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Everything posted by Stagler

  1. Just to reiterate my point, now I have some figures in front of me. The ERA depicted in game (Kaktus I presume) reduces KE effect of penetrators by 55%. The FCS depicted ingame on the T-90 series is capable of a 55% chance of first round hit with APFSDS at 2.5km and 90% chance of hit with GLATGM at 4km both with upward of 750RHA penetration. This is just for MBT alone.
  2. To put it plainly and without revealing too much, I am well versed with Russian produced kit, so much as I get paid for it. It would be wise to underestimate Russian equipment. Many of it is capable of compromising NATO kit, well at least ours (British) anyway, which isn't too far flung from American capability and protection wise. @ChrisND. Not to be a peen like, but I saw the BMP-3M models ingame. What classifies the BMP-3"M" is the Bakhcha-U turret which the models you displayed don't have. Are they going to be updated? Cheers.
  3. Afternoon Gents. It would of been nice to see the only recently conceptualised "Armata" MBT in CM:BS and its a shame we wont. A 152mm APFSDS or GLATGM would make an unfortunate mess of any M1. As for the three Russian tanks entering ukraine. It is highly likely, judging from viewing the pictures myself, that they are the same vehicles captured in Crimea, resprayed, then given to the separatists with a small training package or to experienced ex-soldiers or reservists. Many media outlets are claiming T-72 but they are obviously T-64BV which the Russians do not operate in the Moscow District, let alone in the rest of Russia.
  4. Could probably do a half decent uncon conversion for the moment with just reskins when it is released. Especially if there is multiple infantry models. With some skilled retexturing helmets and equipment can be removed.
  5. I understand that this might be a bit of a stretch, but will there be older equipment (late 1980s) included as well when the quality is set to poor? I could then let my Fulda Gap imaginations run wild.
  6. It wont be hard to do a retexture of the heads as balaclava heads.
  7. Then im sorry Erwin but your doing it wrong. I agree with Agusto, the ARMA series (besides A3) absolutely does not lack in any way depth or realism. The game is yours to make. As posted above, with ACE 2 and a realistic gameplay oriented group, it is the best combat simulation product in existance, as I know a few members of this forum who were also part of an old ARMA group I was part of will attest to. Sorry for going offtopic, Cheers.
  8. Chill out fellas we're all five eyes in here. Just get along like we are meant to and discuss with a degree of professionalism , if someone claims to know something take their word for it. No need to dispute ALL the things.
  9. Even if the CM:BS troops will be in Flora uniforms and PPE. I will be skinning them on release in Digi-flora.
  10. I think that even though Russia wont be technically getting new "allied" forces through modules, different Russian branches could be added. MVD when uncons are added for example. Or Russian VDV as a branch if only heavy MSV units are included in the initial game.
  11. I do believe that these are quite up to date and informative, and based on the unreleased 1990 version of the Soviet Tactics Manual published by the US military. http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA304379&Location=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdf http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA304332&Location=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdf Small unit tactics and operational art have not really changed in the Russian military since the 1990s. Although they have substantially improved small unit tactics training and the autonomy and mobility of the basic infantry section through experience in the two Chechen wars.
  12. Russian appearance in CM Black Sea? Here, a Russian appearance, in the Black Sea Region
  13. You are correct it is boomerang. T-80UD i meant, is now being stored by those tank units for use in wartime and because maintenance costs. BMP-3M is in service, the one you probably are thinking of is bmp-3m with kontakt package which was a test platform. 3m package is upgraded engine and fighting compartment. Here is some from parade: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/images/2010russiatour/attachement/jpg/site1/20100507/0023ae6cf3690d4e075460.jpg T-90MS tagil is being proposed to army. Who knows if they might purchase some in the black sea prospective future.
  14. Information from RAE 14 also indicated a new modular system similar to Stryker coming into service maybe into the timeframe of the game. Kurganets I believe. Should be a good match up for near future US Army forces, I am less familiar with their in-progress new platforms however. The baseline hybrid force that most Nato armies have in contingency training is equipped with 1990-2000 era kit as standard. I'm looking forward to seeing modern Russian close combat attack aviation in action.
