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Posts posted by mjkerner

  1. Bloody Omaha


    Patboy, where can we get this beautiful map? (And is there a scenario with it?)

    I have only had a quick glance at permanent666's new Omaha Beach scenario/map over the noon hour, but his didn't seem to have as much of a curve to the beach and his didn't seem to have high ground on the flanks like your picture shows.


  2. I hate, hate, hate the C&C system and really miss the red/black lines from CMx1.

    I played one of the CMx1 Demos from the earlier titles about 8 years ago, after I had been hooked on IL2 for a year or two. Although two different types of sims of course, the CMx1 graphics quality was too jarring in comparison. But the other thing that turned me off were the command lines. I felt like I was Kurt Russell in the dog pen in "The Thing". So I never gave the game play a chance. My loss, it sounds like, since there are so many fans even now. I'm not making that mistake twice!

  3. Sounds like the AI is emulating me! Last night I kept firing my Sherman at an AT gun on a hill about 400 yds away. He stopped firing back after I pumped about 8 rounds into the position...turns out it was in hull down and I was blasting the slope immediately in front of him instead of the trench/sandbagged postion itself. But I only knew that when I reviewed the "footage" after the turn. I did suppress it for a while.

    So knowing the AI could do what I did instead of being uber-knowledgable is a good thing, AFAIAC.

  4. As one example of my frustration, X and Z let you zoom in and out. In my experience, the first press lets you zoom in or out one level, but the second press zooms me in or out to the maximum setting and then locks my screen entirely, taking me about five minutes of fumbling around to get it unlocked.

    Hmmm, that doesn't seem right. I use the mouse exclusively for movement of the camera, except for zooming. But when I press one key or the other, it will move in/out only as long as I hold the key down, and it stops zooming in/out as soon as I let up. So is it some sort of keyboard mapping issue you have????

  5. Phil, could it be that your memories of CMBB/CMAK are being viewed through rose-colored glasses a bit? I know I'm that way when I get nostalgic for "the old days" as a kid. Many really good times with board games and miniatures, but I've had more fun with computer sims like IL2 and CMBN. Anyway, I am simply having a blast in spite of some frustrations. I rarely "win", but I don't care, since I look at each scenaruio sort of as an episode of a story...sort of. It's hard to explain, but maybe its best summed up in the phrase "it's the journey, not the destination."

    I have wargamed since I was a kid 50 years ago, in all different eras from Ancients to Modern, but the only era I was never "fulfilled" in was WWII. That's because I never found a rules system or board game that really left me satisfied. I was engrossed with many--ASL comes to mind--but there was always something missing, especially in the solo gaming department which, with kids and demanding jobs over the years, I was forced to do most of the time. So this game, with it's very, very good TacAI, is simply the answer to my gaming prayersafter all these years. I am an unabashed fanboy of BFC because of their game development/support philosophy, and for me, I am entering a truly golden age of gaming.

    I hope you get to that point, too. Good luck.

    Oh, and perhaps because I never played any of the CMx1 games, I don't have that comparison, which appears to be a big factor in your outlook.

  6. it recommended you save all the games you wanted to carry over to the new version in the command portion of your turn, then use that file once you updated your files.

    Why no one has seen that portion of the text blows my mind. I have even done PBEM games and it seems to have worked.

    I installed v101, then when I went to a saved WEGO (some were saved in the "Command"--i.e. "Give Orders" phase, some were saved in the "Review the Action" phases. It didn't which matter, as long as when the saved game was loaded, I hit the red button (if it was in the Review Action phase) or if it was in a Give Command phase already, I just re-saved it. They are all good to go from that saved point in v101.

  7. Fuser, I started in on this last night in WEGO, which I usually don't do but wanted to watch the action down-low and repeatedly as things developed. Why? Because this map is soooo good. I really like the way the elevations, tree lines, sight lines and objects all fit together in a very natural way. Truly, a great job and I will be using this map for my own homegrown scenarios in the future.


    Did I mention that a SPOILER ALERT has been issued?

    One thing I really liked is that the map is open enough, and the Germans are obviously concentrated in and near the village, so that it took me about 10 turns to get into contact. I used scout teams and leap-frogged units up to the RR line. I always like to do that, not only because it is just a good, historical tactic, but also because it builds the tension, and buddy, that worked like a charm in this one! But in many scenarios, you hit the MLR very quickly and don't have the "luxury" of reconning on the move to contact like you do here.

