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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Paper Tiger

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Everything posted by Paper Tiger

  1. If memory serves me correctly, the British and Canadians had to land on the beaches too. Falaise will not be the focus of the Commonwealth campaign. (It's not even called 'The Road to Falaise') Plenty of really interesting stuff happened long before the Falaise pocket. The Brits and the Canadians fought against the cream of the German forces in France. Two full SS Panzer Corps just for starters.
  2. And then we went back to it in spades in the CMSF NATO module . In that module, you had loads of very heavy support, artilllery, fixed wing aircraft and helicopters at your disposal, even at the start of the mission. Those PzH2000s were absolutely wicked and they featured in almost every mission in the German and Dutch campaigns. (Hands up who thought they were easy ) But that's because the maps were big and the enemy well dispersed.
  3. 60mm mortars can slaughter troops in buildings, even when they're on the lower levels.
  4. Don't want you to think that I'm stealing your ideas but I've crafted a map for the North Shore Regiment's assault on St Aubins and there are a number of fortified buildings of that ilk scattered around, and mightily effective they are too. I also made a few ringed by low walls for some of the missions I made for the NATO campaigns as well.
  5. That's a real weapon alright. You're not the only one! It's on my wish list and I keep asking for it time after time, after time... hopefully, one day they'll put it in just to shut me up! However, I'm betting on the Market Garden module as it was very commonly used against ground forces there.
  6. It's got nothing to do with real life but coding but you'll need to get Steve to explain the real coding issues to you. We ALL want them to be able to re-man them because we know it was doable in real life but apparently, such behaviour is not so easy to code in a computer game. The alternative was wait until Charles could code the game so that they could be abandoned and re-manned. Without this compromise you'd have the crews married to their guns until the guns died in v1.01 which is even less realistic.
  7. 'Fanboy' is a very insulting term. I wish BFC would issue infractions for its unnecessary use on these boards because it is mostly used by posters who are trying to get a rise out of people who do not share their opinions of the game. Used in that context, it is intended to insult and it should be punished.
  8. Wel, I have no idea about the first two as I only play Single Player but almost everybody else on the Beta team plays PBEM games so I expect these probems will get ironed out in good time. Point 3 is not a bug. It is working as designed and you have already started a thread about this. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=100316 No armour covered arc is not a bug. It is a design feature and will most likely come in the next title because I believe it will require a new UI to implement. Everybody wants this. Odd TAC AI behaviour? Could you be a wee bit more specific? Personally, I think the TAC AI in this game is astonishingly good. Perfect? Of course not but it already far exceeds my expectations. If there are glitches, provide examples and maybe somebody can fix them. Not being able to re-man an AI gun! Again, working as designed! Would you prefer it if you couldn't abandon them? That was the choice we were given. Crews can't abandon them or the player can force them to but can't re-man them later. Who knows, perhaps it will get coded in at a future point but I was happy to be able to abandon a gun when its position was about to be whacked by enemy mortars zeroing in on its position. Sometimes, you just have to accept a compromise to get a bit of what you want and hope that you will get the rest later. You'd obviously prefer no compromise and no abandoning of AT guns...ever. No thank you. Because I don't play online, I feel that this game is working very well indeed and there is no urgent need for a new patch. I'd rather BFC stay focussed on generating new titles and modules than fine tuning a game that's already working well.
  9. 'This is what they want!' <throws bucket of water> At last, my StuGs are done. Thanks a lot for this.
  10. It will require a new user-interface to implement so I doubt CMBN will ever have this feature. However, it is something that everyone has been asking for for a very long time so I'd expect it to be a feature in the 'Bulge' title.
  11. Downloaded. Thanks again for this great work. I'm currently doing a lot of work with those Panther Gs. And I can't wait to see that Stug pack.
  12. Personally, I'd prefer to have infantry cross through barbed wire but very, very slowly and not have wire as an uncrossable barrier without blowing holes in it. BTW, 'The Road to Montebourg' will not be remembered as a campaign that restricted the player or closed down avenues of approach to the enemy positions. (You actually have a LOT of freedom to take each mission on because that is how they were designed to be played.) What it will be remembered for, if it is remembered at all , is the ubiquitous wooden bunkers. There is a small line of wire in the 'Hell in the Hedgerows' mission that is there to prevent the player from sneaking up one of the board edges. In that battle, the German's right flank was well covered by forces on the high ground on the other side of the flooded river and their left flank was covered by forces positioned in the large hangar near La Lande. So, yes, I felt justified in closing down the first ten action spots on one of the flanks with wire. No minefields either. I tried to be hard but fair.
