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  1. Upvote
    Lethaface reacted to chrisl in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    And much of those $76B are dollars that were spent in previous years to build equipment that was sent and won't be directly replaced by new production of the same or similar equipment.  That's some value that's being carried on the books for that equipment, and most of it won't be replaced by new orders. Most of it will likely be replaced on a schedule similar to when it would have been replaced by new designs/technologies anyway.  The artillery shells and recent model rockets of various sources are the things most likely to be replaced by new spending.
  2. Upvote
    Lethaface reacted to sburke in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    For folks freakin out about the expenditure from the west, it might be good to have perspective,
    In Afghanistan the US alone spent some 2 TRILLION dollars.  The gov't sitting in Kabul right now is the umm err Taliban.  As of July we had spent about 76 billion in Ukraine.....  For the return on investment, it is hard to say the West hasn't got a financial windfall in kneecapping the Russian military.
  3. Upvote
    Lethaface reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    And this is how we snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.  Ukraine will fight as long as it can and we should support them until that end.  Here we are discussing one possible end - I am not sure we are even at probable but we need to be ready for it.  Conversations well above my pay grade will land on how things finally resolve with respect to the war.  
    After the war we need a modern day Marshall Plan.  One for the history books.  We turn Ukraine into South Korea in a month.  Even if EU and NATO somehow remain off the table there are plenty of other ways to secure that nation.  Not least of which would be stationing western troops on their soil a la the US 8th Army.  We need to follow through or we risk blowing the whole thing.  All the money spent to date will be lost if we leave Ukraine hanging during reconstruction.  If we double down on this and turn Ukraine into a regional economic powerhouse…a friendly democratic regional economic powerhouse, that is how we cement this as a major strategic victory.
  4. Upvote
    Lethaface reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I will just pick this one.  “Serious preparation”.  Canada is talking about a Brigade in Latvia…under a Liberal government.  Russia’s single biggest loss, beyond all the hardware and credibility, is that it did exactly what it should not have done…it unified the West.  Further it pushed up to overcome our deep apathy.  We did not care back in 2014 when Putin went “I want this”.  Hell we argued about legality etc for years after a soft invasion that took the entire Crimea.  
    Move to 2023 - the West no far how it puts its head up its own butt is not going to forget this.  Further, there is too much money to be made ensuring Russia stays in its box.  We spent billions ensuring Ukraine stayed independent.  We will spend billions more to ensure it stay out of the Russian sphere and that Russia stays in that box.  This is everything we should have done back in 2014.  And here is the thing, that strategic corridor won’t matter to that calculus.  
    I say all this with confidence because the wheels are already in motion.  Money is being spent…a lot of money.  Russia just put NATO back in business for the next 20 years.  That is done.  Decided.  How is that for sober?
    Look guys this isn’t late game rose coloured consolation prizing, I have been saying it since last summer.  Russia lost this war, badly…already.  The blow to their prestige and warfighting machine is pretty bad.  For example, Russian can produce about 200 tanks per year (ya, let’s pretend tanks still matter).  That is over 10 years of expensive production to replace what they lost in this war.  Their military is battered beyond recognition.  Any professional talent they had is pushing up sunflowers all over Ukraine.  What is left is hastily trained and mobilized recruits and that includes the officer Corp.  These are not things one can fix over night…and they are not cheap.
    Hey if the UA can do a break out and cut that corridor - fantastic!  But it is not a critical requirement.  Russia was a scary monster and it just got mauled by a minor power supported by about as an ad hoc framework as I have ever seen.
    Russia will not recover tomorrow or the next day.  They will remain a threat but one we will contain.  They want dance in South East Ukraine again?  Go for it.  It only gets worse for them over time, not better.  At some point the economics and drug deals with China will sour and they will run out of juice.  At that point we may have other problems if Russia unravels.  But this entire “Invincible Russian Monster Bear” is a myth.  It died at Kyiv.  It died at Kharkiv.  It died at Kherson.  It won’t be resurrected soon.
    Now the next big question that really matters: “what are we going to do with the time we have taken?”
  5. Upvote
    Lethaface reacted to billbindc in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The very definition of a "major strategic victory" seems to have morphed into only three quarters f*cking up an invasion it never should have made in the first place. Yeah...no.
  6. Upvote
    Lethaface reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Ok, how?  How is it a “major strategic victory”?  How is Russia’s position better than it was before this war if that is all they gained?  Is it decisive?  Does it create strategic options we cannot counter?
    It sucks and we all would like it other wise.  But calling it a “major strategic victory” is hyperbole.  I will even buy operational.  Strategic would be half of Ukraine under Russian control and the other half held by a Vichy-esque puppet.  While NATO starts falling apart.
