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Posts posted by eniced73

  1. George. What about your 'Point Blank' scenario?

    Rune contacted me and said that he lost his creations-- due to HD crash.


    Any chance of putting the campaign scenarios up in the Repository? Would save me some time trying to track all the scenario designers down. I know Dorosh does not frequent these parts anymore and I am not too sure where to find him. If it is a 'no go' on BF's part, I will still try to track these down for upload. Thanks.

  2. Is this a graphical glitch? I smashed this T-72 with a javelin and noticed something flying off of it into the air. At first I said 'cool' that looks like pieces of the ERA flying off but closer examination clearly shows that it is a gaggle of grenades.



  3. I would appreciate you uploading the scenario's you made. I was basically thinking about us consumers taking the uploaded missions and tweaking them to our liking for H2H or to even redo the campaign with different setups and AI tweaks. I apologize if I came across wrong but I was not asking the scenario creators or BF to tweak the campaign and then rerelease.

    If you could talk to the other scenario creators to see if they could do the same as you that would be great. I am sure everyone would appreciate it. Thanks again.

  4. But there are also some text in the trigger file. I adjusted some of them, so it is better not to use the english ones.

    If I understand you right, the trigger files are different than the original two parts that you put out. I would have to open up the files from this thread and translate to English? I could not simply use the ones that I translated before.

  5. I found some files at work today that I started to translate a while ago for this campaign. Not sure if you asked me to or I was doing them at the same time I was helping you out with the Gavrus campaign. Anyway, I think I will finish them and post them up if anyone is interested.

    It has been awhile since I played the France campaign but I see that it is in your mod. What exactly did you add or delete to the stock campaign?

  6. Beautiful guys. Glad to see TOW 1 is still being utilized and not forgotten. By the way is there an English translation for this updated version? Can we use the texts.utf8 english files from the UC part one and part two downloads from the 39-45 site? Are they the same or have you changed them? No big deal if not. I can always use google translate.

  7. Vincere,

    Appreciate the offer but I just completed Into the Valley which put me back on track for the campaign. I froze up after Night Stalkers and could not continue. After trying to load the save time after time it finally loaded but went straight to the after action report. It gave me a Draw even though I never played a second of the mission and sent me to Into the Valley. Not sure what happened there.

    All I do know is that Into the Valley is a hard ass scenario. Fun, unlike most of the others which are a walk in the park. Anyone that has not played this one I recommend it.

  8. Specs:

    OS: Windows 7

    Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 @ 3.16GHz

    Memory: 6.00 GB of RAM

    Video Cards: EVGA GeForce GTX 470 SuperClocked

    Mother Board: EVGA nForce 750i SLI

    Direct X: 11.0

    The first post was in 2007! I take it not alot of people have this problem thus no one really wasted time looking into it.

  9. vincere,

    Do you have a save for the end of 'night stalkers' beginning of 'ambush alley'? As you can see in the other thread I posted that I cannot load this mission and continue. I am getting the 'out of memory' bug that several others have reported. Apparantly it was never looked at or fixed as I found threads several years old on this problem. Let me know if you can help me out and send a file over. Thanks.

  10. Has BF come up with a solution for this problem? I recently started playing through the 'Thunder' campaign for the second time. I won the 'Night Stalkers' scenario but the game freezes on loading 'Ambush Alley'. I played 'Night Stalkers' multiple times hoping the save would not be corrupt but it did not work. What was weird is that I got it to load one time but the game went straight to the stats screen stating a 'Draw'. I was ablel to continue to the 'Into the Valley' scenario.

  11. Nice Tox,

    Thanks for the information. You should keep all these in one place as it is surely going to be lost in the numerous insignificant threads in here. Just like the ones that were done for CMSF. I know someone was talking about putting a guide together but I am not sure if it was ever done. Would be nice to have one with just your results to go through without the numerous replies that will surely follow. Maybe post a file in the Repository and it can be updated with results only everytime someone does a test similar to yours. I know someone already did one on 'track damage' but I did not see any visual screen shots like yours. Again nice work.

    Do you every find yourself having more fun running these tests than actually playing the game? I know I do sometimes.

  12. I pretty much just dl and installed Flashget. Closed it back down then went to BF and clicked on the link they provided. Flashget automatically opened and all I did was hit the dl button. I hammered out 25% in about 5 minutes so about another 15 min to go.

    At first I loaded Flashget and tried to click on the BF link and all it was dl'g was some index.php file or something. Like I said I had to close it down completely and go back to BF and click on the link. Worked that time. FYI.

  13. Currently, CM goes into 'full screen' mode.

    What would be really nice is using Windowed mode. From there, you could have other Windows.

    I've successfully used Windowed mode in X-Plane 9 with additional 3rd party Windows, and it's great. In addition, World of Tanks uses Windowed mode, and there's a LOT more animation going on than in CM.

    I think BF's challenge is their shoestring budget.

    I have a GeForce 470GTX. It supports two monitors. Can I set up CM to play off of two monitors or do I need a third party thing to have it?

  14. Two quick things. Not complaints but just observations. I searched the forums for track damage and did not see an informatioin on this so I thought I would post FYI.

    1. Moved all four of my Shermans across what I believe is low bocage? Each and every one ended up with 'track' damage. Just flipped back to my game and ran the other two over another low hedge/bocage and seen the same thing. I did a quick test and found that the initial collision causes the damage to go from green to yellow on tracks. I am pretty sure it took me 5 more collisions with a wire fence to get the tracks to go from yellow box to small yellow with 'x' inside. Not sure how far you would have to go to become immobile. I do know that a jeep will become immobile in around 6 collisions. Anyone have specifics on what and the amount of damage that certain terrain does to vehicles?

  15. I don't know for sure as I've gone from 3 24" monitors to a single 30" monitor. But one of the first questions I asked after returning to the forums was if it supported multiple monitors and the answer was 'yes'.

    You went from the Matrox triple header like the pic to a single 30 inch monitor???????????


  16. We have some very skilled campaign makers out there who cut their teeth on CMSF...it won't be long after the full release when they start to bring new ones out...then you wouldn't be worrying about triggers...Paper Tiger makes killer scenarios\campaigns...and there are a couple of others aswell...

    Wait and see...

    I see nowhere in this thread a post about worrying about triggers? The few posts here just simple state an opinion that the single player missions would be more interesting if the scenario designers had 'triggers' to make the plan more complex. Not one person bashed a scenario designer or any specific scenario's. We all know there are talented designers out there we can navigate the repository and find them.

    Your point is moot though. CMBN and CMSF have the same tools available for building scenarios. Unless soomething new has been added you can enlighten us. Eventhough Paper Tiger is an excellent scenario maker (which I 110% agree) unless he has something new to work with he will be limited to the same depth of AI plans that he had years ago with CMSF.

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