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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. I use a mod that takes a different approach - its not a compass anymore. It's an eye with an arrow pointing at the directions. Saves my poor brain the confusion. It is part of this mod (check out the red and white view point image in the top left of the preview image): http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=1143 Inside the download for that mod is a .zip file called mb-sil-redgreen-black.zip which contains zmb-viewpoint.brz which has the mod.
  2. Not a mistake. CMFI is version 2.00 with the v4 engine. The main page will list both the game version and the engine version.
  3. It made headlines here because the psycho leader who beheaded two Canadians (and a German) citizen is said to have been killed: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/philippines-hall-ridsdel-alleged-ringleader-1.4066941
  4. I think most of the time people have been good with doing that. I know I would be fine with that (not that my icon mods are really good candidates for what you are looking at doing). I think as you said being upfront with credit and what your work is based on is certainly the right thing to do. Honestly I actually don't think that once a free mod is shared with the community anyone can expect to totally control what happens to it next but for the sake of good relations you are probably wise to ask for permission though. A great example is @Kieme(ITA)'s work on modding Russian vehicles which are weathered versions of @BTR 's Russian vehicles: Between the two of them it is a pretty damn nice set of mods - I run with them. My suggestion for you is to create your mods with tags. Since mods use a simple file override mechanism if you replace the textures for Ukrainian Infantry then all Ukrainian infantry are effected by the mod. Which is fine if that is what you are trying to do. In your case it seems like you are trying to create some specialized mod sets. To make them easy to use I suggest you use tags so they don't replace the textures for the entire game but only for scenarios that use the given tag. That way you can create a specialized mod for Ukrainian Infantry with a tag and then someone can create a scenario to use them and your mod will work in their scenario but not override all Ukrainian Infantry.
  5. After the v4 engine upgrade your home screen should say you have version 2.00. The fact that it says you have version 1.2 means your upgrade did not succeed. One possible problem is the upgrade installer pointed to the wrong directory and the files are not in the right place. The other common possibility is your anti virus software has grabbed up the game .exe and guaranteed it. Check that your upgrade install place. Check your install location inside the data sub directory and see if there is a file called "fortress italy v200.brz" there. If not then your install put files in another place and you should run the install again making sure the install location is pointing at your existing install. If that file is there then your AV software is probably at fault. If none of that helps I recommend opening a support ticket.
  6. ^^^ this. A few indications that the next module is in the works leaked into the v4 upgrade. I think Steve let that happen as a teaser - meanie
  7. Ontario setup a fee on all electronic goods purchased to fund proper recycling facilities. Now we have places were we can drop off used / broken electronic goods for free instead of sneaking them into the land fill because no one wanted to pay to properly recycle them. For us it was not a large $ amount and it probably didn't change anyone's purchasing plans very much.
  8. ^^^ Correct. The AI is targeting threats and it does have a way to asses priority - even comparing the threat to our orders. The recent v4 engine introduced the ability for the AI to area target locations on the map it is directed to. Before that there was no area targeting by the AI. So, what ever you think you saw @Swastakowey it was not targeting of fixed locations - it was spotting your guys and targeting them as it saw the threat.
  9. Yeah, I don't do that. MGs get he delivered ASAP. If the sniper team is there to sign for it that's bad I like my sniper teams off on their own with good concealment.
  10. I have no idea what effect memory speed will have on CM. I agree with @HerrTom that the SSD will likely only effect load times.
  11. Loading up your troops will slow them down and make the tire faster. The exact amount is not specified. You can see it sooner with small teams if you load them up you will find that you cannot even give them fast move order then with more load you will not be able to give them quick move orders either. There very well could be limitations - like I am not sure if you can load them up so much that you cannot move or if there is an absolute limit on how much they can carry. I have not tried it - given that in v1 of the engine there were no limitations what is there now is much better. In CMBS small teams will stop letting you add AT launchers to their load at a certain point - I have not tried this in other tittles (it is harder since there are less heavy toys available).
  12. All of that and choose an NVidia GPU. The Open GL support in their drivers have been better than the drivers from AMD for all the time I have been playing this game.
