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Everything posted by Piecekeeper

  1. I think it wont be released before normandy.....Im pretty sure.
  2. Yeah thanks...looking forward to Kursk.
  3. Maybe its been asked before but how will indirect artillery fire work?...i see a Priest there...will it be like brit mortars? And why a black/white pic?
  4. Whem will it be released? What new gameplay features are there? stacking commands?
  5. What? no SS or FJ? I thought this game would be historically correct?
  6. Yeah different cannon compared to the swedish 40mm.
  7. Im hoping for the CV 9040 from the dutch army. Developed in sweden.
  8. Its a lie! It didnt work with my P4, 3,2 Ghz at all. Lag on all settings!
  9. You´ll never walk alone! But i think you got the biggest success ahead of you....Normandy. All i can say is that i love this game! Thanks
  10. Also had "flashing houses" in the beginning of the british demo mission.
  11. Haha, thanks for your question....and your answer.
  12. I think i downloaded it in approx. 2-3 mins. Think i got the whole bandwith there.
  13. Of course the challenger got the best protection and maybe warrior next, but after that? Can anyone rank the other vehicles in terms of protection?
  14. Thats really cool, nice work! Even cooler when you can recognize the church in Carentan!
  15. Anyone tried it yet? vehicles? maps? tactics? Youre impressions so far? Im at work and cant play
  16. As i remember it.....preorder, mail and deliv. to west europe was only 25$ for the marines, now its 55$!
  17. So even if i want to just reinstall the game on the same computer i have to unlicense anyway?
  18. My fault! I WAS installing in the wrong place. I guess it doesnt matter how many times Ive installed it, there are only restrictions to number of downloads? Thanks anyway for great support!
  19. Got vista 64 and cant launch the game after installing the brits. I installed the module in my cm-folder: c:/ combat mission (not the default folder) but thats where i got the game. Im getting an error message that says: "msvcr71.dll could not be found......" ,can anyone help me? Do i have to unlicense before reinstalling if i have to? Should i install it in the default folder for the modules instead? (default folder was c:/ combat mission for the vanilla game)Will it make any difference?
  20. Isnt the original release plan with "module every 3-4 month" , "new big title every 12 month" just fantasy now? Normandy game already delayed according to the original plan?....please sticky this now.
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