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Posts posted by mjkerner

  1. Boy, I know what you mean, Phil. I had a cinematic moment yesterday (well, I've had a lot of then, actually). A glider squad (about 6 guys) was breaking through a gap in the bocage to cross a road to head through a gap in the other hedgerow. About 15 yds to their left, the road curved to the left...so they were on one leg of the L-shaped road. The lead man was just stepping onto the road, and the last couple of guys were just coming through the hedgerow, when a squad of about 8 Jerries comes around the corner, and appear to be headed for the same gap! So they're running sort of parallel, like that scene in Private Ryan where Tom Sizemore ends up throwing his helmet at one of the Germans. There were 2 glidermen scouts hunkering down near the gap in the hedgrow that the other glidermen were heading for, and the Germans and Americans were looking at each other, but still moving for maybe 3 seconds, when the scouts finally let loose. Then the other Glidermen started firing, some still moving, then the Germans opened up. About 15 Tommie guns, Garands, Mausers and Schmeissers firing furiously all at the same time 10 yards apart in a relatively confined area! Loud as hell, and lasted for about 10 seconds. Only two Americans were wounded, and they nailed all the Germans. It was an adrenalin moment, and very cinematic!

    Alas, no pics or vid...it was in RT.:(

  2. I'm still a little confused (not unusual). The player or the AI are going to pick forces based on what the player decides. I understand the player picks his type of battle: assualt, attack, etc., and the mapmaker can rather generically lay out plans accordingly, but how does the game pick which unit is going to be in which order group? It seems without knowing the units, it will be impossible to set orders/plans. Or do you stay away from order groups. I don't see many in the game-shipped QBs.


  3. Are any scenario-makers interested in a 600m x 600m map? It has a lot of different features...marshy water courses, woods, lots of bocage, sunken lanes, farmsteads. Good infantry country...take your chances with armor.:) I'll upload it if so.

    It's not ready for QB, since there are no AI plans for it...I don't know how to do that without having units assigned. How does BFC do that, anyway? Just paint in various AI group plans, and then when one side is picked by the player, the game assigns various enemy units to those plans? But I digress...



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