    We got Finland and Sweden.  We got political Will for a decade.  We will get the rest of Ukraine.  Russia got a corridor of land which will secure Crimea better but it cost them far more than that was worth.
    That corridor is an arbitrary metric.  Right next to “all of Crimea” and “every inch of pre-2014”.  They have sentimental value but in the hard calculations of geopolitics and military gains they do not mean as much as people think.  The West is not going to fall because this war got stuck where it is.  Ukraine is not going to slide back into Russian control.  Hell Russia doesn’t have the forces to exploit that corridor for a long while yet.  And by the time they do I am sure it will be mined and defended to the hilt.
    In war there is what you must do. Want to do. And hope to do.  The trick is really understanding which is which.
  7. Upvote
    Lethaface got a reaction from Artkin in Oh oh, competition for the CM games gets tougher!   
    If it is same as the first one, RTS. 
    I have the first edition, just looked it up and played it for 5.4 hours total. Each to his own but compared to the depth / immersion I get from CM I thought it was like 'meh'. Some interesting features of course, but imo CM was way ahead.
    Who knows this one is much better, but I'll surely won't buy it unless reviews/let's play manage to convince me this one is very different.
  8. Like
    Lethaface reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    So what does Russia sell?  What sustains this gold throne?  Oil and gas.  The West ain’t buying it anymore and that is going to continue.  So Russia sells to China or India (Iran has their own).  1) all the infra is going West so know they have an eastward problem.  2) China and India are going to guy Russia and undercut profits 3) A lot of expertise ran away and keeps running away. That brain drain is going to really start hurting.
    No, the Russian economy does not get away with this all scot free.  Major market shifts are not painless.  Can Russia still do Grey zone crap and play silly buggers, sure…but we already risked managed that for over a decade.  It is going to cost Russia billions, maybe hundreds of billions to rebuild military power after this war.  Will there be oligarchs?  Yup.  Will Putin stay rich?  Yup.  Will Russia be in a position to do Ukraine War 2.0 in the next 10 years…no freakin way.
    None of this is “good” but it ain’t all bad either.  The dance will continue but Russia is boxed up and can only do so much.  Our biggest risk is taking our eyes off this ball as we go all scope eye on China.
  9. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Kraft in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The point is that the king still sits on gold even if the peasents starve.
    We are also far from that - so what exactly is this "punishment" of economic "isolation" /read this as a trade reduction in russias case, Russia still very happily trades with the rest of the world and vice versa, some companies pulled out, others made great profit there.
    All one can argue is that this economic reduction reduces Russias potential to build as many weapons as they could but a) they are maintaining the war good enough, b) judging by North Korea (which is completely isolated vs just the west doing - less trading - not nothing), which still hangs on after half a century and remains a threat to SK and the world.
    So how much does this "economic pain" really deter Putin, or other autocrats ? In my view, not at all. 
  10. Like
    Lethaface got a reaction from CAZmaj in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    These clips you keep posting give me some WW2 east front vibes. 
  11. Like
    Lethaface got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Another drone recollection gathering interrupted by a party pooper ;-). 
  12. Like
    Lethaface got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Lol nicely put. (Ps we have finally overcome that national tragedy).
  13. Like
    Lethaface got a reaction from paxromana in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The last bits of your post is imo why we don't see real 'learning & improving' on the side of the RA. And also links to what was missing in another post linking to a video about the changing world order which was too limited in its vision, at least imo. The thing the 'West' or rather democracy has going for it is the advantage on the side of learning and improving. We probably owe Napoleon some slack on this account and we are in danger of losing this advantage, corporate culture being one of the biggest threats imo.
    Ps Napoleon wasn't really democratic, but imo the only durable/sustainable way of enforcing learning & improving is in the dimension of what democratic freedom actually entails. Our democracies are in the risk of losing this, as the 1% gets more and more influence and wealth to the detriment of the 99%.
    (Does one actually have the chance to make a difference for the better by giving it all, or does whatever one do not make an iota of difference).
  14. Upvote
    Lethaface got a reaction from Homo_Ferricus in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Besides Zalushny's statement has probably more intents outside of what is in the statement, than inside. After all it is coming from a General directly involved in a hot war. He isn't writing op-eds for a career opportunity.
  15. Like
    Lethaface reacted to chrisl in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    And if you've ever given someone a little push to get over a hill while using a power meter, or been pushed, a few tens of watts can make a huge difference in your fatigue and recovery by keeping you from having to go over AT and recover repeatedly.  
  16. Like
    Lethaface reacted to kimbosbread in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    A good amateur cyclist can do 300W sustained per hour. A properly doped up Grand Tour winning cyclist does 500W sustained. A sprinter is doing about 2000W, but over 10-20 seconds only.
