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Posts posted by eniced73

  1. Nobody doesn't want triggers (though I'm not particularly enthused about them, myself), but would you have been willing to wait another 6-7-8 months for CM:BN to get them?

    Personally, I worry when/if triggers show up scenario designers will over-rely on them. Then game might turn into a 'haunted house' arcade game with units jumping out to say "Boo!" every time you turn a corner.

    Not sure what you mean here? I played and still somewhat play the TOW series and that game institutes 'triggers'. From the little bit of knowledge that I gained from the forum and creating small scenarios I like what triggers could do for the single player experience. Now they are a pain to work with and require specific knowledge on editing the .xml files. Not for the feint of heart. If a simple interface could be built for the scenario editor that would be great but it is 'not going to happen' with this game.

    Check out this thread or just do a search for 'triggers' in the TOW section.


    Notice how they talk about loading up units / transporting them to a point/ dismounting/ and then storming a certain section of the map. If this was possible in CM the scenario designers out there would be ecstatic.

    This stuff gets complicated but these guys are players like anyone here and have learned as the game evolved. Too bad we cannot merge the two games good and good points and get a TOW/CM hybrid.

  2. Here's what it looks like in my graphics program (Gimp 2.6) with the topographic contour image as a semi-transparent layer over the terrain:


    You can see the 500x500 pixel grid, which for a 4x4km map (if my math is right??) should represent all the 8x8m terrain tiles in a CMBN map.

    Would you then have to change the elevation on each of those squares to get your topo map? If so, is there an easy way to do that? Seems tedious.

  3. Replaying the original campaign and got a Draw on this missioin. I lost two Strykers and 3 men KIA plus 1 man wounded. Now on the end mission screen I did not get points for 'friendly casualties'? I am assuming the scenario editor set this to zero. Pretty hard on this scenario. I also did not receive points for reaching PL-20 and PL-21 I believe. Nothing in the briefing said anything about these two phase lines. Any explanations on these?

    Also, will the campaign scenarios ever be made available as singles so we can adjust them in the editor?

  4. What its it with you people?

    A 3rd party’s review “suggests” a date and suddenly its Gospel.

    I’m sure it be out soon enough so you can all then complain about “How dare it be released with the massive flaw!” or some such.

    Wow!!! You make new friends with every post don't you. Is it that bad that a simple post about someone hoping for an early release date irks you that much? Relax dad and let us jump in the mud puddles.

  5. Would be nice if someone from BF jumped in here to clear these points up!

    Frustrates me to see other posts (the one about CMBN being unrealistic) getting 3 maybe 4 posts from Steve on moot points. I dont want to get out of line here but why even waste your time responding to these types of posts. Seeing that CMBN AI probably works the same way as CMSF it would be nice to have a simple explanation on how the AI setup works. Unless it is going to be in the CMBN manual unlike CMSF.

  6. I like the look of the thick forest area but how often have you guys (beta testers) played maps like this with the trees on? I am assuming it will be like CMSF where you can turn the leaves off. Or can you toggle the density? Better yet if you could toggle the transparency that would be great. Maybe a mod to be created. I mean the trees look very nice for screen shots but how annoying is it playing with them full on like the SS? How can you tell locations of forces (I know the coins but that really does not do it). CMSF usually has areas of sparse density so it is usually never a big deal.

  7. hcrof,

    Thanks for the armor guide. It helps me as a reference. I sure miss the 'enter' tables from the original game.

    Anyhow, I also seen a lot of useful information on artillery and mortars in this thread. Has anyone put together a collection of information pertaining to actual in-game tests? I know I remember Tox doing a test on infantry fatigue vs. movement and another showing the effects on infantry of targeting the area next to a building vs the roof. I appreciate the threads on tactics and all but I was going to try and compile a guide of game tested information. Sounds like your original intent on a guide was going to include this type of data. Is this something you have in the works?

  8. Would be helpful if you guys post some FPS from FRAPS. Maybe 15FPS that I am getting is what you guys are calling acceptable. Would be appreciated to gage where we are at.

