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Everything posted by hcrof

  1. Having that option would push CM even further into the relms of 'perfect game' for me. It would be an awesome feature!
  2. I noticed the challenger popping smoke from the engine. Please BFC could you model engine smoke!? It would make a difference to the challenger and entire Syrian armoured fleet (especially the older models) and with 2 smoke commands (target smoke and pop smoke) tanks can choose whether to use engine smoke or the smoke mortars. That and a Syrian truck, but that is for another thread
  3. Here you go. I havn't looked at the map so I have had to guess at a few changes so you will need to check it yourself. It sounds like an interesting scenario, it must be huge! briefing.txt
  4. Fair enough - I suppose I come from the Soviet school of thought: Never rely on air support! For the moment at least, NATO doesn't have to worry about that one. In my ideal world you could put a modern warhead like the one on the Israeli spike on the missile and the vehicle is good for another 5-10 years. I don't know who it would be used on though...
  5. I agree that the missile doesn't have good penetration but now we don't have an AT weapon that can engage targets at over 2500m. Isn't that a capability gap or am I missing out on something obvious?
  6. Can't the RARDEN gun on the scimiter punch holes in a BMP at ~3000m? Isn't that quite a lot of punch? They used to have an anti tank version of the CVR(T) with swingfire on it called Striker. I can't imagine why they got rid of that. The thing could be completely concealed while fireing and the missiles could do a 90 degree turn onto a target up to 4000m away. Imagine an indestructable (except by helicopter) version of the BRDM-AT with more mobility over difficult terrain. Cheap and very effective (IMO)
  7. Right, I was going to wait until an expert posted something about the scimiter but until someone has a better explaination of what they are expected to do I'll describe something that I was told about the scimiter. Basically, the scimitars job in this guys unit back in the 70's/80's was to race to a concealed position, let the Soviet armour roll over them and report back before abandoning the vehicle and making their way back through to what freindly territory was left. I get the impression that the crew is supposed to leave the vehicle and peek over ridges etc while the gun is used to chew up BRDM's or other vulnerable units from a distance. The gun has quite a low signature as well I think so they may be able to ambush BMP's (Again from range) and disappear before they know what has hit them. Their main strength is their high speed over all terrain and ridiculously low ground pressure. In fact there is a recorded incedent in the Falklands where the tank commander jumped out of a Scimiter and sank up to his waist in mud! The gun was designed purely for self defence.
  8. Whenever I have used snipers I have had great success with them. Not only are they pretty accurate even against moving targets, they will also prioritise high value targets like NCO's and MG guys. Sharpshooters are a different proposition though. Maybe you where just unlucky? Edit - It is your job to make sure your sniper gets in and out unnoticed. Snipers don't walk around invisible in the real world, they take position at night or before the enemy has arrived to avoid detection. You can do this by crawling through woods or moving through buildings. You can't just expect them to be 'stealthy' by virtue of them being snipers.
  9. I havn't played the demo but I was hoping at least for a red truck for the Syrian infantry. Seeing as the Americans got one and all
  10. Great - thanks guys. If you 2 want to play each other could one of you e mail me at hcrofton (at) gmail (dot) com and I'll send the battle over!
  11. I am of course looking forward to all of the things on your list but I have to argue the point here. Playing PBEM (which I do almost exclusively) means that what you can't see is much more important than what you can. In WW2 you notice the Tiger when it shoots (and misses). When playing a human in a modern setting you cannot afford to make that kind of mistake so you start having to play mind games with your opponent to force him into a situation where you shoot first. Unhinging an enemies defence with maneuvre is more possible with the faster and more powerful modern weapon systems. Likewise, a single well placed ATGM can deny the enemy huge areas of the map. He doesn't know where it is and until he does he has to change or delay his whole battleplan. To put it as a terrible analogy I would say CMSF is poker to CMBB's chess. Slightly faster paced, less is revealed to the player but (IMO) more fun Its a different style of play and I would argue it is just as unpredictable or more so than WW2 and that is why I love CMSF. Edit: I will however reserve judgement on CM: Normandy, I am judging WW2 by CMBB and I hope to be pleasently surprised by the gameplay of the new game
  12. You have a good point but think about how much information it would give a player! That Syrian reserve battalion just did some very smart looking drills when it came under fire - maybe this will be tougher than you think! I think most NATO armies have similar(ish) drills in the first seconds under fire and are based on the squad - this would be the tricky one. Soviet influenced ones are very simple and based mainly on the platoon so all that you would need to code there is a stop/go decision for all units in the LT's command with discipline/command variables.
