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Posts posted by mjkerner

  1. I'll bite, but only a little. Mistakes were made. :)

    If successful, Monty's a hero. If a failure, the blame game begins. Ike was enthusiastic as were many others eager to use the newly-minted Airborne Army. And we all know that many factors contributed, including the weather, and of course blind (bad) luck.

    Maybe the biggest factor was, as "It Never Snows in September" very convincingly argued, the capabilities of the German General Staff in pulling together so many disparate training units, beat up units from France, etc., continually assigning and re-assigning them to different commands as events dictated, and still pulling off a win.

  2. I learned Paint Shop Pro through trial and error on other games, but those were mostly boardgames and I was making counters and maps. But I just don't know how you go about adding "cloth" to the uniforms in CM:BN. It's not like skinning aircraft for IL2 Sturmovik...or is it? That I can do. What has me stumped is how to get the highlights and shadows in the creases and folds. I want to make more camo for the Germans, and have the camo templates matching the uniform shapes, etc., but there my knowledge ends. There must be a way of using masks/alpha channels or some technique to capture the those highlights/shadows and put them on the camo, short of lightening/darkening the underlying colors (a real bee-atch with camo) free hand where I think the folds/creases should be,that I'm missing?

    Is there a tutorial sopecifically directed to making unifiorms/clothing for games that I haven't been able to find on the net?

    Any and all help would be very apopreciated.

  3. Waaay cool, sdp! I started working on terrain textures for an Italian Campaign mod, but you are way ahead of the curve, so I'll sit back and let you do all the work! :D

    My shoulder patch mod has some of the US Divisions that fought in Italy and took part in Operation Dragoon. I'll for sure do up the rest now.

  4. The gunner in the german squad, who had his m.g. 42 Shouldered, stops, pulls out his pistol and drops the enemy with one shot, then casually jogs on. When I saw that I thought, ok there is a lot going on here.

    I love this game.

    I was not a CMx1 fan. I just couldn't get into the graphics, but became a CMSF fan in 2008. My "it" moment was when BFC first announced they were going to go back to WWII.

    But...visually/game mechanics-wise, it probably was when first playing the training scenario, and one of my US squads burst through a hedgerow opening, heading across a road to another hedgerow opening, just as a German squad rounded a corner on said road heading for the same opening. A la Saving Private Ryan, the scene where Tom Sizemore ends up throwing his helmet at the German running parallel with him, both squads stop, adopt various firing positions, and start blasting away at each other 5-10 yards apart in a relatively confined space. It was load and it was bloody, and it was way cool.

  5. Pcelt, it's in the game files Battlefront\Combat Mission Battle for Normandy\Mod Tools folder. You put a .brz file inside the input folder, then click on the "RezExplode.exe" file and wait a bit, then check the "exploded" file, and you'll have the .bmps etc., that were in the .brz file.

    Good luck!

  6. benpark, this gets confusing and takes a little bit to get used to. Exit before/exit after refers to the next orders set/painted map zone. It tells the unit when to leave the current map zone for the next ordered zone. And the time counts down from the beginning of the scenario, not from the time they came into (or started) the current map zone they are in. So, at the start they are in the set up zone. If you have the time as "Exit after 5:00 and exit before 5:30" they will leave the set up area after 5:00 minutes from the start of the scenario, but before 5 minutes and 30 seconds from the start of the battle, and attempt to complete the order to move to the next map zone for Order #2. Of course, battle circumstances may affect their attempt.

    Clear as mud, right?

  7. I was finally able to finish this update.


    This updates/replaces version 1.1 of this Mod. It fixes a few mistakes and adds a second set of uniforms with divisional patches—with darker brown colors for the infantry OD uniform--to the regular greenish ones that came with the game. It includes division/unit patches for all US infantry divisions and armored divisions in the Normandy campaign, and a few other units. There are also mods for helmet and uniform variety (but no divisional patches): helmets--some with netting, some without; and the darker uniform in a variety of shades.

    I hope you enjoy it. Let me know oif you find mistakes or have problems.

    There are a lot of uniforms, so it will take 5 minutes or so to download and to unzip.

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