberpwnage Peng Challenge Thread" given his bragging of late, but I can't imagine Nidan1 being able to bring himself to that.
  18. I'm more into Jimmy Buffett than Warren ..... ahhh Margaritaville !
  19. And to support your hypothesis that it differs between people, I have listened to all of the examples above and am equally annoyed by all ! All the renditions, while I can recognise undoubted talent, just do not connect with me in anyway.
  20. I really like the small scale stuff. With the new style of interface in CM2 the level of engagement the player has "down low" is quite engaging. Something you lose the bigger the scenario becomes. Just as an aside, what if CMSF2 was more "componentised" ? Most modern armies share a certain amount of kit with other, particularly within NATO. If we had the example where you could match infantry with particular arms with armour and apc's of other types you'd be in the position where you can build your own forces. So rather than releasing modules based on nationality, do it based on equipment that you can the mix and match to suit your particular wants. I don't really know how modding etc works but I have seen previously weapons and uniforms altered by modders. So in that vein BFC could produce a standard infantry man who the player can arm with a weapon from a database of the different types and "skin" with the uniform of their desired country?????
  21. I think your upper and downer music is very much an individual thing. I have some songs which are really uplifting and others that bring back bad memories with no real logical connection. Roxette for example, lots of real heavy bummers in their music but I find them really enjoyable.
  22. Nothing by Ambrose ! He is in disgrace on this forum
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