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Everything posted by Federico

  1. could be. Well I ll keep checking. Thanks for the answers.
  2. Hi everyone, I'm wandering if is it possible that very often the leaders of the squads or commanders are the first casualties. I experienced that on CMSF too I think. Thanks
  3. Hi guys, Is there a recomended Mod Manager? Or we just add and remove manually the mods from the Z folder? Thanks for the help
  4. Hi, Was playing the Daevon training Campaign. I had played CMSF but anyway I wanted to do the training. On the fire drill mission I Fast move the Shermans to make flank shots to the Tiger and Panther tanks that are at the back. Each of the Shermans was able to hit the tanks at least 3 times before arrive at destination. This should not happen right? Or am I wrong. Thanks and thanks for the game BFC. Taking aside small details It rocks
  5. I think the Infantry AI also shoots at tanks with rifle fire. The germans shoot at my shermans that way when playing the demo.
  6. I try it a couple of turns on we go and it runs very well. Im waiting for the full version. A question: we donĀ“t have the info of the casualties inflicted by a particular unit right? Tks
  7. Hi, just a question. I have an assault waypoint set to the first floor of a building and I want to make a target light to a second floor once there (in the triangle waypoint) I always get no line of sight and it's driving me crazy. Could it be possible that some buildings dont allow that? tks. Got it. took a while but found the angle.
  8. Pre-Ordered. $60.00 DVD and Download. Hurry!!!
  9. Nice pics!! Fungs coming out of my mouth already Thanks!!
  10. The link is fine but when I want to download the files or open the images I got a "forbidden message" tks
  11. I got the hard copy from the pre-order something like two weeks ago. And I'm in Uruguay . S!
  12. Hi, just wandering why Italy doesnt have a separate mpp capability. Tks
  13. Hi, do we need to install the folders named as media, bitmaps, interface, scripts and sound on the game folder appart of the cgn file and campaign config? tks!
  14. Hi, Just wanted to know if the link found on the battlefront toolbar for the CMSF scenario design guide is broken. Many thanks for the help
  15. HintJ, You are right. I have the CMSF+Marines Bundle + Brit Forces + Nato. We have to reinstall all? tks
  16. The same happens with the dutch army....
  17. Hi, just wanted to know if it is possible in the future that the destroyed vehicles show some wreckage besides the flames. In CMx1 some of it was noticeable. And I was guessing if it is going to be implemented on CM:N Tks
  18. Hi, Is it possible to play on regular without damaged parts of enemy vehicles being visible? Tks
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