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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by mjkerner

  1. I believe Steve has already said that they'd like to release modules around every 6 months or so, but we all know how that can go. I think it was Moon who mentioned pretty confidently in a thread before CMBN was released that he felt we'd be at the Eastern Front in 2 1/2 to 3 years. It seems we'll get one or two modules and/or a new game each year, even if Moon's prediction turns out to be too optimistic.

  2. LOL kind of says it all as far as I am concerned. The game is totally immersive. You friggin care about your pixeltruppen. I don't do it for points or scenario goals. I do it cause my guys are hit!! It just cracks me up that I can get that wrapped up in this game.

    That's how I play, sburke. Amazing a game can do that.

  3. Units can be reorganized on the fly and have the Leadership and C2 benefits just like in CMx1. That is a new feature added to CM:BN. What doesn't happen is the C2 links don't change in the UI. Which means there is no visual confirmation that an on-the-fly reassignment has happened. And this is definitely something we need to fix. Unfortunately, it's an example of a great idea that came up very late in development and there was no time to futz with the UI, but there was time to implement the gameplay aspect. Better to have the gameplay aspect and imperfect UI than it is to wait for until we have time for the UI.


    Steve, you mean on the fly while in game? How does that work...just being in proximity to an HQ or somefink?

  4. Mord, I have a couple of ahistorical infantry/few tanks scenarios to go with acouple of maps I'm making (hopefully the maps will be finished and uploaded this weekend as QB maps). These are mostly "practice" scenarios for eventually doing a number of historical scenarios of the 82nd/505th actions around the Mederet River- Ste Mere Eglise June 6-11 or so, as soon as I finish those maps...quite a ways out yet.

  5. You move a tank into LOS and then you hope, that your tank will be the one, that shows the target line first. Shoot! Miss. Damn, but the enemy still hasn't seen and engaged your tank! Second shot! Miss again. And now the yellow target line from the enemy appeared! Damn, in a few seconds he will shoot back!

    But Steiner, with all due respect, you need target lines for that tension? I agree that the tension aspect is half the fun. But I have that anyway, all the time, in this game. I never played CMx1, only CMSF before, so I'm not used to target lines, and they sound absolutely annoying immersion-killer. I play RT (but once in a while WEGO when I want to capture some movie footage for Movietone Newsreels :D) so maybe that has something to do with it. But the tension is there every time I move a squad through a hedgerow, or a tank around a corner. I've had numerous moments of tank meeting tank, me swinging my tank's turret around and wondering who's getting off the first shot. I guess to each his own, and if there was an ability to toggle a target line on/off, that would apparently please a lot of people. But is the lack of one that much of a game killer?

  6. You can just paint Orders taking the path you want them to, paint the spot you want scouted, then have other Orders after that taking them back to the start or wherever you want them to go. Did you want them to linger at the scouting spot?

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