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Everything posted by Stagler

  1. There are two. I also achieved a similar result when playing against the AI. I might need to tweak the parameters or increase the blue force size. When I played this on H2H with my mate, I got my arse soundly kicked, I had 31 KIA and 4 vehicles lost. Minor Mujihadeen victory as I managed to get almost two platoon remenants safely past the village and I occupied his village objective. I think its just that the AI isnt great and playing a human player who can plan ambushes properly and utilise the IEDs is better.
  2. For a small QB battle? It would usually be a platoon. With Soviet Army or DRA it is a motor rifle platoon in either BMPs or BTRs. With Soviet Airborne it is a platoon with either BMDs or very rarely a platoon on foot. Sadly though more often than not you will be saddled with a completely useless and unlikely platoon to be conducting such a mission, such as an airborne anti-tank platoon, or the company weapons platoon. This often leaves you no choice but to restart the mission and hope for a better allotment of troops. CAS and other artillery assets that are outside the company or battalion structure are also sadly seldom assigned to you in QBs in CMA.
  3. It is indeed sad that some new features for CMBN wont be patched into CMA and CMSF. I am especially disappointed about the QB TO&E mechanics not being included. Anywho, great mission this Eddie. It really was a challenge to get Tomashev back to the hill without him getting slotted for me. Im working on a scenario myself at the moment for CMA, ill put it up when its done.
  4. US vs Russia in NE Europe. Still feasible, still feasible, even today or in the near future.
  5. Agreed. Needs less technicals. Just to test I did ten QBs, Mujihadeen infantry, in scenario editor mode so I could see what they had. Six times out of the ten they had two large technical forces and only a handful of foot soldiers.
  6. Mjkerner. Really all you have to do is paint in the AI paths and set the times they will leave the painted areas. It depends on what mission you want. Judging by the map with the farm in the middle. Id say meeting engagement. For QBs i make 3 AI plans for each side, with 2 groups for each plan for each side. Just paint in the areas where you want the groups to deploy, then move to. Id just have two groups pincering on the farm for one plan. The next plan id have both do a straight down the middle assault. And for the final plan id have one group attack, then the other attack from a flank later on. Say about 15 minutes into the game. Dont forget to paint in support areas as well where you want the AI to drop its artillery.
  7. Not necisarily. It was under the wrong category in the repository, so i updated it into the right one.
  8. Ill be having a crack at making some maps for CMBN. I never played the original CM games but im sure I can come up with some imaginative maps of northern france for QBs. Now that the QB mode has been made more streamlined and accessible, I think that the maps I make for CMBN will be perhaps used more.
  9. As a professional military historian I can say that this topic has been bantered over for my past half decade in higher study. What I would recommend is reading Allan Millet and Williamson Murray's Military Effectiveness, Volume 3. As is so oft said, history is what we make it, so its really up to oneself to look into the topic and then form their own educated conclusion.
  10. How come the faces on these guys and on CMSF are so much better than the ones on CMA?
  11. Just popping a question. Does anyone know if there will be a German campaign? Im sure youll be able to play as OPFOR on the scenarios and QBs but will there be a campaign.
  12. I started this thread to report a bug that I am getting, and make a suggestion for the next patch. Feel free to post any bugs and suggestions about CMA v1.02 for the next patch when it is released. - The bug that I have is that sometimes on QBs, even when you set your date to pre-1985, you get late mechanised infantry companies mounted in BMP2s and BTR80s. I dont know why this is. - The suggestion I would like to make, is that when doing QBs maybe have the level of off map support you have available linked to one of the quality of your forces categories. So if you have Excellent forces, you have excellent artillery support and airpower. I seem to be getting very little air support and nothing more than organic company mortar support in the way of off map support during QBs. I have played four consecutive medium sized QBs and have had no Air support on any of them, what you usually just get is the company mortar squad and a platoon of Vasilek Automatic Mortars. After reading Grau's book it seems that very few missions were undertook without some sort of artillery preparation of the battlefield or air support, even during the early years of the counterinsurgency. Thanks.
  13. the video with the car. this happens on CMA nearly all the time. A BTR or BMP driving almost 90 degrees up a mountain slope haha. i wish they would enable thresholds for vehicle maneouverability.
  14. Is anyone struggling with the late airborne company campaign, Bloody days? It seems you get given a ridiculously hard scenario, blocking, destroying an Islamic company and seizing the village of Malikheil; then get an even harder one, assaulting a training camp surrounded my minimal cover with only 82mms firing in support.
  15. What I would like to see in the final patch for CMA and CMSF is more airsupport and divisional artillery being avaiable in the QB mode. Even make the QB mode similar to CMBN if it is possible, but failing that a way to influence offmap supports in the setup screen. Even if this is linking offmap supports to the quality level of your troops or equipment sliders in the QB setup screen. In CMSF i always seem to have just intergrated mortars avaible and almost no airsupport. The same but worse with CMA.
  16. AKD, any progress mate? Any word from the powers that be? Can you use the CMA guys?
  17. gonner be jizzin' when this comes out. Be a fresh change from fighting in Iraq type surroundings and blasting the next lot of uncons in a village.
  18. They are CMA Mujihadeen. AKD must of gott the CMA models and renamed them to be the insurgent ones so CMSF uses them instead, they have the same equipment as the basic insurgent squad.
  19. Id most like to see the weather options finished, and more leeway on the dates. Thats it, CMSF is ****in jizzin' as is.
  20. Imho I think they should finish the weather options in CMSF and CMA in one final patch when CMBN comes out. They are there but not enabled, id love to see falling snow on torabora.
  21. AKD ingenious plan there using the CMA guys as talibans. I would of opted for a reskin but that is superior. Nice work mate its coming along great.
  22. People can do what they please with these maps but remember to credit me. Im sure someone can string together a decent campaign using the village maps. Im particularly proud of Large Assault Village 001 and Medium Assault Hills 002.
  23. It doesnt have to be SAM sites. Important radar structures or supply depots or whatever are all legitimate targets that would be seized in small unit actions.
  24. I use the organic mortars and vasileks for reactive fire support of my infantry because it comes in fastest. Anything else I use for destroying buildings, pounding anything that looks like an OP, or area fires where i definately know there is going to be mujihadeen. Always get your FO team into a good position to call fires, soviet platoon leaders are useless at it so use your FOs when you can. As for infantry tactics, it depends whether or not you are accompanied by IFVs.
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