    Maybe someone can pick a map or scenario that we all can load up and test. If everyone is on the same page we can help each other out a little more. I noticed that looking across the Ash Shammas map at pause without the turn running I am getting the same frames as I do when the turn is playing. I am getting around 15FPS. I did notice that if I decrease the quality I get a couple FPS back. I will do this as a last resort as I enjoy the eye candy. Alt-S the sound on and off. I noticed the FPS pretty much doubles for me. Not that I want to play with no sound but maybe a dedicated sound card would help. I have onboard HD audio. Does anyone have a decent Sound Card in which they could take a look at this.

  9. You maxed out your setting and are complaining about the framerate. Hmmm...

    Wrong! I was not complaining. Dont call me out.

    I stated that turning shadows off allows me to run at an increase of 15 FPS (up from a measly 10 or 11 FPS). I was trying to help Nox out by stating what worked for me and what did not work. Yeah, I know we have different systems but who knows he might not have tried it.

    There's some mild humor in how everyone wants MORE, BIGGER and FASTER all at the same time. The demands seem contradictory. Plus you want every concievable behavior animated and LOS/LOF spot-on accurate, and six different kinds of uniform, and you also want 70 FPS on top of it all. To their credit CM:BN does come closer to achieving that goal than anyone should reasonaly expect while making darned few compromises on the function of the game engine.

    You maxed out your setting and are complaining about the framerate. Hmmm...

    Two quality posts there Mikey D!! You stated 3 things that I and everyone else on this forum want!!! Wow!!! How about if you have an urgent need to be on the defensive, just ignore our posts about us not understanding why the game will not run with better frames and go on to the next thread. Unless you are a programmer with knowledge of the engine that will help. If so, I apologize. I think some people tire of hearing this. Nox posted his whole DX diag. file and you did not even give the guy a 'hey, check here" or "hey, this might help". Please.

  10. Check out www.dropbox.com

    I am on the PanzerCommand Ostfront beta and they have this built into the game itself. It is pretty slick. All you do is play your turn and it automatically sends it to the online dropbox folder. Your opponent is notified and he runs his turn. Back to you and so on. No saving, exiting, sending, restarting. I dont think this was in the original PC game. These guys put it in on their own. Go to the Matrix games forums and ask those guys they will help you out in setting it up.

  11. I have a brand new Geforce GTX 470. Should chew right through this but of course it doesnt. I also have a core2duo E8500 with 6Gigs of RAM. My system is not the best but it is not that shabby. I found decreasing the quality increases my frames but who in the hell wants to do that. So I maxed out those settings and turned 'shadows' off. This seemed to add around 15 fps. You probably tried that already but it worked for me. My shadows look like **** anyhow.

  12. I’m glad I pre-ordered as I really wanted a manual... I get much pleasure from being able to get under a blanket, or in a hot bath and read a game manual for a game like this. When I’m not reading something else... I suppose this bestows a level of dorkiness on me, but somehow I think saying it here it will fall on sympathetic ears... :P

    Ohh! What tox meant to say was that he enjoys sitting on his man-throne doing his duty as he enjoys 200+ pages of CMBN!!! Sitting under a blanket? or in a hot bath?

    Just do not try to read the the full 200 pages in one sitting!!


  13. I'm in for the steel box, I hope she doesn't divorce me over it.

    Just ordered mines!!! I feel sorry for you guys that have wives that nag you over playing video games all day long on the computer!!! My wife actually told me to hurry up and order. We get hotseat games going all the time in my household!!

    Hey! I can dream can't I?!!!:D

  14. AVG antivirus was detecting the shock force.exe as a win32/heur trojan.

    I have had both running on my machine for months now with no problem. Why would AVG all of a sudden recognize the .exe files as trojans? Is anyone else having this problem? Just asking thinking AVG updated itself and caused this. I went into AVG and set it to ignore all of my shockforce .exe files and it works now.

  15. Why not take it one step further and include a FPS mode? You can do what you guys want and then even control your man or vehicle in a FPS style. Even so I am not sure I would play that way very long. I mean they are putting alot of detail into the game and playing like you say would be like going to your favorite 'girly' bar with blinders on that restrict your view to the cranium area only?? Some things are made to be appreciated as a whole. Not saying more options should not be included - the more the merrier - but the novelty of this would not last long for me at all.

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