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Posts posted by mjkerner

  1. That's my one (minor) gripe with the game, I just view it as an early AAR before all the troop leaders have reported in and many dead and missing become present for duty or wounded. Or I just reverse the numbers in my head.

    But it may have an affect on game campaigns; if so, I hope the adjust it eventually.

  2. randy, I have that mouse. In IL2, that happened every time the game screen came up. And I played daily for years. I figured out a workaround: minimize the game (I have a microsft icon on one of my keys, the one between Ctrl and Alt that minimizes)--anyhoo, minimize, then re-maximize the game, and the mouse was back. I don't have any trouble with this mouse and CMBN, by the way.

  3. Nice screenies!

    Hmm. Is there a key to make screenshots in the game? And where does it put them?

    (can't remember how that worked in CMx1)

    Not in the game, irrc. But you can hit printsrceen on your keyboard, open graphics program (I use Infranview for these, then edit in Paintshop Pro), hit ctrl + V, and voila!--save to wherever

  4. This is from another thread, but belongs here too....


    Originally Posted by YankeeDog

    "IRL, the Rhino was very effective, but I have read accounts where it took more than one "charge" to fully break up a really tough embankment and allow the tank to drive through."

    That happened to me last night. One rhino appeared to be bogged going through bocage, but wasn't...it was wallowing, so to speak. I reversed and sent it in again and he busted through. God is this ever a well-designed game!!!

  5. IRL, the Rhino was very effective, but I have read accounts where it took more than one "charge" to fully break up a really tough embankment and allow the tank to drive through.

    That happened to me last night. One rhino appeared to be bogged going through bocage, but wasn't...it was wallowing, so to speak. I reversed and sent it in again and he busted through. God is this ever a well-designed game!!!

  6. I can definitely confirm that there will be no release today. It would have been nice, agreed, and we have been shooting for a friday release for some time, but we want to take the extra days over the weekend to digest the demo first, and make sure everything is prepared just right for the release.

    Ahhhhhh, sweet, sweet release on Monday or Tuesday. ("No no, Honey it's not what you think. I'm talking about a game. No dear, never mind. Go back to sleep.")

  7. I've been having a "rolling planned vacation" since mid-April, telling my boss on successive Fridays that "I've got too much going on to take next week off". Today I told him "I finally decided I'll take next week, for sure!" :D

    I will being playing the Demo to death this weekend if the Game isn't released today/tonight. But it should be released at least by Tuesday, right?

  8. akd:

    1) It's not disappearing...it never shows when I go to the 3d screen. It's AWOL.

    2) I'm at work now, so don't recall exactly, but 3 different stone bridges.

    3) 2 tiles wide. All the bridges were long enough, because I would set 2 of the same kind down, about 100 or so meters apart. Only one shows up. Oh, and I tried it with only 1 water tile wide. Still one one bridge shows.

    4) yes, doesn't matter.

    I figure it's no reall big deal if it's only a demo thing. If it happens in the Game, then there's a problem.

  9. I go to bed at 10:00 US Central Time, get up to pee (which rarely happens at night) at 2:30, and ask myself...am I going really go to the PC and just check? Damn, what the hell. I do believe I have become a Refresh monkey afterall. That said, YES! Demo's here!!! Thanks Steve and BFC!!

    But I have about an hour or so to go on the dl , from the German site, so I'm hitting the sack and will have to wait until after work tomorrow to check it out.

  10. Whoa, Wodin, speak for yourself, please. It is the HG to me, and that should be enough said. This first game and all that follows is the HG simply because it is the beginning of what will be a life-long avocation. I am well aware of all the things that aren't in this first game, and shortcomings that are likely, because I have played CMSF and all its modules.

    Chill, pal.

  11. I spent 9 years straight on IL2 Sturmovik, which was the Holy Grail of WWII air combat simulation. I once went 18 months with only 7 days (computer or connection outages, mainly) where I was not playing the game, modding the game, making missions and visiting the forums at least for at least an hour a day, more often two or more a day.

    But, I uninstalled it and all the flight controls, etc., last week in prep for CMBN. For me, this is the culmination of almost 40 years of board/miniature/computer gaming WWII. More importantly, it will allow me the virtually visceral feel of squad level WWII combat; a sort of computer visualization of all the many, many thousands of books, movies, and conversations with vets like my father (RIP) and his buddies about that particular war, with which I have been intrigued and infatuated since I was about 4-5 years old...I'm now 57.

    In short, this game and all that follows it will be nothing short of an avocation for me!

  12. JonS, coincidentally, my order from this place [http://www.ww2dday.com/bigotshop/25000.html] for reproduction military maps came yesterday, and the maps are beautiful! On the back of the Ste Marie do Mont is the legand, covering all the various German weapons that had been located and marked on the map, the terrain, etc. The large type heading is:

    "Martian Defense Plan"

    I can only assume that either the Martians had actually landed on Earth in '36 (New Jersey having been a feint, apparently), or it was a code name. But the thing is, the cities, towns and villages were in their real names--no attempt to disguise them as being in Normandy.

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