  13. You might want to bear in mind that this will be covered in a whole new title and you can bet that there will be a lot of new features that will enable you to do Huertgen better than you can at present. There will be plenty of fights in forests in Bulge but not so many in Normandy.
  14. I'm sure, but it's 13:15 in Indonesia where I'm currently living And you're welcome.
  15. Hi snakee what version of the game are you playing? If you look at the main menu, you'll see either v1.0 or v1.01 at the bottom. If it says v1.0, you need to download the v1.01 patch. Check this link for more info. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1907&Itemid=459 If it says v1.01, you're up to date. Just keep dropping in here from time to time for news of new patches, modules, etc for this game. And welcome to the boards.
  16. I think you'll like my #1 priority though Yes, that was my first reaction to reading his post. But after reading a bit more carefully, it became obvious he was talking about the 'Hedgerows' mission. That's a 325 Glider Infantry Battalion mission and they don't have demo charges. Confirmed. The three-man breach team is very similar to a small Engineer group and can breach barbed wire. I 've used them this way myself a few times.
  17. I don't have to worry about getting roasted. Anyone who has read about the Carpiquet battle should know exactly what to expect. Anything less than an inferno would be an insult. But there won't be a 'walk across over a kilometre of open fields through heavy artillery' though as that would be NO FUN to play. I'd love to say more about it. The maps are done and they're beauties. But I've got a pretty big plate in front of me just now and it's not my #1 priority.
  18. Well, we'll see how popular it is when I finally get around to finishing my Canadians at 'Carpiquet' campaign. You win by surviving. I am planning to make that the toughest campaign I've ever crafted. There will be no compromises made in that one. It will be an inferno.
  19. It sounds like you are talking about 'Hell in the Hedgerows' there. Yup, it's meant to be tough but it's nowhere near as tough as the real life mission it covers. Historically, there were Nebelwerfers available for the Germans and there were in the early versions of this mission. But it made 'School of Hard Knocks'* a walk in the park in comparison so out they came. I like 'difficult' but not that difficult. The 2/325 don't have any Engineers with them but there is only a small amount of wire that covers one edge of the map (yes, it moves from plan to plan and there are four of them) to prevent the player from sneaking right up the board edge: a tactic to which the AI is incapable of reacting to. FWIW, this is supposed to be the most dificult mission in the campaign. It was a historical loss for the Allied side. They failed to cross the creek and they took heavy casualties trying, so much so that the 2/325 could do nothing for a couple of days afterwards. BTW, you have smoke rounds in this mission. You have a battery of 75mm guns which have them. Perhaps you fired off all the HE and so couldn't use the smoke? And the two onboard 81mm mortars have them too. *I'm really not exaggerating either. Perhaps I should put the Nebelwerfers back in and release it as a stand-alone.
  20. I have to keep coming back here to check to see if there's a new Aris mod to download. You're a star, sir. Please keep up the good work and when the Commowealth module finally arrives, I hope you'll give the Churchills some of your attention as they are my favourite tanks.
  21. Nothing I haven't seen before here except for the use of obelisks at the front of the building. You may wish to note that Steve told the Beta designers NEVER to place walls inside buildings as it utterly screws with the AI pathfinding routines. That's why you won't find these 'interior' walls in any of the official maps. But it's good to encourage the budding designers to make their compounds look a little bit more realistic. On a seperate note, I usually start out with realistic buildings surrounded by tall brick walls but after playtesting a wee bit, I usually swap the walls for either tall or low bocage to allow LoS through them. Apparently, troops would knock out small firing holes in tall walls with their bayonets and the game does not allow us to do this. Therefore the compromise.
  22. I'll let Pandur answer that one but I will say that he is a very good scenario designer and I can understand his frustration. Event triggers as opposed to time triggers are what most of us want and that will make him a happy camper again.
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