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Posts posted by eniced73

  1. Is it possible to break this mod into 2 parts? One for the allied icons and another for the Germans. When I look at German units, I prefer to use the German symbols as they had used them. For the allies, I prefer to use the allied symbols as you have created in your mod. I hate to have to choose between one mod and another if I could just have the best of both worlds.

    It is possible. Just explode the mod in the mod tools and separate the .brz file into two. One for the Allies and one for the Germans. Using the mod tool you can mix and match any icons you want. Make your own mod and incorporate it into the game. Use JSGME http://www.users.on.net/~jscones/software/products-jsgme.html

    It is pretty simple to use. I took Lt. Smash's mod and recolored the shared icons to match the CW icons and put it into its own mod. So when I play CW scenarios it is just one click in JSGME to activate the mod. Then if I want to switch back to the Olive icons for CMBN it is one click to turn off my CW mod and one click to turn on the Olive mod. Pretty easy work around.

  2. This dumb arse on the right hand side of the pic decides to fire a rifle grenade at the same bunch of trees that his buddies are rushing. There is a lone soldier in there harassing my advance. I was trying to suppress him while we move in for the kill. Actually I am the DA for giving a target area instead of a light target area fire command


    As you can see from the result of 4 dead soldiers in addition to the guy firing the grenade actually killed himself. 5 lost in the matter of seconds. ugghhh.


  3. I have a HQ posted up on top of a small hill overlooking a village. Great LOS to my intended target. My mortar team is positioned/deployed right behind them but out of site of the village. When I call on the HQ to bring down the rain I am seeing a delay of 4 mins!! What!! The mortar team is practically right on top of them and well within whisper distance. Needles to say I just crawled my mortar team up the hill and opened fire the next turn. Can someone explain why the mortar team had such a long delay given they were within earshot of the HQ requesting the drop down?

  4. Looked through the forums but could not find an answer so forgive me if this was already brought up.

    I have a 3 man mortar crew carrying I belive 6 or 8 rounds each. I loaded them up before disembarking them. Well, one man gets mowed down while my team was lobbing shells onto an enemy. My ammo count decreased instantly by 6 or 8? Is there a way to acquire this lost ammo back? If I let my team perform 'buddy-aid' will they recover the lost ammo if they have room?

  5. I'm finishing up development of a set of scenarios that I was going to put them out through the Repository, but it occurred to me that there might be enough interest to warrant using them for a small tournament before releasing them into the wild.

    What I'm proposing is a straight bracket tournament; no complex scoring, just winner goes on, loser goes home (mostly because it's just easier for me to administer). Four scenarios, all using the same map but each otherwise unique. This arrangement would require 16 players. Preference would be given to those with prior tournament experience; AARs would be required for every scenario completed; anyone who drops out would be publicly shamed.

    This is an informal testing of the waters to see if there's enough public interest to go forward. If there is, I'll post up a formal announcement/sign-up thread.

    I am in. Are battles going to be mirrored? If not, you better be prepared for some bitching about unbalanced games.

  6. How about the KISS approach to flamers? There is no need to have buildings, bushes, trees, or my birthday candles set aflame if a piece of area is targeted. Just put the animations in and give the weapon it's due suppression and damage modeling. Yeah, you will still have Joe combat mission say " well, that is not truely modeled correctly because that patch of dry Normandy grass did not catch fire". Let them bitch and tell them they are lucky to have it in the first place. Then put an animation in for a charred corpse and a little moral modifier for your men in the same fox hole.

  7. Have you guys not heard of Z-bee's mod manager (he posted in here) or JSGME??? They both work and are hella easy to use. Select which mods you want for a specific game or night and unselect the ones you dont. No moving files from the 'z' folder or any of that BS. Google the names and you will find them. Z-bee's you can find in the repository and do a search over at the MatrixGames site to find specific instructions on how to use JSGME. I use them both and can give limited advice.

  8. Two things that you should know.

    1. If you have a javelin team carrying a CLU and they run out of ammo you can resupply them with more missles. The team supplying them must be in the same platoon though. Cross platoons are stingy with their ammo and do not give them up.

    2. You can place a two man team on top of an eight story building carrying 2 javelins. When they run out, just move other teams in their platoon onto the bottom floor. They will underhand chuck missles eight stories into the air to resupply the team on the roof. They must not like to hike stairs.

    3. I actually did not know about this but sort of discovered it testing the above two points. If you place a target with the two man javelin team and wait until the CLU operator goes to 'spotting' or 'targeting' you can then place another target line that will branch off of the original. So after he fires the first missle at target number one he will automatically switch targets and acquire the second. You can also use this to place covering fire for your CLU operator. Place the first target for your CLU operator and then place a second target that is close by and the second man on that team will place covering fire with his automatic weapon while the Javelin operator is acquiring his target. I never knew about this feature and have to admit it is pretty slick.

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