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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Thanks Combatintman. I thank part of my issues are also related to not much British Forces experience as well. Your scenario os a good one to learn with.
  2. Markh, You might try posting in CMBN Tech. The 2.01 patch is for CMBN. Not many CMBN folks look at Shock Force Tech Support.
  3. "Reference the offensive support, I have also found that you need a mix of offensive support and suppressive fire to keep the Taliban down. Mortars I tend to use on point targets with lots of short or quick missions right on top of identified enemy units in the irrigation ditches/tree lines. " I think I am going to restart using this advice. I too thought I had decimated the enemy with some serious pounding from the sky but I was wrong. I probably didn't use enough suppressive fire to keep the Taliban down and I got chewed up. Good challenge Combatintman. Thanks,
  4. Thanks for the "box of chocolates" = v2.01 patch for CM Battle for Normandy. Downloading it now. Only another 2 hours to go. Things go really slow out here in the country via satellite. Will give me time to do some hot rock collecting
  5. Thanks Schrullenhaft, CMSF2 MAC BEFORE 2014 would be great! Even if it takes longer it will be well worth the wait. I have plenty of CMSF MAC to fight till then. Steve, Drones are included in CMSF2? You should not need a FAA license
  6. A Valentine bump ... hoping to get that box of chocolates
  7. "Modern war fans will have to wait for CMSF2 to get an updated engine (that will also get engine updates - if the current plan is followed). CMSF2 will take place in the Ukraine around the 2015 time frame; at least that is the last plan I heard of." Having CMSF MAC with all the modules is great fun. Changes the game entirely IMO. Add all the Repository Scenarios, Campaigns and Mods = Plenty of game for an "old" engine. I hope CMSF2 arrives before "2015 time frame" but whenever this Modern war fan will be on board. *About the only issue I have with CMSF MAC is I can't get the PC sound mods to play. I posted about it but no answer. I am still hoping to get to use the PC sound mods in CMSF MAC some day.*
  8. umlaut, Do you have a Zombie Tiger tank:) Now that would be scary;) Vin has the perfect ME map as well "Death's Head - Meeting Engagment QB." Valentine has passed but still looking for our CMFI "box of chocolates" module:)
  9. Quentin Tarantino did a Monkey Red Dwarf Spartacus Zombie in Baggy Pants movie but I can't recall the title:D Thursday could be our CMFI Valentine as Normal Dude surfaced:D
  10. A bump hoping someone can guide me to a solution. Bruton map. 1.4MB w/o units. I could only load it once in the editor (took almost 8 minutes) but since then I have to force quit CMBN/CW because it stops responding. Happens @ 43% mark. I see swings of over 300% CPU, with real & virtual memory of 1.4GB range. I put graphics settings to balanced, no AA and still 43% crash. There are several QB maps that come with CMBN up to 1.6 MB with units that I have no trouble opening and playing. I even removed the Z folder and all mods but this did not help. Mac Pro with 18GB of memory. ATI Radeon HD 4870 512 MB graphics. I should be able to open the Bruton map and place units on it. Thanks,
  11. Well "maybe a foot" means we should see something by Friday:D Unless "our Canadian friends send" have Zombies heading South;)
  12. Thank you hcrof. You are more technically adept than myself I am sure... especially in map design. I hope someone else may have a path to follow. If not I will tinker away to see if I can get your Bruton map up and fightable on my Mac.
  13. hcrof, Did anyone else have trouble loading your Bruton map? I am stumped as to why I could only load it once in the editor and since then I have to force quit CMBN/CW because it stops responding. Happens @ 43% mark. I see swings of over 300% CPU, with real & virtual memory of 1.4GB range each but Bruton map continues to crash. I went back and put settings to balanced, no AA and still 43% crash. Bruton map is 1.4 MB but there are several QB maps that come with CMBN up to 1.6 MB that I have no trouble opening and playing. Again, Thanks for the beautiful map. Hope you have a tip on how / what to do to use it. Thanks,
  14. Thanks Vin for your grids and the explanation. Maybe V3.0? Just did a quick CMFI test and your Syrope Grid Terrain shows up as well. Thank you.
  15. Combatintman, "It is a great mission. Very much enjoying it." Sums it up well. I am enjoying your challenge . Thanks,
  16. hcrof, Thank you again for your stunning Bruton map. I tried again at least 5 times in editor and as a "scenario" and I keep getting CMBN/CW crashes. At 1.4 MB file it should not do this. It could be me or my rig but wanted to let you know what is happening on my Mac side.
  17. Works for me in CMBN. Thanks Vin. Nice tool. Maybe V.2.+? will allow Grids on and off? Will check CMFI and report.
  18. I tried to test this just now. I had 3 CMBN "not responding" messages and had to force quit your beautiful town hcrof! It took a while to load the other PM but won't load in the editor to test it as a game. Certainly not the last time I will give it a go. I will let you know how it works out. May be a Mac moon phase on my end or something:rolleyes:
  19. hcrof, What a fortunate childhood opportunity.Your attention to detail made it "a fantastically beautiful town" in CMBN. Thanks. I would also be would also be interested to hear from anyone who has a game on it too to see how it plays... and their system specs. A less patient lad may have not waited almost 8 minutes to load "just a map". Add units and what not and you see where it goes. A shame IMO as the map is beautifully detailed of reality. Thanks again and my your luck continue.
  20. hcrof, Beautiful map. Home this is close to your home as it looks an ideal area to live. It is a stretch to load on my Mac Pro. 7:40 to load from the editor w/o units! You did warn it is big but it is beautiful.
  21. You are welcome. Words of Business Wisdom Steve. "For sure the most challenging time for Battlefront was Shock Force." Interesting in that in 2013 the entire CMSF MAC Enchilada is very enjoyable even compared to CMx2 CMFI/BN/CW... at least IMO. How many "old" games achieve that kind of interest? "..you guys like our stuff..." We may not be large in numbers but as long as you keep making / improving Battlefront products you have a pretty dedicated group of Grogs and not so grogish guys like myself:)
  22. Combatintman, Habibollah Kalay vs AI is a good time. I am @ 1/2 way into it and enjoying your work. Thanks.
  23. I think NATO vs Russia is CMSF MAC 2? Someone more knowledgeable than myself may point out what equipment France, Turkey and Israel currently have. Might be able to approximate a scenario if you wanted to with CMSF MAC now. Interesting as all three countries are currently abuzz with military activities. Israel's strike in Syria! Turkey's border issues and France's Mali intervention.
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