    Tesla batteries (Panasonic laptop batteries last I checked) are 250WH per kg.
    If you can give a soldier for the cost of say 5kg in batteries an extra 50W for 24h, that’s actually a lot of power.

    EDIT: This obviously implies 100% efficiency, but even at 50% this is not an insignificant benefit.
  17. Like
    Lethaface reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    You are no doubt correct…but he is contained.   Pragmatically the West political calculus is that this is a problem that cannot be solved.  If we destroy Putin/Russia we have a whole other set of more dangerous possibilities.  If we let him get away with murder (literally) we set ourselves up for worse.  Russia just took “the 2nd most powerful land army” on the planet and smashed it to a pulp in Ukraine. Putin might not care about convicts and country rubes, but he does care very much about nearly 3000 tanks and a submarine.  It will take the RA decades to come back from this mess.  However, they still need to be enough of a threat to justify NATO spending targets and positioning.  Conveniently a stalemate outcome supports this.
    A lot of you in Ukraine/Eastern Europe think we in the West “don’t get it”.  We actually do, very well.  What you do not understand is that our level of investment has a different end-state.  We never wanted to see the complete and utter defeat of Russia as a state.  The hazards of a nuclear power in complete free fall are simply too high.  Putin can lie to himself and his people all he wants, but he knows that any hopes of Russian imperial expansion died North of Kyiv…he did that and everyone knows it.  Will Russia be back?  Sure.  Or maybe we will get lucky and when Putin dies we get a more moderate jerk we can do business with.  But for now, the US and Canada sell more oil and gas to Europe.  We sell more weapons to Europe. And we contain Russia, just enough.  Act 2: China.  
    Would it have been nice to drive home the “point” a little further?  Sure.  But now Ukraine can support an insurgency in the occupied territories for a decade instead of Russia doing other way around.  We know Putin doesn’t care and will continue to play his game.  But the outcome of this war, even if it stops today, made want Putin “wants” irrelevant.  He shattered is military means to achieve it.  He also broke his Diplomatic and Economic means in the bargain.
    So we fall back on Plan Korea.  We can live with that.  Optimal?  Definitely not.  But when I said back last May that if the UA offensive goes nowhere over the summer and fall that “there would be difficult conversations”…well this is that conversation.
    I personally don’t actually think we are done yet to be honest.  Let’s see where winter takes us.  But the UA CHOD basically admitting we are at “positional warfare” - which is just code for slow grinding attritional warfare - then it is clear we can see those hard conversations coming.  Next will be to see if there is any political movement on either side.
  18. Like
    Lethaface reacted to akd in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    More views of Oct. 10 Avdiivka assault:
  19. Upvote
    Lethaface got a reaction from Carolus in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Besides Zalushny's statement has probably more intents outside of what is in the statement, than inside. After all it is coming from a General directly involved in a hot war. He isn't writing op-eds for a career opportunity.
  20. Like
    Lethaface reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I don’t think it is nearly as cut and dry as the average person thinks.  There are upsides to a stalemate at this point.  To be totally brutal an endstate where both sides can claim victory (and defeat) often makes for the best outcome.  Ukraine is still a free nation, our support ensured they stood up against an illegal invasion and largely repelled it when there should have been no chance of that success.  
    Russia and Putin can claim victory as they took an additional 7% of Ukraine at an eye-watering cost.  But this will likely keep ol Flat Face in power for a few more years before Time does its thing for us all.  This avoids a Russian free fall experience, and we get the added bonus of Europe buying our oil and gas (or alternatives) while we righteously continue to isolate Russia -this is why it won’t matter who is in the White House post-war. 
    A lose-lose starts to look like a win-win.  US administration can point to all the upsides going into ‘24, plus we are looking at Armageddon in the Middle East which keeps the Bible Belt focused elsewhere.  We hopefully do a whole bunch of reconstruction in Ukraine and go all South Korea on the place.  Russia continues as downward spiral but slowly enough they don’t start WW3.  And we can all focus on China as the next big threat worthy of trillions in defence spending on bloated military capabilities that probably won’t work.
    So you see, a stalemate is not the end of the world.  In fact I would not be surprised if in some circles they are kinda pushing for it.  The total and utter crushing of Russia has some serious risks.  This outcome sidesteps a lot of them.  Now everyone is both happy and unhappy.  Sometimes no decision is the best decision.
    I for one am not convinced we are there yet, but we definitely can see it from here.
  21. Like
    Lethaface reacted to Ithikial_AU in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Problem is this works both ways though as Ukraine isn't going win either. As the taps of western support start being turned off doubt we're going to see a resolution with clearly defined borders in Ukraine's (and the west's) favour. Not that they appeared to of made a difference in assisting an effective counter attack... donated Leopards are great but they can't be everywhere at once.