  13. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the February Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMFI Primosole Bridge The First Day (Requires Gustav Line and play with version 2.00 - v4 engine) CMBS Rolling Thunder The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  14. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the February Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMFI Primosole Bridge The First Day (Requires Gustav Line and play with version 2.00 - v4 engine) CMBS Rolling Thunder The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  15. There is a step 1b. Unzip the installer archive. Make sure you do that into a clean empty folder. I recomend right clicking on the .zip file and choosing "Extract to <name of directory here>". Then you can find the installer to run in step 2 inside that sub directory. Add step 1b and you will be good to go. Check out this thread with several suggestions on how to find opponents for PBEM:
  16. Indeed. Lots of fun and good challenges for the German player.
  17. The action link can be found in the installation directory next to the game .Exe. Apparently you need to activate all your game keys and module keys. Remember as frustrating as it is activation issues are temporary and solvable.
  18. I am currently using Avast, also no issues. For a long time I didn't even have the game directories on the ignore list. I only added them because I was afraid it would just be a matter of time before it tripped me up. Used Norton before and constantly had to white list game files and directories and retrieve files from quarantine.
  19. LOL yeah I forgot about them. Well actually SF will likely get that treatment given the stated plan to update it. I have no idea about CMA.
  20. The 2IC unit will not be a substitute in a C2 sense. I, personally, still do that especially if I feel that is what would happen in RL. Check out some of the links below and one final point after that. @MOS:96B2P is the expert on C2 & information sharing. Read his definitive guide: Higher level commanders helping out lower level troops: Also note that the 2IC / XO units often have radios which you can use to help keep mortars in coms or help with information sharing even if they are not part of the C2 chain themselves. Yes, crowded areas do effect pathing. Having said that soldiers will still crowd up way more than real ones would so don't use "the Tac AI will spread them out on its own" as a plan. Two suggestions: Keep with the short move orders, that is the right thing to do. 1) add in pauses to lower the crowding (i.e. have teas waiting before entering the alley). 2) split squads, if you have a two team squad and you give them movement orders down a narrow alley one team might decide to head out to the main street just cause the whole squad is enough crowding for the alley. I don't know if doing the above would be enough to ensure that you never have anyone take the easy way but it should help. Honestly I find the AI is best on defence. Some of the new features available to designers makes attacking better to be sure but I still think the AI is better on defence. Having said that the scripting AI that CM2x uses is way way better than the build the plan on the fly way that CM1 did it. That is not a popular statement with some around here but I still feel that way. After playing CM2x games I never went back to CM1x and part of it was the better modelling, part of it was individual soldiers being represented, and part of it was the way better AI.
  21. The plan is to do that for all titles so the answer is Yes. Yay!
  22. My experience matches what you describe the vast majority of the time. I only rarely see tank crews winning in fire fights. Occasionally if they get lucky and hit the guy with the MG the don't all die as they run but they still run. Yes, several of my regular players have a house rule that says crews must evac to a safe place (exception being HQ crews which can mount a radio equipped vehicle to take command again). I also have a few regular opponents who are more then happy to buddy aid better weapons and send them into the fray.
  23. Wow that is some luck there. Are you talking 155mm artillery here or 120mm mortars? I have dropped a lot of 155 on to BMPs, T90s and M1s. My general rule is this: if you want it dead the majority of the time, hit the BMP (Tungusak would be the same) with two precision shells, the T90 with three and the M1 with more than three if you can. Doing that leads to a dead vehicle the majority of the time and and useless vehicle a big chunk of the rest. True some times the buggers manage to get lucky and keep driving around but not often. I have never seen a pretty little hex pattern around the vehicle. And I have never seen a BMP stay running if hit by a 155mm artillery shell not one. T90s and M1 can survive a direct hit but its not a sure thing that they will.
  24. Steve has mentioned this HE effect on infantry reduction in the past. Vehicles don't need any special treatment (other than by us players to remember not to bunch them up - that's on us). I don't see any reason why the game could not model the effects on vehicles one way and on infantry a bit different. The trick is to figure out what should happen and then see if that is happening in the game or not. I am curious to see what sources people find and what they say. v4 engine has not changed the infantry spacing that much. What the v4 engine changes did was stop guy from running in a conga line one after another but they are still slightly closer than typical for RL.
  25. I'm not sure missing is really the right word. Yes, they do not track every fragment. I believe we have established there is in fact a model for fragment dispersion and probability to hit. That's why you see sometimes see a solider unscathed 10m from a blast meanwhile their buddy 20m away goes down. Feel free to discuss if what we have in game now matches reality etc. that's a noble goal.
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