    Oh, and one of the enemy's AT assets ambushed a H/T before I spotted the trouble, so your AI is at least partly working! Only two casualties, though, the H/T driver (the H/T is kaput too) and another GI, but one of my Shermans blasted the pillbox easily--I'm sure there are more to come--and I sent two 'zooka teams with a half squad in support to flank that bastige Panther on the hill on my right flank. I hope it doesn't have alot of infantry in support.

    Great scenario and I'm only now starting to get into the sh*t. Gotta l love this game!

  8. tFS- actually the link was kinda funny after the fact.

    To all -

    Movable waypoints, I agree, but I never set too many at a time anyway. I had forgotten about the three man icon, yes, the newer is better as far as more immersive, while practically it makes no difference if the soldats are abstracted or not, I do like the newer feel. I do feel that the game is much more immersive in many ways. I absolutely love the realtime since I play SP. I will never choose to go back to wego if I have the choice, realtime is absolutely my favorite upgrade. Practically in actual gameplay I don't see many changes, but I will have to go back and play CMBB now that I'm getting used to CMBN and see what I miss.

    Why do I get emotional? Because I have spent thousands and thousand of hours and don't think I'll ever find a game / simulation so enjoyable so if they don't get it right I'm far more disappointed than just losing $55 and going and buying a new game. I'd pay $500, more? (literally, I am absolutely serious) for this game built exactly as I want. Several times I offered hundreds of dollars to BFC (speaking directly to management) to make minor equipment patches for me to improve the old game while CMSF was in development and was completely declined. I think I offered a couple of hundred just to add in a Maus. (I might still pay this!) I've written about 800 pages of data for the CM1 series but unfortunately I can't release it because I didn't keep a bibliography of what came from where in a pretty big library on armor that I have. During ballistics tests alone I have run 109,824 tanks in head to head engagements recording detailed results. In mobility tests I logged speed and immobilizations over different conditions and terrains for different vehicles over 27 MILLION MILES (43,000,000+ km). This quite obviously just scratches the surface of my tests and research into this sim. I've tried and tried and tried to crack parts of the game, especially savegames (to make a better battle to battle link by inserting your carries over troops/ maps different from how the game allowed), bit by bit by bit and I did make some decent progress but I guess I'm just not smart enough to crack it...

    Am I am fanboy??? Um, yes. That's WHY my tone is what it is. I wish I could personally hire these guys to build the game I want, but that's just not in the cards and I just don't have the cash to pay a team to start from scratch. :(

    Regards to everyone... I still want my cactus. ;)


    Mike, if you had posted that first, there would have been many, many in agreement with you, I think. I got into a bit of a tiff with an old-timer/beta tester last Fall when I let blast a snide remark when BFC announced their general plan to not go to the Pacific Theatre (ever, apparently, but then, 3rd parties...). But he rightly got on my case. Cooler heads eventually prevailed.:o

    I have been at your site before. Great stuff!

  9. StellarRat, thanks, you're right, it was AH and you jogged a related pleasant memory. I snatched up AH's PanzerBlitz when I first saw it on the shelf of a department store, of all places, because my brothers and I had alot of fun with Blitzkrieg, not the least because it was my first WWII-type boardgame and I thought the company did a good job with it; that started a long and happy association with AH. But I had a boatload of SPI /S&T titles, too.

  10. Hi all

    For scenario designers if you want a non-TO&E unit with submachine guns, you have options - especially for Germans. If you want a unit with a BAR or MG34/42, got that too. But the one thing that I feel like is missing is a non-TO&E unit with just rifles. Currently theres no way to get this - closest is the sniper rifle team.

    For a QB unit purchase, you would just buy squads and be done with it - they are much cheaper. But for scenario design, I find that I am always wanting a non-TO&E unit with just rifles. Theres tons of applications for this type of unit: the classic 'cooks, clerks and drivers' being needed, decimated units adding strength to a TO&E unit, any and all post Airborne operations and so on.

    It could be say normally a 6 man unit, and then you could skinny it down with the head-count option. Random weapons is already in the game, so the American one could have a random assortment of M1 Garands and M1 Carbines.

    I hate to even bring up adding a new unit, especially with BFC deep in the patch, but I feel like such a simple unit would add quite a few options to scenario designers.

    Anyways, just food for thought. Other scenario designers, do you feel like you could use a unit like this? If you wanted to put 'cooks, clerks and drivers' into a battle, how would you currently do it?

    Thanks in advance


    Not a bad idea at all, but considering even the cooks, supply clerks, etc., would need a leader, that leader might likely have a carbine or smg anyway....

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