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Everything posted by GLynn41

  1. I will try the Cmmods battles --and I never thought of the MGS as an M-10- to barrow a word "insightful"
  2. thanks for the answers -- none of this has slowed me down in my playing and I am better--you all do realize that my fussing is not real-- I too would rather have the game as is than still be waiting--spolier----------------- The T62 was in follow the Euphrates- if you have played you know and I waited until it got to the intersection and blasted it with an M1-- it is possible something other was loaded than a sabot-- anyway he survived returned fire and took out one of the M1s?-- the other took him out and the neat thing was when the T62 expolded it was nose down in a crater and it blew in the building next to it-- sometimes I find my self just watching--cool game- as is CM1 although I rarely play them now
  3. It has beat me and beat me- on some battles-of course I keep coming back to do better and end up doing worse--of course I have played nothing but this since I got it -I hate this game but I do have some questions --why no bridges- why can I not shoot until it burns-and while I like using the M-1 -it seems that they are a little soft to me --my own opinion I know -- also why can the 105 not get at least a mobility kill on the t-62/72 tanks on side shots- -- - also at 50 meters how could even an era equipped t62 survive a shot form the M-1 maybe the 105 but the 120 sabot-- anyway -- I guess I will get around to a human - they will at least enjoy beating the snot out of -- the AI does beat me but does not care- I hate this game-- not-- I am enjoying the infantry fighting a great deal over all good job -- do not like the dust clouds and friendly fire is not n any way friendly- the game is worthy of the Battlefront name
  4. Some of the scenarios are rars and do not show up when I put them into the game - so I guess this means I most do something different ---eh? and that would be...?:confused:
  5. When first ried CMSf no go except on low--not now -- I run the highest everything no problem and no 'puter change plain Dell XPS 400 1 gig of ram and Nivida 7300LE with out the lastest drivers-- although as a larger battle progresses I get some mouse float so might turn it down a little-- btw the Brad-- is a noisey critter
  6. I had tried and tried to get into CMSF and could not but this last patch did it and now I have the bundle-- I have no idea how much time I have spent on the CM but I am playing this one every day -- so far I lose a lot but but I am enjoying this-- I will be easy meat for an internet game -- but I am back having fun --- -- will start down loading battles and making some soon--thanks for what you do and i look forward to what you guys have planned-- btw I still like the wego too would like to keep that
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