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Everything posted by Piecekeeper

  1. Yes...there seem to be an issue with the zoom....
  2. It doesnt show up in game...and it says it hasnt been changed sonce 2008!
  3. Are there any chance that a patch would include a mod in the future? why not? There are many great mods out there. Ive always been cautious about installing mods and just to be sure its good, i would like it to be included in a patch. There are many maps that would qualify to be in the game too. Many would say " if you want the mod just go and get it" but for the feel of it and to be sure its a quality mod i would like it to be released by battlefront. Whats the reason to not do?
  4. Looking great. Thanks!
  5. Im sure there will be a patch.... but i dont think it will bring new units.
  6. Yes, ive found that too. But the vehicle couldnt move in either direction (Thank you for the bug fix).
  7. Try the other mission with barbed wire. And maybe on a vista 64. Im absolutely sure the bug happened there.
  8. Got stuck with a tank in the german mission from the demo. Tried to climb that steep in the beginning where you can outflank the AT-guns over the mountain. Got stuck in front of 2 rocks there.
  9. Dont understand your problem....do you want the germans to attack you?
  10. doesnt remember...is that the last mission?
  11. Mines?? What should do about them? How can you clear the mines?
  12. Got a CTD when playing as germans on the mission that was in the demo....posted specs earlier on this page.
  13. In desert it runs perfectly smooth but in cities it lags a little bit sometimes. Specs: i7 920, geforce gtx 260, vista 64, 6 gig ram. Can we expect performance improvements in future patches?
  14. Do you got the latest drivers?
  15. I was able to fix it: I opened notepad as admin. I opened the user-mp file and change the row to what Sneaksie suggested and was able to save. There was no servers available but i think it worked.
  16. What do you mean? I run the game as an administrator.
  17. Ive found it only seems to happen with those with a barbed wire between them. Happens almost every time....I think it happens when i release the mouse button.
  18. No, it wont let me....this will be fixed in a patch maybe?
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