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Posts posted by mjkerner

  1. Thanks Pinetree. I tried a quick A-channel save before I left for work this morning, and althiough it did save (the option wasn't greyed-out), it didn't work in game. The manual (for PSP 7) listed several formats that would work for A-channel saves, but not .bmp. I may just upgrade to a newer PSP because I can see a long career ahead of me modding this game, if only for my own benefit, but I do have Paint...I'll give it a shot.

  2. Can any modders out there help me out. I have putzed around for several years with Paint Shop Pro, and really haven't needed to use masks much. But I've de-saturated the bocage bmps (even more than sdp's or Aristotle's terrain mods) and now I need a mask, apparently, since simply de-saturating the bmps altered them so that the non-foliage background shows:


    (The green clumps are the stock "bocage2.bmp" which I didn't touch.)

    I have made the mask using the RGB split channel method and adjusting contrast as needed. The foliage and stems are all white and the blank area is all black I promoted the base "background" image to a layer, made the mask from the appropriate rgb image, and it in fact works fine on just a regular picture, but in game it is a no go. I have swapped layer positions, eliminated the background layer, tried just the mask layer itself, swapped the white and black mask image...and nothing works. I must be missing a step or something..maybe the layering is wrong or I'm saving it wrong (24 bit bmp image). I have followed four different youtube tutorials, and the PSP guide, and they all get me to the finished mask to put over a pretty picture, but nothing that works in this game. Does this have anything to do with the mdr files by chance? I'm lost!

    Aristotle? sdp? Rambler? Stoppel? Anyone?


  3. Nothing to be embarassed about, Erwin...I've noticed that on all these mod blurbs. If you look close, "“" is actually the"quote" symbol (and it's also an "apostrophe" symbol).. I don't know why BFC's Repository reads symbols that way, but it does. For that matter, the whole repository system is clunky. There is a silver lining in this...you can pretend you're a cryptographer at Bletchley Park!

    The first sentence verbatim is: This mod uses the uniforms modded by "ez".

  4. ez85.jpg

    These mods use the uniforms modded by “ez.” I only made a minor tweak here and there, and added shoulder insignias and, insignias painted on helmets for some units. In addition to the stock olive drab uniforms he put up on here a while ago, ez sent me his khaki brown uniforms. So, all credit for the fantastic uniforms goes to him. There are three mods: airborne, Kkhaki infantry and olive drab infantry uniforms.

    The US infantry divisions that fought in Sicily and Italy are included as well as the 100th Battalion, the 442nd Regimental Combat Team (Nisei), and the 509th PIB. The 100th Battalion is separate from the 442nd, because it first served with the 34th Division, and became fiercely loyal to that organization. It wore the Red Bull patch even after they became part of the 442nd. There are a variety of helmets and leggings too.

    Frankly, you should do what I did and chuck out my earlier Italian Campaign Uniform mod “US Divisional Patches Italian Campaign Mod_mjk”, since ez's uniforms are so much better. (You might want to keep the Armor folder though, since he didn’t mod armor uniforms.)

    Use this mod for sdp’s superb, monumental Italian Campaign Mod.

    These should be available at the Repository tomorrow. They're up at GAJ's CMMODS now.

  5. Mad Mike, this is not working for me. I unzipped, put the jar and sortable js in both my scenarios and campaigns folders, double-clicked the jar file, and waited, and waited, and waited. More than 5 minutes with the scenarios and more than 10 minutes with the campaigns. Zip. Zilch. Zero. I tried about a half-dozen times. No joy. Not happenin. Game Over.

    (Before I even tried it, I first downloaded and installed Java and made sure to "open with" "Java Platform SE Binary"--then after no luck, re-downloaded/installed just to make sure. Goose egg. Nadda. No Dice.)

    Mad Mike, fix or somfink!:)

    @@@@Never mind. I had installed Java 6, didn't see Java 7 on their website the first time around. All is well in my world now.

  6. I'm curious if you guys are playing campaigns or stock scenarios (or QB's)? I ask because my experience (SP) has been the opposite...more of what it sounds like you're looking for. Besides my homegrown ones which don't count, I've been mainly playing/playtesting user-made scenarios. They're more like scout, maneuver, firefight, scout, maneuver, hit MLR and fight some more.

    Assault on Huberderie was a bounding slugfest after maneuvering across maybe 1/3 of the map fairly easily, then: fan + sh*t. And some devious, dastardly sight lines...make that lack thereof...on Jerry, who continually had me zeroed. I've rarely been hit hard by arty; these have mostly been company-sized infantry with some armor, and company mortars...maybe a howitzer or nebelwerfer added.

  7. The game doesn't read zip files, since they are just a compression thingy for IT transport. Exrtract the "real" files with a utility, like General Lee said. I noticed that I can just rename the extension to "zip"...that is, change "Mod.rar" to "Mod.zip" and then use the Winzip utility. Either I'm a magician and all powerful, in which case I hereby command "Make armored covered arcs appear in CMBN" and "Give us flamethrowers and light AAA for use against ground targets" or, it's just possible that these extensions are that easy to change, at least between zip and rar. (I think the latter is a Winzip product.)

    I'm off to fire up the game to see if I am all-powerful or not.

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