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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Now this might get some traction. Do we have some sources for this. Have we had this conversation with BFC about this?
  2. OK good to know . The thing is you didn't really present any evidence that things were slow other than your opinion. Couple that with some previous discussions which saw you requesting uber sharpshooter capabilities people might understand my reaction. I am glad to hear you are cognisant of the big picture. Good. Now that video shows something interesting if it is not edited as i also suspect. Bottom line if people have some good reason to show that the gunner loader should be faster great. But remember that "cause I said so" does not count.
  3. Ah, I am on my phone so I may be missing something but to me it looked like that tank fired two rounds in under 5s. Did I see that right?
  4. I want what you guys are smoking I only play WEGO and tanks often pop smoke and back up on their own. They seem to do just fine at fighting without my intervention. They also fire as fast as they can close range or not. Look, the OP 's crew got beat. It happens. On another day they might have got the second shot too and won the battle. On another day their first shot might have KO'ed the enemy tank. On this day they failed to beat the other crew and lost their tank because of it. Sounds like the game is working as expected to me. The OP thought there might have been something wrong. I highly doubt it but it is worth exploring. But come on guys most of this "analysis" sounds more like sour grapes. "My guys lost so it must be the games fault" Get over it.
  5. You never did need to remove them so you still don't. The exception being anything that mods strings, so Vins animated text needs to be removed from the shared mod location. Or if something gets a major overhaul such as when uniform file names were redone for the v2 upgrade (I think). If you put it in the game install mod location then you can keep the version appropriate mod with the game and not worry about it.
  6. Oh OK just showing everyone a cool event from a game. That's cool.
  7. First check if there is a 1.11 patch and apply that before the v3 engine upgrade. The version number of 1.20 is correct for an upgraded CMFI game. On the PC it does not report the engine version separately with that version.
  8. Seen what? Sorry I see tanks fire as fast as they can and pump round after round into an enemy tank as fast as they can consistently. Are you saying that the Sherman crew reloaded and just sat there instead of firing? If so then there could have been some spotting problems for the Sherman crew. Firing at the enemy until they know it is destroyed is also normal and seen consistently. I even once reported a situation I thought might be a bug because a Sherman crew fired 7 rounds at a PzIV without killing it. Turns out it was long destroyed my crew just did not know and so contained firing. Things were working perfectly. If your crews get beat that's just the way the ball bounces and the advantage that tough tanks have - they sometimes survive the first hit. As someone already noticed crew experience influences performance to.
  9. I have a felling I am going to regret this... What's your point? Would you rather them not try to hit him and thus save ammo?
  10. Considering that squads on the other side of the map can become shaken when their, out of communication platoon mates take casualties i don't think iron will have a large effect.
  11. There is nothing that can be done. Unfortunately it is a limitation of the program.
  12. I recommend you contact support. There is no guarantee that anyone from BFC will read this post.
  13. Yep. The games move just fine. The shortcuts that were created by the install program will not work unless you manually update them but the game will be totally fine running in its new location. Or perhaps I am misunderstanding are you just replacing one external drive with a new bigger one that will eventually use the same drive letter once you are all finished. In that case you will not even need to do that. If you do move the game to a new location, with a new drive letter, the uninstall program will not be able to find the game so if you ever uninstall from control panel that will fail but really all you need to do to uninstall is delete the game directory and the matching directory in the My Documents location. Another potential gotcha is future patch installers may assume it knows where the game is installed and just patch it never giving you the chance to specify a directory the game is located in. If that happens all you need to do is copy the files that the patch creates over top of the files in the games new location. The current CMFB patch install does this. I hope that future patches will include an install er that adds a step to specify the game location during install.
  14. Which we do every, single day. So, yeah only going to get better...
  15. Yes, good point. I only learned about doing that recently so had not yet applied it to traversing mines and forgot to add that in. I think I have had men move through marked mines twice maybe three times so far.
  16. Indeed, good to have the odd "this is awesome thread" going. While I do play with some vehicle mods I do not play with any terrain mods the game really looks great. Disclaimer I do have @benpark's snowy trees for CMFB but that just adds to the game rather than changing it
  17. Yeah, I have been waiting for an opportunity to do this and finally saw it happening in a game I played this morning. I found several times that I could not tell the difference between targeting the ground near the icon and the icon itself - it just did not feel like it was really targeting the icon. Well this morning I found a clear example: I got the ghost buster icon near the icon and the target line over the icon. Very cool.
  18. Check out this thread for more options for finding an opponent:
  19. Which was my actual point. If we only hear the "make the time limits longer" voices it might influence designers . We need a little push back so no one go es crazy tryjng to remove time pressures just because some voices have requested that. Well I would argue your time ran out so the defender did a good job of delaying you, they win. Touche!
  20. Someone read the readme file - jump for joy
  21. Hummm what to say about that. Not sure. This is a great game and clearly more realistic than anything else out there but there are some issues. One of which is we move to fast as commanders. We leave wounded un attended, we push through dangerous areas, we just go faster because we have the player as god POV that allows better coordination than real life. Most importantly we push on when real commanders would have backed off and waited for more support. Bottom line we move to fast and push to hard. I actually view the reduction of time as a way to compensate for that and give the defenders a fighting chance thus improving the realism of the game. There that works more or less.
  22. Yeah I use hunt actually - not that this is a common occurrence. Slow is just to slow and Move's quirk that it changes to fast when things go sideways is bad for mines. Ah just to be clear we are talking about moving through a marked mine field. If they are not marked you might as well run through them and expect it to end badly
  23. What @womble said I'll just add you guys are totally seeing this from the attackers point of view. As a frequent defender I love time limits. Cut them down, damn it There are too many missions where the time it to long The defender's only hope is the clock. Keep it tight. Please scenario designers ignore these guys and in fact you have already listened to them too much cut those times back please.
  24. Good - just making sure. Did you check out that font?
  25. Good to know. It is an odd thing given several editors cannot even produce 32bit BMP files and as you discovered some use one header and some another. Deprecated is as deprecated does(TM), meaning some standards body can call it deprecated and not use it for their files any more but if everyone else is still using it that doesn't really work. But that's not news and I am glad you have a solution.
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