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Posts posted by mjkerner

  1. Then again I am a few years from retirement yet so hopefully when I hit that point I can sit back with a whole family of CM2 games for WW2...

    I'm almost exactly 2 years away from retirement myself, sburke, and that's exactly what I'm thinking, too. About the time I retire, the Eastern Front should be close by then....:D

  2. The gear, helmet, boots and uniforms are all separate files. Helmets and uniforms come in several varieties; the German gear is all in one file with all the accoutrements in it. The US gear is in two files. The code appears to pick and choose different pieces of gear for each soldier. I think that is the purpose of the files with the "mdr" extension, since there are a couple of dozen of those in each gear file, with only the one gear bmp and several different helmet bmp's. So I think that the only thing we can do is modify the way they look, or "dissappear" them altogether like Rambler did...but not move them around.

    This brings up something I have been meaning to ask BFC--if you can code the gear to appear on model X in a certain loadout, and a different gear loadout on model Y, will they eventually code the game to allow for a different uniform model for US officers and NCO's so we can have rank insignias? The Germans have a completely different 3D model for their officers, which allows us to mod their uniforms separate from the Landser. It would be nice to have the same option for the US Officers, even though the uniform itself is basically the same as the Dogfaces. Separate models = separate uniform choices = separate modded uniforms.

  3. hm_stanley, this was a you sent me an earlier version of this, and just realized I never got back to you. I'm sorry about that...too many irons in the fire lately. I never finished my first run-through, although it's in saved game status. I love the map, and things developed into a rollicking slugfest soon enough. I recommend it!

  4. Strategy and Tactics, SPI! Old School :)

    Yeah, I can't believe I've waited for 40 years for this product. Well, 35 anyway...ever since I first heard about computer chess, I kept waitnig for some one to put out this type of game. CMx1 didn't do it for me because of the graphics and the 3-man squad. I never got past the Demo. I jumped on CMSF though, and waited patiently CMBN. It was worth it.

  5. Well, I have been wargaming since 1975, from sandtables and paper mache terrain with 1/72 models, 1/300 models, Panzer Blitz, Panzer Leader, SL, ASL, Apple 2, Amiga, CMBO/BB/AK...

    CMBN is the best WW2 tactical sim/game experience there is or has been.

    What Lee said...is almost exactly my experience, except I can add S&T's (or was it SPI's?) Blitzkrieg from 1972, and it is the best WW2 sim/game experience for my money.

  6. Thanks for alerting me to that problem, usgubgub. But just to be clear (as confusing and the various file names are) the "no patch_dark infantry uniforms.brz" that's effed-up is in the Armor_Part I download package, not the Pasrt III (dark uniforms with divisional patches). For size reasons, I had to put the helmets/OD Dark uniforms with no divisional markings in with the Armor download.

    I tried re-packing that same dark uniforms/no patches folder (8 bmp files) that I used for the uploaded mod, exploded it, and everything worked fine. But when I downloaded Part I from the Repository and exploded everything per instructions. That file caused me the same problem--ran out of memory and it never did finish exploding. So something got screwed up along the way. You're the first to notice it, though.

    I pulled all three parts of that mod off the site for now, while I check them all...very tedious, but so far no other bad files. I'll re-upload them soon with EZ' uniforms if he won't mind. They are really fantastic! I'll also upload a separate fixed file in the next few days...I don't know exactly when I can get to it.

    FWIW, when I upload a mod, I always immediately download it and explode everything and randomly test various unit uniform files. But I purposely didn't test either the no patches helmets or the no patches uniforms, since they both are so small. What could go wrong them, right?:rolleyes:

    Erwin, I know what you mean. rezpacking the individual folders/bmp's is a pain when you have a lot of files to do, and a pain for the user to undo them. My preference was to just leave the bmps in the folders and zip them and be done with it, but I thought it was proper (and required) protocol; and I also thought brz's were further compression of zip files. Turns out theyt're not. And since simply unzipped folders/files can be dropped into the z folder, from now on I'm dispensing with the brz's. The zip is hip.

