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Everything posted by GLynn41

  1. there are some accounts of tanks shooting up troops similar to the movie-- Layfette Poole has one written about his tank in the book ''tank action''-- sometime troops do not always do as they should --- or do as they know to do - still it is a movie after all... and a decent armor movie at that
  2. it is a movie-- I too wondered why they did not attack the flanks or just run some have talked bout at guns missing --but shots do miss because of aliment--fear. mistakes- as to the dumb ss-- in the book tank action Layette Poole 's tank got into something like that with ground troops --I noticed the round they Loaded for the 76mm was just big bullet - with a large ogive- nothing like apbc - as to being behind the Germans front line at the cross roads-- not really-- flank protection gone wrong-- we all can likely pick it apart but as far as armor goes a good movie--
  3. with all I the fun and hours I have spent - the support it gives to BFC and the continued pleasure I gain - I am good with 10 bucks --thanks BFC
  4. I also lost my first battle--fun to watch the trajectory of the L48 at 2000 meters-- -- I will enjoy
  5. thanks for the thoughts --MK4 only had a 2.4 x gun sight -- so spotting did not seem right -- I know that if one M4 is fired at by 4-5 MK4 the result is a given- the MK4 were really VERY co ordinated- never got a chance to return fire or even engage the German pixel truppen--I tried to flank the large mass of MK4 ( really needed some cab rank Tiffies) no go -- I do not mind losing -- just seemed ahistorical as to the performance-- at sometime I will try it again as soon as I remember which one --I am over 60
  6. I tried playing an authrie battle-- and for me it is unplayable--because no matter what I do with my M-4s at 1880+ yards-- MK 4s destroyed me- if even JUST a part is not covered 6-8 MK 4 opened fire and killed each tank-- so must be the Borge again or M1's-OR MAYBE i WAS PLAYING cmsf //love the game but this does diminish my fun -- I do have enough sense to hide, move, use smoke -- will not play that battle again as "RESISTANCE IS FUTILE" --hope the spotting gets more real but still will purchase CMRT next week
  7. thanks may can get the game before then
  8. it will be still awhile before I can get CMRT will there still be the aforementioned demo?
  9. Part of the appeal of this game is the what or the never was -- it is for fun- trying to be accurate and trying anything both are OK and while reality is normally rules- it does not have to --state the real then git em -- becasue as long as they are not asking you to do the work it is their game to use- and if they do so- then put it out then we can all gain- fantasy can be a good thing-- my favs-- Japan is invaded----russia and Allies at the end of WW2-----what if kurita and the Yamato force and not turnd away (can.t do this one as no good game around for it) disaster at D Day or at Anzio-- as for reality a few decesions made differently -- such as using the 262 as intended asap- drop tanks at the battle of britian -- a attempt on Hitler worked yeah well maybe-- just enjoy a good game as you would like and share from time to time
  10. it was really about that weak -- around 30 mm-- so 2# er or 37 and up will go through- --it was called the mess kit tank-while the smaller rounds would go through they did not always damage a lot----- parts of the front had up to 80mm but turret was 50mm -so becareful with them but they do have a decent gun in the L48
  11. steel Panthers, Close Combat, and the greatest of these is CoMbat Mission period:D
  12. i was not angling -- just rambling-- in an earlier thread tanks exploding had been mentioned and those books came to mind- I know the Sherman did explode at times anyway - but when they were over loaded they really could -- the Stug could be sent in combat with another 40 rounds of 75s on the floor --I would suspect that went up right well when pentetrated-- I have t-62s in CMSF blow up and destroy the house next to them-- I too wish more modeling damge was possible to the armor as I am sure it will at a time yet in the future --just rambling between games
  13. This has likely been posted -anyway- In the book Caen -- the author tells of Sherman troopers(British) piling extra 75s along with the basic load out --- to this was added mg ammo and sometimes demo charges-- so a pentatrating hit was a disaster the book records a pak gunner hitting a sherman in front of a house with the commander next to the tank talking to the home owner- the explosion from the tank destroyed the house- no mention of the TC-- and do remember where the Panther had much of its ammo stored- under the sloped 40 mm sides - in about 7 places one being about a foot away from the driver - so many side pents where deadly-- In the book men against tanks the Panther was said to be prone to explosive ends- and the crews of the MKIV lang or the mess kit tin as it was called, thought that in and out was better than the in and around of the Panther- we should be getting violent flame ups and explosions from time to time-- I was using a Panther in the CMBO it took over a dozen hit on the front - but when i reversed to save it - the turret truned on to target of no value and of course - was lost - and yes I know the game does not modle 25 extra 75s ---at times in europe they did and paid for it
  14. about the Kill ratio according to Tigers on the eastern Front--the Russian said an average T-34 lasted about a week -- someone was shooting something
  15. - for 2.01 what ever it did I am sure I like it
  16. When I first started with CMBO I normally played vehicle heavy games because I liked that the best becasue of the infantry models -that is not a complaint---now with CMN v.2-- I find my self playing more infantry fights than the AFVs - or with out AFVs at all- they are much more fun- I get down low with my pixel joes or truppen and go at it -- the infantry models are so much improved thanks--I have noticed that Jerry is well armed-- the US does ok in fire power but does struggle --the CW to me seem to have more difficulty- to me-- but both are fun-- the Canadians verses the SS are a fav for me--- anyway the AFVs are still fun but I can enjoy the game as much with out them at least at times:)
  17. no clue what US uses --maybe match HP with are not made to expand but I'd guess they will come apart -- with modern weapons and their power the so called "dumdumm" are not needed -- the standard WW2 bolt rifles were very powerful -- I have hunted with a 30.06 for years- the idea of using that on a human is a bad thought- bullets deform, tumble -bend-the jackets can split -- and on it goes- with fast firing machine guns mulitiple hits are likely and close together- increasing damage- again I can not say who uses what, but "dum dums" are not needed to inflict horrific damage-
  18. 11-13-52 = 60 been here since CMBO --still have not played H2H on my bucket list
  19. after reading these threads it seems the favorite color around here is plaid---
  20. in todays market economy - I have no problem with 10 bucks - I like these games and I guess I am a 60 year old fan boy -so what-- I have nearly all the CM series and do not intend to stop playing or buyin any time soon--- I bought my brother "STeel Beasts", good game but it is $125 on sale-with no scenarios and they now charge for some up grades-BTW now he does not like it and gave it back to me--- if I had wanted it I would gotten it for me +- just wanted to put my .2 in thanks for what you provide
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