  15. Russian forces in lower priority military districts do have older kit, these category B and C units are maintained to fight counterinsurgency and for category B conventional operations, thus they were sent to Afghanistan, Chechnya, and Georgia. Category A units however such as 106th and 76th Guards VDV, and 4th Guards tank div are all at high readiness in the western military district but their kit is all centrally stored forcing them to be moved by rail, or by airlift/air landing to their starting line. These are the units that are equipped with BMP-3M, BMD-4, T-90MS, T-90M, T-80UM and eventually ARMATA by 2017. The May Day Red Square parade units are not household units, every year a different guards unit gets a chance to take part in the parade and they swap around different units. Some years you will see VDV and some Tank or Motor-Rifle units. I think two years ago there was a naval infantry unit. DIS. Edit: Oops I forgot to say, by 2017 Russian Ground forces are SUPPOSED to be equipped with the new digital pattern uniform entirely. This will remain to be seen, but is planned.
  16. After discussing such events at work (from a british point of view). We came to the conclusion that a conventional conflict would be very short and very brutal, with emphasis on a large stage of pre-positional manouevering, before a very short battle with most of UK 1 ARMD DIV, and most of the attacking Russian/Ukrainian pro-Russian being depleted and an agreement being settled in Russia's favour. I see the actual campaign set probably over the course of a week at most, with a campaign for each side. That is probably fair.
  17. Could have the cache work like a placeable static vehicle such as a bunker. And editors can make it so if it destroyed or "seen" then it gives points as an objective.
  18. T-90A isn't the best Russian tank. T-80U is. T-80U could easily go against an M1A2 or a Challenger 1 in a slugging match with a high possibility of winning. T-90 and T-72B are just as capable of killing an M1A2 with their 2A46M or GLATGM, its just that they have lower survivability. To think of the Gulf war as an example of Western vs Eastern kit is extremely outdated, nevermind the fact that the Iraqi kit was all export model gear. Besides, I believe CMSF2 will be set in near future. So Russia will have current development kit in service. Also to note is the fact that tanks aren't everything, you have to look at everything in a combined arms picture. Russian doctrine is different to western but its troop leaders are much more skilled, motivated and adaptable than that of Syria, the example which you quoted. And to think that Russian troops would not put up a fight is to be naïve. Russian professional soldiers have been to war over three times in the last twenty years. They have experience and have survived. Despite their military not being ready for the low intensity conflicts they have fought in the past twenty years. It is however true that Russian low readiness units are not as motivated as others. But high readiness units such as all the VDV divisions, the guards divisions, and the Naval Infantry are as motivated and drilled as any western unit. Especially now Russia has come out of the economic slump of the 1990s and can afford to run large scale training exercises again. Russian frontal aviation is just as advanced as western aviation, its just the rest of the Russian airforce isn't and lacks interception capability. But for the purposes of CMSF 2 which I guess will not model CAP or interception, Russian CAS capability will be just as deadly as western. Mi-28N, KA-50/52, SU-39, Mi-24PN. All systems with FLIR and advanced avionics, all carrying tandem and/or triple HEAT warhead AT missiles. All realistic threats to western armour. It doesn't need to be a "tom Clancy airborne dropping into kiev" situation. Georgia has showed us the possibility of limited wars with Russia. I don't think it will be as high stakes as you are thinking. Even so, I for one wouldn't mind such an action represented in CMSF2 to explore the possibilities.
  19. You forgot Russian Naval Infantry and their black sea fleet
  20. Hi fellas. I had to reformat my C drive due to being locked out by a rather annoying and smart virus, thus losing my CMSF modules and the download files and any chance to unliscence them. I hope to install it again on my fresh C. Which course of action should I take?
  21. I would not assume anything. I would think that Russia would already be un Ukraine and that NATO would be trying to attack to remove them or assist the Ukrainians taking back their occupied territory. There is no way the US could get its hardware to Ukraine before Russia, even if Russia launched a suprise attack or even if it had a 3 month build up. And to answer,yes. PAK-FA is an air superiority fighter so would be used by frontal aviation for CAP, BUK complex is a integrated radar-launcher tracked mobile EL for Bn level AA defence. S-500 is strategic level long range AA but is still a mobile TEL complex capable of being moved.
  22. Russia has sufficient countermeasures to stop the US wiping out its Air defences. Russia has a strong air defence network today. In the time frame this game will be set Russia will possess its latest generation of air defences BUK-M2, PAK-FA jet, and S-500 series.
  23. i wasnt aware you could move maps between titles. How is this done?
  24. I think that Uncons will be included as part of Ukrainian partisans. Still, I shall pursue Chechen War scenarios when im doing Red v Red
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