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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the May scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMFB A Nasty Surprise CMBN MG Joe's Bridge (requires the Market Garden module) The forum post on theBlitz to sign up.
  2. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the May scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMFB A Nasty Surprise CMBN MG Joe's Bridge (requires the Market Garden module) The forum post on theBlitz to sign up.
  3. Cats, man they suck sometimes. Except for the black ones
  4. Cool thanks - you could tweak the file names so you don't stomp on the existing files. Or, better yet, copy them to the folder I just created named CMFI. I read the above that @nightops is cool with people sharing what ever they have up there. He can slap me down if I have that wrong
  5. I hear ya. It is one of those learn once - never do it again things. At least that's my story. I don't have CMSF so I am of limited help at this point. If you run through our suggestions and still have problems, I would recommend opening a help desk ticket. They are pretty good about trouble shooting problems. https://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/
  6. There are three low hanging fruit issues that can cause trouble. You have the .zip, .rar or .7zip files directly in the scenarios folder and not the .btt files (this is kind of a "is it plugged in" kind a thing so don't take offence cause the best and brightest of us have done it even if we will not admit it ). You have to make sure you unpack / unzip the files that are used to distributed the scenarios. The .btt and .cam files need to be in the top level Scenarios and Campaigns folders. Sometimes unzip programs will create sub-directories but the game will not read scenario and campaign files inside sub-directories. The file version of the downloaded files were created with a newer version of the game. If you have downloaded content that was made with a game that was the latest version and fully patched then your older not fully patched game will not see the newer files. Are you sure you have fully patched your installed game? Honestly I hope it is just one of those simple things cause after that - I have no idea.
  7. This is cool - at the moment I am personally interested in the CMFI scenarios and campaigns. As you may recall I wanted to find out where those files you had came from, for my scenario list: http://www.combatmission.lesliesoftware.com/index.html Are you up for uploading them too? @nightops are you cool with that?
  8. ^^^ This. It is not clear to me if targeting the area where a wounded Javelin team was located would actually wreck the system and spare missiles. It makes perfect sense that it would and you can certainly kill wounded soldiers doing this. It would be an interesting experiment to see what happened to the gear. If someone did such an experiment make sure you test the control situation - buddy aid the same team (using a saved game) multiple times to verify that the state of the launcher and missiles is deterministic and not randomly checked when buddy aided. In other words first we would need to verify that the game actually keeps track of the status of the gear lying around on the ground or if it behaves like Schrodinger's cat.
  9. It appears over the AA gun that scores the kill. It looks like hit text.
  10. As one of your AA guns takes down a plane a text message will appear over it to say that an aircraft has been destroyed.
  11. Don't forget guys that shaken and panicked troops are the ones breaking and running. The ones in good order are withdrawing. You are not the only commander on the battlefield. The TacAI plays the role of the squad leader and team leaders at least part of the time. They have the initiative to pull back to preserve their men. I'm just reminding everyone that not all of the pulling back is panicked routing. Clearly there is plenty of room to discuss when that should and should not be happening and how well they make their choices.
  12. The battle pack is by definition just scenarios and campaigns and QB maps. What you are asking for would be a module or vehicle pack at least. That kind of thing is coming eventually. The thing is we don't yet have a picture of what they might contain. Or if they will stick to other countries or stay only on the fictional time line they created for the game.
  13. I'm not sure if you are asking if that would technically work or if the OP would be satisfied with that. I cannot speak for the OP but that would work for the game. So, technically possible.
  14. Yes, very valid point. Compared to fantasy FPS games with health monitors and power ups more realism is better and this game takes it quite far. So, we are talking about just how far to go or not go.
  15. Oops. What are those things called again, T84 right. It's always chalenging to get the performance of vehicles that have not had 70 years of analysis just right.
  16. Exactly. I wrote this up somewhere else but here are the exceptions to the rule "your lazer detector goes off you pop smoke and back away fast": 1) The crew is currently executing fast move order. This is assumed that the TC is trying to get to good cover and you are better off getting there than trying to backup in the open. 2) You are currently in the firing sequence and about to engage a target. This is assuming that you are engaging the guy that is engaging you - in which case you are better off getting the job done - ASAP.
  17. Yeah, this very unclear. Some people are reporting major differences, other people are experiencing not much has changed. It is not clear to me if there really is a difference or not. Remember they always did pull back on their own - even before becoming Shaken or Panicked. I am unsure how to test for how much has changed. My own experience is that not much is different. So, CMBS shipped that way. Nothing has changed. This kind of report feeds into my concerns that there is not really any difference but we are all "seeing" a difference because we are peeked to look for it. First by BFC saying they changed the troop behaviour and now by people chiming in that things are different. You are, I believe, the second person to say that tanks are more skittish than before and I am quite sure that is *not* the case. In CMBS they always have been - cause getting lazed = bad, really, really bad. Yeah, I'm not so sure any more. I have been playing real games with the v4 engine upgrade for a while now and the only thing I am planning to investigate is if troops are more prone to abandon fox holes and trenches while under artillery barrage than they used to be. My feeling is that any other skittishness is unchanged, within the margin of error. I am reserving some judgment for now just in case
  18. Perhaps a better approach would be to have the whole line fall back to secondary positions. You can put a pause order on them (press P 10 times or use the quick pause command). If they get into the shaken or panic state they will drop the order and retreat but other wise they should stay there and die for you. I personally find I tend to try to hold a position just a little to long, usually by the time my guys are running back on their own I should have ordered a withdrawal the turn before.
  19. ?? Surely you are not suggesting that it is wrong to aim per burst of an SMG. Your pixel troops, like the real ones, want thier target to go down and stay down. Three, five, 25 bullets to the center of mass is not wasted. I thier minds that is. Yeah, need a recording of that for the record because that's an awesome outlier!
  20. The latter. And they use what they have in hand so, in this case they guy had his rifle over his shoulder while running and his pistol in hand.
  21. Actually I would prefer not to get into that game (two sites already have that). If you follow the link to the information on the Scenario Depot you can see the rating there. Or you can do the same for those scenarios that have been played at the Blitz.
  22. But then we would have to have a discussion about whether or not you should be able to see the fire cracker in flight...
  23. Nope those are the ways. Oh wait direct gun fire works too. No engineers with satchel charges cannot destroy a bridge. Direct from Steve: A couple more discussions:
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