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Everything posted by Piecekeeper

  1. Try to use a program called "game booster". Dont know where to find it...
  2. How do you save the .ini changes?
  3. Hm....At least the two American missions where you can.
  4. Tried a couple of times...its so hard...anyone made it?
  5. Get CTD when trying to place those "Czech hedgehogs" in setup phase. Happens almost every time. My specs are: i7 920, Vista 64, geforce 260, 6 gig ram.
  6. Im very pleased so far...thank you! What changes have been made since demo?
  7. Do i have to run the full game in compatibilty mode on Vista too?
  8. Based on the 2 demos..... No.
  9. Yeah...Great work. One question....is the vehicle list on the homepage complete? In the game presentation it says there will be more than 50 vehicles. Arent they all revealed yet?
  10. Yeah..the infantry is a problem. The only place they seem useful is in urban areas. It seem that tanks are better spotters too.
  11. Ive heard there will be a patch coming with the release. Can you tell me what fixes/ improvements there will be?
  12. So...if i understand it correctly..in demo its better to use the APBC against sloped armor instead of AP rounds even if AP rounds got better penetration? And AP rounds at vertical armor?
  13. Thanks! That was what I was looking for.
  14. What i meant was that you could look at the targeted armor with an info box showing there armor thickness and at the same time get the information of your penetr. capability at a certain range. What ive seen thats not possible in tow2.
  15. No, thats not the same. There was a bar in it that tould you the distance and the armor penetration.
  16. In TOW1 there was an info-box, when aiming a target, telling you the distance to the target and a penetration diagram where you could see how much armor the shell could penetrate at the different distances. I think this was very useful...why is it not there in TOW2?
  17. Personally i like the TOW-demo more. Ive been in MOW beta and i think TOW will last longer for me......became tired of MOW pretty quick. The more realism the better i think!
  18. My game crash to desktop after a while and im getting an Open GL error message. My specs: i7 processor, vista 64-bit, geforce GTX260, 6 gig ram.....latest drivers
  19. I got a beep sound from what i think is my graphic card when clicking on different menu buttons. The sound change in tones when clicking on the different buttons.
  20. Got two questions? 1. Is there any difference for tanks between the movement modes? 2. Are there any plans for add-ons? extra maps? expansions? etc.... ( new computer...the game works great.)
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