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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by mjkerner

  1. When I was a kid in the late '50's - mid 60's, my friends and I killed countless Germans and Japanese on a daily basis in our backyards, using our fathers' bona fide war booty (web gear, my Dad's Japanese bayonet--sheathed, unfortunately) and our numerous toy guns. Swearing was done on the low down, lest adults would hear us. (Just like Ralphie in the movie "A Christmas Story", we learned all kinds of swear words from being around our fathers.)

    To this day, none of those friends or I have killed anyone in real life. We all still swear. :D

  2. Well, this is covered in other threads, but we will have several games (Normandy, Bulge and East Front), each with 3-4 modules. As I understand it, you'll have to buy each game (and modules, of course). What I'm not clear about is if the games will be integrated; that is, if I buy Normandy and all the modules, then buy the Bulge game, will those two games be "together" when I fire up either game on my 'puter?

  3. Am I right in thinking the AI might also have different plans per battle? That can make things interesting in Shock Force. Although you may know exactly what units the enemy has at its disposal, you might not necessarily know when you will face them. I've played most of the Shock Force campaigns several times, and even though I recognise the battles I replay, the AI positions its forces differently in the most part.

    It looks like it, phil...don't imagine they'd step back from that in this title. If scenario designers take the time, and make multiple AI plans for both sides in their scenarios, even one-off battles can be played repeatedly with different results.

    I'm hoping that's the case with the two scenarios we're getting with the Demo--one of the testers already has said that the scenarios have plans for both sides...I just don't know if each side has multiple plans. Since I'll be playing them over and over until the game arrives, I sure hope so!

  4. And at the size of CM:BN that itself takes many hours per tester.

    I've been wondering about this since Steve first posted it. Our download won't take that long, right? Not that it will be much of a problem, I guess, except the frustration of a broken connection after a couple of hours and have to start again.

  5. Its more detailed and has a realistic look and feel then CMBB.

    I am playing a campaign and starting to feel responsible not only for my men but also my material. I.e. I want to move to a fire position in a bocage line. 1st I bring my mortar in position and the ammo team close to it in case its running out of ammo. Next I select a squad, detach a scout element and move it to the position, then I bring the squad and finally the platoon. After they are deployed I send in my armour.. no not just drive them to them.. 1st I destroy with my Sherman’s main gun the wooden fence gate to prevent track damage. Then I navigate them with slow orders step by step through the gate. Finally I move them towards the infantry platoon. In the old days I would drive the armour 1st and took the risk it would be knocked out.

    Making maps in the editor is also fun. With tools like google maps you can pick any place in France and create it for CMBN. There is so many documentation these days on internet you can recreate any historic battle you like and far more realistic then in the old days.

    CMBN It’s so real you can almost smell it. :D

    Oh man, I think I'm getting wet! :D

  6. Yeah, I have next week off, also very hard to come by lately, and I was hoping I'd have 5 solid days to get my CMBN fix. Well, maybe we'll get the demo early to mid-week and the game by the end of the week.

    I am proud of myself, though...last night, after about 6:30, I didn't once go to the computer and refresh. Not until just now (8:30 am CDT). So much for my thought that it would appear if I just laid off for a night!

  7. Broadsword56,

    You talkin' to me? You gotta be joking! "I can probably work it out by painful trial-and-error" about sums it up for me so far. I used to make maps just on the fly from a hand drawing. I crashed Google earth when I tried to use their topo maps (which I thought was supposed to be an overlay), so now I just take a Google Earth screenshot, save it, find a topo map, screenshot/save, and those and just refer to them when I'm in the editor.

    OTOH, I'm certain there are those here who do know these mysteries.

    P.S. I do know how to use the ruler, and generally zooming in and out, saving places, etc., is about the extent of my GE knowledge.

  8. Michael, a hopeful response like yours was what I was trolling for. I have been a refresh monkey of late, but really only because I have next week off work. I figure it could be later, which would be disappointing, but I'll live. I've kept busy delving back into the CMSF editor to practice map-making, after a long hiatus from it, been re-reading the Division histories of the 1st, 4th, 9th, 30th, and 82nd & 101 AB, and checking out Google Earth in preparation for THE EVENT.

    But it is a big deal, since it is SL/ASL/Panzerblitz Live, which I've basically been waiting for for about 35-40 years. So:

    Hi Everyone, my name is Mark and I'm a CMBN-coholic.

  9. Well, I was hoping against hope, like we all were, that at least the Demo would be out this week. It still could, of course, but I just don't think it will come out until early next week at the earliest, and the game....fuggetaboutit! I was hoping "around the end of April" wouldn't be more than, say, May 15, but I don't have a good feeling anymore that it will get here before June. Damn.

  10. usgubgub, I share your sentiment. If I were Bill Gates, I'm afraid the Red Cross and other good charities would suffer, since I'd give $millions$ to BFC and Oleg Maddox's team (IL2 Sturmovik and progeny). But I can and would give $ to BFC for the same reason and also without conditions. Let me know if Steve contacts you...seriously.

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