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Everything posted by Clavicula_Nox

  1. You mustn't read the same board I do. "We would do that if we had the resources" is going to be inscribed on Steve's headstone. </font>
  2. With that being said, what was the budget for CMSF? The game doesn't present itself as low-budget, and it makes me curious.
  3. Basically what The Fighting Seabee said. There is a third option, and that is to halt, dismount, and defend the position. This is usually only effect when combined with numerical and fire superiority and close air support of some kind. Generally, if contact is close, attacking is the best option, psychologically and generally speaking, they're not expecting it.
  4. Basically what The Fighting Seabee said. There is a third option, and that is to halt, dismount, and defend the position. This is usually only effect when combined with numerical and fire superiority and close air support of some kind. Generally, if contact is close, attacking is the best option, psychologically and generally speaking, they're not expecting it.
  5. Basically what The Fighting Seabee said. There is a third option, and that is to halt, dismount, and defend the position. This is usually only effect when combined with numerical and fire superiority and close air support of some kind. Generally, if contact is close, attacking is the best option, psychologically and generally speaking, they're not expecting it.
  6. Was my favorite part of one of your links, Kettler.
  7. You know something this game has taught me? I don't like Strykers. They seem big and bad ass, like they could take on the whole world, but they just get ripped to shreds and all of my pixel soldiers die forcing me to write useless microsoft word documents to their pixelated parents.
  8. Okay, I get back on sunday and will get back to you on this. I may post in the meantime, I'm just visiting some family. I have plenty of time to do stuff now, so we'll see.
  9. Sorry, I'm heading out of town this week, otherwise I would volunteer.
  10. Gunning down enemy infantry as they charged across the front was great. Swooping from the skies on helpless observer planes was the stuff of legend. My god..I've never played another flight sim like it.
  11. The thing is, even though I was trundling in diapers, I was gaming. I've been computer gaming since I was 6 months old. So, if the market is so stacked against you guys, how do you breakout? Can you breakout? Should you breakout?
  12. I'm starting to figure out the elevation, but I'm not sure how to solve the problem of the AI coming out of their holes prematurely and firing off a few rounds. I give them hide commands, I try to block their LOS with buildings, I make the distance around 700m and still they come up and fire. Not quite sure what to do, but would it work better once I make an AI plan for them?
  13. NWN 2 isn't bad at all. There weren't too many things I found wrong with it, I suppose. XCOM was THE game back in the day, too bad they killed it off with a flight sim and that ridiculous Enforcer.
  14. Man, I know Impressions. I still have Civil War Generals 2 installed on my computer and I had the first one when it was first released. I also remember that side-scroller..Hunter/Hunted, I think? Dynamix's Red Baron and Red Baron 2 were the only flight sims I ever enjoyed apart from Microprose: F-117 game. Btw, their consolidation scheme failed miserably. King's Quest Mask of Eternity? Please. Police Quest: SWAT? Give me a break. I dunno, back when I was young, Sierra and Lucasarts were my favorite developer/publisher groups, it's been sad to see them go. *edit* I'm 22 years old and bemoan the state of PC gaming today.
  15. I'm a big Police/Kings/Space Quest fan. I never got into Gabriel Knight, but I wanted to.
  16. Oh, I was wondering because there is a Scania, Iraq. Also, long live the Danes!
  17. Someone should beg battlefront to code in Agent Orange. They can argue for years because it saw use sometime ago and is perfectly viable for ridding the "battlespace," of pesky vegetation. And dammit, the game isn't realistic without it.
  18. Where is Scania? *edit* I hate wearing body armor, and anyone who wears it while being cooped up in armor and having all of their movement restricted by plates and kevlar deserve frickin medals in my opinion. There should be a special one, the "I sit in hot tanks in full battle rattle" ribbon. I'm serious too. [ May 20, 2008, 08:21 AM: Message edited by: Clavicula_Nox ]
  19. What AARs? These must be some leg units or something. How do civilians get a hold of incident reports and things of that nature? *edit* I could see a soldier being pulled back for a couple of minutes, but not anything that would take him out of the operation entirely, and it would all be mission pertaining like during a lull or something. [ May 20, 2008, 08:14 AM: Message edited by: Clavicula_Nox ]
  20. Yeah, for real. I'm trying to do scenarios now, and I suck. None of it looks like it should, enemy units always reveal themselves immediately and there is no set-up period and I am having trouble with the elevation.
  21. The thing I don't like about IED videos are watching the bad guys stuff. It's all good for intel, but they always label it with something asinine like "27 Dead Invaders!" or something..when in reality..there might be 1 KIA, a couple serious WIAs, and a bunch of walking-wounded. It looked like a very early video. 4-5 Humvees, closely grouped, mixed coloration. We were spacing out to 200-300m intervals as early as 2004, probably sooner but I can't give first-hand account of that.
  22. because of psychological factors. perhaps let him empty the mag and then leave for the rest of the battle. of course every now and then you read a story where dude x supposedly just kept on going while taking hits, at the end of the mission having 10+ holes in hist vest, but it's far more common to read how dude x leaves the battle for 20+ minutes to take care of himself after taking a hit. </font>
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