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Everything posted by Piecekeeper

  1. Yes of course..and not a bushmaster 35 mm to a Bofors 40mm either but some swedish textures would be cool.
  2. Great. Hope you'll do a mod for the swedish army with CV9035 and leopard when NATO comes out.
  3. Any news on the website?
  4. You really should by a module...otherwise you'll have to go through this over and over again.
  5. "Error from inside set single value" when trying to save the path???
  6. So you can use "curse night" ore whatever it was called at the same time?
  7. So you cant use both the brits and american folders at the same time in the z folder? why?
  8. One thing I think that you could have done better is the trailers. It often shows a battle without showing the real benefits of the game...the tactical part. I think a trailer where you could see how you manage waypoints,cover arc etc would wake the interest for more people. The waypoint system is the most unique thing with this game i think and not the graphic ore the models (although I love them).
  9. Is the release date April 2010!? Didn't thought i would have to wait that long.
  10. I would be so useful if you could use different drivers for different games:(
  11. Anyone noticed decreased perf. when using the latest driver 195,62? which one are you using? which is the best?
  12. Steve told as that there where not much to show yet..... but i would think there are more to write about still..maybe the story.
  13. Isnt there any chance nvidia will fix these issues for us? there must be something you could even though we are a small community.
  14. Is this only if you've got centauro?
  15. Dont know if ive installed it correctly...dont think so..can i see it in any way in game?
  16. Everyone still got this problem with newest nvidia drivers?
  17. I managed to get the whole folder excluded and now it works. It did not work file by file. Thanks for your help!
  18. Tried the new beta drivers...still there:(
  19. So...how is it going. Nvidia responded? still having these flashing buildings
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