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Posts posted by mjkerner

  1. If I just want to play attacker, and have a static defense, I don't use set-up zones or further orders for them. I just place everyone where I want them (don't forget to "save" when you get back to the editor from deploying units) and they will defend OK and run away, etc., as play progresses. (At least they seem to do so--I haven't extensivelty tested it.) But since I like to have local counterattacks to fend off, I have at least one group with an AI plan that comes in as a reinforcement for the defender.

    But without a setup plan and saving the deployment, they seem to stay where you put them.

  2. De Savage, I just tried that for the first time two nights ago, and was surpirsed you apparently can't do that. It was on your Mulhouse/Op Eisenbahn map when I was trying to replicate the damage from my first play through, for the follow up scenario I am putting togetehr (for personal use) I mentioned in another thread. Anyway, I hope they fix it or somefink soon.

  3. Hey De Savage, on my planned "replay" map alterations, last night using the last "Save Game" I went so far as to make every blown hole in hedgreows, craters from Arty fire, blasted tanks, etc., from the first game. I've thought about doing that for a while, and finally decided this was the map and scenario to do that. I plan to keep adding damage to the map and end up over time having a see-saw battles over much-blasted ground.

  4. De Savage,

    I played your first iteration of this scenarios as Axis (I'm not even certain there was an Allied AI Plan), and I really, really like the map! I have even expanded it a little on the North (?) end (the Allied side, I forget whether it's N or S) so I could set up a follow-up scenario where the Axis have grabbed the farms/villas at that end and the Allies are counterattacking all the way back to the village the Axis were holding at the the other end of the map.

    Can't wait to try out this final version this weekend.

  5. To be sure, there are other differences between Warrior and Iron...

    But I would like to see the unit info panel for enemy units changed to something very simple like just "Infantry" or something like that, for Iron level play at least. Right now, I just restrict myself to not clicking on enemy units until after the battle is over. I also avoid deliberately using close-up view of enemy units to discover their uniforms and weapons load-out (this is an easy way to find enemy command and FO teams, even without looking at the info panel).

    That's what I do too. [i only discovered that I could click on the enemy icon and get info a couple of days ago !] Those faded contacts (sound?) I just assume to be old info unless they're shooting back or moving.

  6. Heh, I'll assume the shot on this one. Ah, now the wounded rabbit routine.

    "I was only pointing out things needing improving and the nasty beta-tester/BFC staff attacked me without reason. This is clearly another sign the game/company is broken."

    Your rant here and elsewhere suffer from a very common ailment of this generation; self-absorbed hyperbolic perspective syndrome.

    The game isn't broken just because you think it is. Foxholes are not citadels. MGs are very close but could use some FPF tweaking. Covered arcs and hide could use some work but tactics can be adjusted. Thanks, got it. And plse hold the emoticons.

    Well said, Capt. You will never please Steiner14, apparently. I don't know whether he suffers from SAHPS or not, and don't care. But I am glad for his original posting, since it has brought out very good comments and analysis from patient and knowledgable people on various factor to look for when trying to judge aspects of this game.

    Steiner 14, maybe you should take notice of these responses.

  7. Thanks guys. I didn't see the need to pack each folder's contents, or each folder for that matter, into in a brz, if it wouldn't make any difference for compression purposes. It seems that to the user it wouldn't make any difference either: folder with bmps inside or folder .brz files inside, or folder packed into a brz, the z folder accepts either of them; whereas it would require more tedious work to convert the folders or their guts into a brz--and increasing the chances that I'll screw something up!

  8. Hi,

    Anyone know why when I try to pack my divisional patches mod, Rezpack doesn't recognize the individual division folders and therefore won't duplicate the same file? What it means is that since I have to use the same naming convention for the uniforms as the game does, each modded uniform set--1st Infantry Division, 2nd Infantry Division, etc....has to be in its own separate folder for the player to pick and pop in the game's z folder. But when I try to pack them for uploading, Rezpack will only pack the first folder of a particular uniform type...infantry/armor/airborne infantry. The error logs (I tried several different times) repeat "Duplicate file ignored" or something like that after the first set/folder is packed.

    When I packed my first version of the mod it packed about 5 divisions. (!) :confused: That's why I ended up not using a .brz file for that one.

    So, I'll have to just zip the folders, but it makes for a huge file, and I'll have to split version 2 into several parts. Unless I'm doing something wrong? :confused:

  9. This sounds very promising! Yes, I know you can run the CMBN editor (not the game) in a window -- I've already done that and ALT-TABBED back and forth between the editor and Google earth to check details in certain areas of my battlefield. What's the best way to make sure you've got the editor window (transparent, on top) and your reference image (opaque, on bottom) the same exact size?

    What he said.

  10. I had great fun with this yesterday (in RT). I'm about half way through.

    SPOILER ALERT******************************************

    I put 2 platoons and all the armor over the ford and up the left flank. I wanted to go down the center road, but avoided the temptation. But I'm running low on demo charges, so I have to be careful that I have enough to blast through the remaining hedgerows!

    Great fun! Thanks DeSavage.

  11. I'm nearly ready to upload version 2 of my division patches mod, and was wondering if there is any compression benefit in packing everything in a .brz file before I zip the folders. For game purposes, it won't do any good because you can't just drop the .brz file in the z folder like you can with some other mods, since the files/folders inside would conflict. But when I uploaded the last version, it seemed to take longer when I just zipped them (I think for GaJ's CMMOD site), than when I first put them in a .brz (for Repository), which of course meant one more step for the user (Rez-explode) to have to bother with.

    Thoughts? Answers?


  12. Schlosskirche, scenarios don't go into the z folder, they go into the Battlefront\Combat Mission Battle for Normandy\Game Files\Scenarios folder. The texture and sound mods go into the z folder.

    I keep a copy of all the important folders in another area, and I put all the zips in a folder there. I unzip them there too , and only put the unzipped .brz/folders in the z folder.

    It sometimes gets a little confusing!

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