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Everything posted by costard

  1. And some of us are still learning, even though we think we know it all. Michael, see your sig.
  2. How about we compromise - drop them both in the middle of the Pacific and let them choose which country to swim to? I bet Seanachai arrives on California's shores paddling a canoe made out of OGSF.
  3. Because we've taken into account the variance in mass in the KE equation, we can say that only the cross-sectional area of the shell matters as far as the loss due to air resistance is concerned. The bigger shell will encounter more air, and lose velocity quicker. So the 88/56 will not outrange the 75/70 for KE. Where the 88 comes up trumps is in the size of the bang it delivers: 1.33 (1.1^3) times the bang of the 75 (because of the increased volume of HE in the shell).
  4. Hi Deadmeat. Better for knocking out armour, but short barrels have their advantages: cheaper to produce and can be manufactured in a relatively basic machine shop, a ballistic arc to place shells behind or over terrain, smaller propellant charge so more ammo in your vehicle. And weight, of course, as you noted, so you can use a lighter (i.e. more mobile) vehicle. Ok, do the sums: KE(75/70)= 0.5*(m*0.9^3)*v*1.2^2, roughly, at the muzzle. Equals 1.05 times the KE of the 88/56 projectile.
  5. Nah, the pre-existing condition clause will get you there. Seanachai, you could always migrate, become a Goobernational. Fair's fair - you get OGSF, we get the Gnome.
  6. The bit I don't get is how a Saudi prince managed to ally with the Pushtu - to the extent of getting them to fight the Great Satan itself. The only common link is the Bush family - George snr running Stingers into the 'stan to help the Muj defeat the Russkis. Where's the drug tie-in? - ahhhh, CIA again.
  7. ...and having no money. Charity work is so rewarding. Costs me a fortune in dog treats. The plan is to use my ...charms to get written into the will then bribe the dog to lead the little old lady under a truck. Score one the good guys. Proactive my arse! It's all about deniability.
  8. Hi - got the game a couple of days ago and have it on an offline machine, so I don't know if this has been addressed in an update: I've played one game through to the end and managed to get an attack satellite up, but it appeared in the top left corner of the map instead of over the city where it was produced (co-ords zero.zero instead of city co-ords?). It then took four turns to get it to where I wanted it (out of the ten available). Is this by design or a bug? Enjoying EOS - smooth running here. Time for game two.
  9. Ranchers' Weekly perhaps - cattle prods and spurs seem a little more on the proactive side. And I get to have fun too!
  10. non sequitur? It was an explanation imediately following a post that must have lent some wonder to the casual peruser; that's about as sequitur as it gets, Michael. Truthfully, it was meant as a help - now you know what to do with what Santa puts in your stocking this year. Ooh really, could I possibly hope for more?
  11. I'd think about not standing up to view the splash, too.
  12. So they're identifying genetic differences in the make-up of the adapting group following analysis of the blood samples. Are these gene sequences at all present in the parent group? To be a different species, a bird would have to be incapable of producing viable offspring when mated with the other group?
  13. It's a case of the slaves over here being glad for some "liberal thinking" inspired laws that haven't been repealed, ..yet. Investment in high quality (or priced) buildings on low lying islands would seem to me to be a little too optimistic for most people's taste. As far as the slaves are concerned, there is no way that anyone could come out of it alive except by the mercy of the overseers, so I doubt they'd seriously consider it. The Taliban are reported to be paying well (BBC I think, maybe The Australian) though, so they might be able to trade one hell for another (if they're militantly inclined).
  14. What use is pride when you have no discernible character trait to be proud of? I'm asking you, Michael, because I'm certain you'll know. Gimme a zimmerit coated coprolite any day.
  15. Maybe we should all chip in and buy Steve a sunlamp - its the only way daddy's going to get a tan this year.
  16. Not at all a silly question, noxnoctum. Not a trivial question either. Let's see... umm. Mostly you've got the answer - the higher velocity of the 57mm gun gives better penetration than a lower velocity 75mm gun. But a 75mm projectile with the same velocity as the 57mm will have better penetration (for a projectile made of a given material): kinetic energy (KE)of the projectile = .5*m*v^2 - an increase in diameter of 27% gives a mass increase of 1.27^3 (for the same shaped projectile), gives a KE increase of 1.27^3. So the 57mm projectile needs to have an increase in velocity of (1.27^3)^.5 to equal the KE of the 75mm projectile. The metallurgy and machining of a high velocity gun barrel is more expensive than a low velocity barrel - which is why you see more in the way of low velocity 75mm than high velocity 57mm.
  17. Nah, the stupid guy is the one that pushed the boats back into the stream and watched them float away, then tried to work out what to do.
  18. Sure. It's winging its way to you as I write. You have 1 StuG left, and your Tiger is going to run out of room shortly. Then what you gonna do, huh, huh?
  19. Sergei, your babelfish needs a spell at the Betty Ford Centre. "To return back your disgrace manyfolded" ? A secondhand Newscorp paper? A moth-eaten counterpane?
  20. I'm pretty sure they have to have someone in them to go anywhere. I don't know what the capacity is - probably the transport class will give you an idea.
  21. Thanks for the links John - that photo archive is... superlatives fail me.
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