    This whole affair I guess will continue to be talked about in defence and foreign affairs policy circles for a while yet about how the west can intervene without boots on the ground and get a favourable outcome. The idea of "21st Century Lend Lease" rather than directly intervening really hasn't worked if they expected the support to lead to a clear victory. Unless stalemate was the goal of Washington, Brussels and others... which I highly doubt.
    Poses problems for strategy when the next move happens between the powers involving clear national military forces on both sides. China -> Taiwan? Are we really going to repeat the sending of equipment routine and harsh language in front of the cameras in that instance and hope for the best? We also know that sanctions really haven't altered the status quo inside Russia either as not all countries are adhering to them and forming their own blocks to challenge the West and it's institutions.
  22. Upvote
    Lethaface reacted to acrashb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Nice.  "no one specified dead or alive".  Little gaps like that lead to - great movies
  23. Upvote
    Lethaface reacted to acrashb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I've seen that many armoured vehicles stacked up in CM only when I'm playing the AI, have lots of drones, and on top of that know what route the AI will take because I've done the scenario before.
    We keep talking about the RA learning.  It's certainly learning some tactically (Lancets, drone ISR, artillery and supply chain dispersal, etc. ), but it remains stone-cold stupid in other ways.  At least from what we see and how we assign value and the definition of success.  It may well be that funnelling all that juicy armour through one spot secured a senior officer's promotion for being aggressive, or prevented his humiliating dismissal for lack of aggression / obedience to plan.  In which case it was very successful for said officer even while being obviously not for the RA - kind of like big corporations where staff optimize their personal outcomes at the expense of the bigger picture.
    In modern war, artillery arrives in near-real time, and you can't even drive out of it because it adjusts in real-time.  The C4ISR or overall OODA loop is that tight, as described in more detail by Haiduk a few days back.

    And of course the CONOPS of all armour - essentially that significant threats will come from the front, so tactical and operational doctrine is designed to see that they do - is completely broken by real-time artillery and/or smart and/or area-effect artillery, copious and rapidly re-laid mines (wait until they have legs), long-range man-portable top-attack AT missiles, and drones.

    PS: the Charge of the Light Brigade was a problem of communications, not tactics.  "The charge was the result of a misunderstood order from the commander in chief, Lord Raglan, who had intended the Light Brigade to attack a different objective for which light cavalry was better suited, to prevent the Russians from removing captured guns from overrun Turkish positions. " - Charge of the Light Brigade - Wikipedia
  24. Upvote
    Lethaface reacted to JonS in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    ... and now I'm imaging a terminator-like robot tying to load a tangle of snakes into a trebuchet in an attempt to knock down F-35s 🤣
  25. Upvote
    Lethaface reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    A bit more complicated but the sentiment is not entirely off.  We did an exercise about 10 years back trying to figure out all the components of military value.  In the end it looked like the Drake Equation, which was scary enough and then some egghead pointed out that some components were non-linear over time.  Over all military value is a pretty complex beast with all sorts of tangible and intangible elements.
    So when considering something like a new platform one has to try and consider its value as a delta V to an overall system.  How is X giving an entire system an advantage to an opponents comparative opposing system.  So infantry in battle suits is not simply “how much does the suit cost versus the things that can kill it” it is “how does the system create effects advantage”.  Cost becomes an attritional factor but is offset by advantage.  
    So beating up on the poor tank.  It isn’t the fact that cheap ATGMs or UAS can kill them that is driving their value down.  It is the fact that ATGMs and UAS are killing them before the tank can deliver its military value on the battlefield.  If tanks could survive long enough to create operational tempo and manoeuvre then we would not be having this conversation, even if we were looking at the same loss rates.  It is the fact we are seeing the loss rates without the tank being able to deliver value.  That is what is killing the tank.  Making it worse is the cost factor and those tanks being eliminated by incredibly cheap systems compared to the cost of the tank.
    So if armoured infantry in battle suits can live long enough to create effect, force decision and sustain options then they have value that far outweighs strips cost.  Of course there is a threshold for this, we see that in WW2 Germany.  The Tiger was brilliant but far too costly to sustain even with the effects it could deliver.  The Tiger 2 is like modern tanks.  The damn things were very expensive and most could not even get to the start line.
    So is a military capability below a cost sustainment threshold?  And does it deliver value for that costs?  When and where that value happens is also incredibly important.  In reality it is very complex - let alone when you factor in historical and cultural value.  There is a Perun video (if he hasn’t already done one, that guy has to be in FD somewhere).
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