  7. Holy Sh+t! :eek: These are really, really good! The helmets actually look pitted. The uniform colors, leggings, boots, gear and faces really come alive. Man, you gotta advertize, ez. Put some pictures up.

    I didn't notice--I was too busy drooling--what didn't you finish?

  8. sdp...my mouth is watering. Those maps look fantastic! I figured to wait until the Commonwealth mod gets here to do several 1st Canadian Corps battles based off of Mark Zuehlke's trilogy "Oratana", Gothic Line", and Liri Valley". I also want to build Cassino Town...I'm working on the Maori faces for the NZ Division. But maybe I'll start in around Salerno or Anzio instead.

    I'm also planning on doing Indian faces. Would be nice to make Goumiers out of winterized Brits or US (assuming that there will be long coats for some of the uniforms), but that will have to wait for the Bulge, I imagine.

  9. Thanks guys.

    I just uploaded this mod at the Repository. I had to do it in two parts. Here's the readme:

    US Divisional Patches Italian Campaign Mod Parts I and II

    Part I has US Divisions 1, 3, 9, 10th Mountain, 34, 35, and 45

    Part II has US Divisions 85, 88, 91,and 92, and the 100th/442nd Regiment and the 509th PIB

    This had to be done in two parts because the original single file was too big.

    This is the same Italian Campaign Uniform Mod available at GreenasJade’s CMMODS website, just in two parts.

    This mod has all the US Infantry divisions that fought in Italy, and includes the 1st Armored Division, the 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion, and the 100th Battalion/442nd Regiment of Nisei Americans. I didn’t include the 82nd Airborne, since Vein has taken care of that mod. The infantry uniforms are the brownish-based OD Dark and have the unit shoulder patches added. Each division mod also has a variety of helmets and leggings. If you have my other uniform mod, you’ll already have some of these divisions.

    After downloading and unzipping the zip file called “Italian Campaign Uniforms_Part I (or Part II—whichever) mjk” to the desktop or wherever you store your unused mods, you will have a .brz file named either “Italian Campaign Patches Part I_(or Part II) mjk”. You’ll have to “explode” that .brz file using the mod tools’ “RezExplode” program. Once you explode it, you’ll find a folder with .brz files for the divisions/units inside. Each unit .brz is a self-contained mod, so all you have to do is to pick the unit you want to use and drop that into your “z folder” inside the game’s “Data” folder. The file structure is: Battlefront\Combat Mission Battle for Normandy\Data\z. If you don’t have a z folder, make a subfolder in the Data folder, name it “z” (without the quotes) and that’s where you put the uniform(s) you want to use.

    Because of the different types of uniforms used by the game, you can have one mod of each uniform type—armor, infantry, and airborne infantry--in the z folder at the same time without conflict. If you have two of one type, say the 1st and 2nd Division (type = infantry) in the z folder at the same time, the highest numbered unit will show up.



  10. OK, admit it. Really, raise your hands. How many of us even bothered to think any more about Rhino tanks before the game's release than simply "I wonder if they'll be included?" Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought we'd be discussing in such minute detail (and this goes for many other threads in this forum) as how many hedgerows can the average Rhino plow through, etc., etc., etc.

    Well, BFC did, and that just fukking amazes the hell out of me!:eek:

  11. I was going to do this at some point, but I finished it early in anticipation of sdp's upcoming Italian Campaign Mod. It has all the US Infantry divisions that fought in Italy, and the 1st Armored Division, the 509th Parachute Infantry Battalion, and the 100th Battalion/442nd Regiment of Nisei Americans as well. The infantry uniforms are the brownish-based OD Dark and have the unit shoulder patches added. Each division mod also has a variety of helmets and leggings. If you have my other uniform mod, you’ll already have some of these divisions.

    I tried to upload at the Repository, but it was too large, so I'll need to pack it into parts before I try again. Which is a pain.

    Get it here: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/


  12. When bridges are concerned, all bets are off. Sometimes, just getting a tank to cross one is an exercise in futility.

    As for the infantry, it sounds like they are simply trying to get through the heavy woods tile, although their actions sounds more like trying to cross a marsh tile.

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