  13. I would also love to see IA drills in the future. As IA's drills are drilled into every soldier to the point where they don't have to think about it I think they should be simple enough to code in as a new part of the TacAI and they would massively add to the immersion of the game. The TacAI is already very good so IMO it would just add to what is already there.
  14. I do get quite annoyed by people who keep claiming that CMSF is a 'bad' game. I am not aiming this at you in particular GSX but please could you die hard CMx1 guys please accept that there are people (like me) who played CMx1 and quite enjoyed it but where blown away by CMSF. When CM normandy comes out I will no doubt enjoy it very much but I have a greater interest a in modern/cold war setting than WW2 so I will continue to play CMSF. Each group of players have different tastes and in my case I will only abandon CMSF when CM:Modern warfare 2 comes out. I don't knock the multiple shortcomings in CMx1 so could you guys please stop claiming that noone likes CMSF? \rant over That felt better
  15. True that - It is hard seeing your men going down due to your own mistakes. It is thrilling too as your men try to clear a house and you see the enemy turning and aiming... :eek:. On the other hand, when your sniper takes out a Javlin guy or a lucky artillery hit clears out a trench it is very satisfying to see the enemy going down! I take better care of my men as well in CMSF because it is less like a board game than CMBB. It feels more real so that bailed out crew suddenly becomes frightened soldiers that I will attempt to assist rather than a slow and useless waste of 'points'. On that note I feel like I can also 'feel' how the battle is going better than in CMBB but that could just be due to the fact that I am better at Shock force.
  16. Has anyone noticed that in that photo the RPG's propellent (the blue bit) is still burning whereas late in the flight it will have disappeared? It's little touches like that which keeps me coming back to this game!
  17. My brother and at least 10 of his freinds have now all had swine flu (they picked it up in a nightclub). They felt terrible for half a day and where up and about again the next morning. Personally I am not worried at this stage.
  18. Firing your weapon and moving makes you more visible anyway so I don't see the problem people have. Hiding Muzzle flash and dust from an unspotted unit can only be a good thing IMO
  19. Thanks for the tips guys, now where are the robots in CMSF?
  20. JayA55 - much as I would love your features to be implemented (apart from anything else it would massively improve the AI) I suspect there would be a lot of programming involved so it would go on "The List" never to be seen again as there are arguably more important things to do. The other issure is the UI - I have never played Supreme commander so I don't know how simple it would be but it is hard enough to figure out all the commands already in CMSF and adding a ton more wouldnt help!
  21. It is a good point. Maybe if textures and flavour objects change between similar games the maps could be converted. Dud textures/flavour objects/buildings could be replaced with a placeholder or an equivilent object. It would greatly help the scenario making process!
  22. Ah I see - For me, In CM at least, that weakness is what gives the units flavour. With Blue forces you can afford to make mistakes because you can usually fight your way out of them. With Red, the tension and emotional reward for success is so much greater for me as I really have to earn every victory! Each to his own I suppose..
  23. The map has a maximum limit either side of the start point. I am afraid that you will not be able to go any further than around 2400m in one direction and 1600m in the other from the start map. I have made that mistake too and I just had to restart the map. Maybe with megatiles in the future we can copy and paste data will be spared this but until then I am afraid there is nothing you can do but expand in the other direction. If it is only 400m of terrain you want to keep you can copy it by hand by taking screenshots of the editor in the bit you want to keep and then reproducing the tiles (Alt - Tab to the photo) in the new map. I have done it before and it is time consuming but it works!
  24. As someone who loves the old Soviet kit I have to ask, why do you dislike red equipment? I don't want that to sound like critisism, I am just genuinely interested why you hate it!
  25. I just tested this out actually and from a few runs I determined that sandbags will not block LOS. On the other hand they do provide cover and troops will line up along a line of sandbags and actively seek defense behind them. They do not provide as much protection as a trench but of course they can be combined with one to make excellent protection from small arms. After 5 minutes of fire from a PKM from 150m the syrian engineer squad in the open was wiped out, the one behind sandbags took 3/5 casualties, the one in a trench took 1/5 casualties and the one in a trench + sandbags no casualties and actually killed a PKM gunner by mistake! The engineers where fanatic to make sure they didn't rout. I might start to use sandbags more often Edit: It turns out that trenches seem to reduce the spotting abilities of the units inside them. I started testing with an engineer squad in a trench vs one behind sandbags at 100m and the sandbags engineers would spot the opponent first, establish fire superiority and wipe out the enemy 4 times in a row. They even nearly beat 2 squads in trenches! Just a little fact I didn't know before today
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