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Posts posted by mjkerner

  1. Cull, I went through the same thought process and concern as I started to figure out AI plans. I think you answered your own question. A map good for infantry probably isn't good for tanks, but if the player wants tanks, wwell, things might get goofy. So I decided on more generic plans. OTOH, I get fairly specigfic with set up areas. I don't want infantry starting out in the middle of fields, say, so I will make that zone along the hedgrows. If tanks go in there, well, then they're lined up all ready to start blasting away through the hedge, I guess. But then the AI would path them as it saw fit to get to the next map zone.

    Anyway, I plan on just forewarnig players that this map may not be armor friendly, if that was the case.

  2. Don't forget the CBI theatre was part of the Pacific. I'd love to see both the island hopping and Phillipines/Burma actions, but to do it right would require it's own game (maybe several, like the Eatern Front) and modules, I'd think. Then again, maybe some one will mod it (like the Korea CMSF mod) or a 3rd party will make it (like CM:A). We can hope, anyway.

  3. It appears more difficult than it is. Once you climb the learning curve, it is smooth sailing and lots of testing with scenario author mode.

    You got that right, Sarge. I let the AI plan process stymie me for the whole time I played CMSF because it seemed hard to grasp, so I never really tried. I just made maps and full scenarios. But I really wasn't going to let that happen with this game, so starting meessing with it last week and I can't believe how really easy it is to deal with AI plans. And fun to watch them play out (sort of, enemy and environmental factors notwithstanding) as planned.

  4. I know that feeling...got trumped on a mod for CMA and never did get around to finishing it...but, hey keep at! The more the merrier...plus you'll get lots of insight into using the editor and working out your plans, think of it as practice for more awesome stuff you'll make later...AND It'll get played my friend, trust me!

    LOL, Normal Dude's one of the masters of scenario-making, so I can learn alot from him. I will still be working on mine until I complete it, since it's just a lot of fun and it neat to discover how to make things look right by trial and error. I plan on making make scenarios covering the actions all around the area June 6-15, and around Ste Mere Eglise. I can't think of a better way to spend my liesure time for the next, oh, six months or so! :) Besides, I learned how to use a lot of features in Google maps these last two months leading up to the game's release for what I hope are all kinds of scenarios for CMBN and beyond.

    @Normal Dude, I used for sources Phil Nordyke's "All American-All the Way" and his companion volumes about the 504th and 505th; Robert Murphy's "No Better Place to Die"; various websites, a couple of my Dad's buddies who were veterans of the 82nd (now deceased, sadly), and various US Army maps of the period. I also used the 1999 Critical Hit Boardgame "Combat Normandy" which surprisingly had some very good research included with it. But none of those sources provided much in the way of the German TO&E on the west side of the Merderet. I don't know what might be found in German sources, do you? I figure if nothing else, I'll use the boardgame scenarios as a guide.

  5. Hey Mord, thanks for the great mod. I was wondering what you were working on,..I assumed it was a sound mod. :) You've added another nice touch to this wonderful game. In CMSF and IL2 I spent more time screwing around with the editor than actually playing the game, and in the last week with CMBN, it's been the same. I can't break away from making and continually changing and refining maps.


  6. Hey Mord, the 91st Luftlande Div was scraped together from various units in 1943 and were supposed to be trained in counter-airborne landings, but they didn't have alot of that before D-Day, but they have some smaller units within it's TO&E that were trained as such. They were the principal unit that the US Airborne ran into the first few days and nights after their drop (aside from coastal divisions. IRRC, they had 2 Grenadier Regts (1057 and 1058) and the 6th Fallschirmjaeger Regt. was attached.

    I hope you're going to mod their uniforms. :D

  7. Watching this game up close and personal is truly incredible. The amount of detail present and fast action with no video glitches, even with everything set on "better" or "best" (I have a laptop, BTW) is just phenomenal. It is like watching a war movie, only better because I am the "director" if you will.

    If we are witness to this sort of video and computing fidelity now, I can only wonder what will be available in 5-10-15 years. But right now, it is making a one-time-kid-playing-with-toy-soldiers, a very, very happy geezer grog. :D

    My thoughts exactly, Gunner. My liesure time is truly set for the rest of my life!:D

  8. Hey, you guys got a bonus scenario...half finished. I uploaded the version from my Game File, instead of from myseparate Mods file. A platoon of US Airborne troopers have to take the farm. It was a long way from being done, even though the Germans do have an AI plan.

    I'll upload a clean map here and at GreenAsJades. Sorry for the confusion.

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