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Everything posted by rofl

  1. I made a few differend buildings, not realy new but some french and polish with differend color and three russian winterbuildings wich was not in the game. I also include Sneaksis big bridge in the folder. dl it here: http://hosted.filefront.com/rofl21/
  2. Thanks a lot SlapHappy, that works fine! The only problem now is that they cant crush wooden fences or stonswalls but with that i can live, maybe i can find a solution for that
  3. A few years ago i played the D-Day game and build also a lot of maps, it was possible to make square areas impassable.That could be the perfect solution for ToW, i think that should be possible for devteam and would be a great realistic addition. For me those crushing and disappear trees was one of the most hated things in that game
  4. What can i do to make it impossible for tanks to crash down the trees, i cant find any datas for trees. But as far i remember Olegs statement during Il-2 development that it would be possible but he canceled that feature because to save ressources.
  5. rofl

    @ Sneaksie

    On some old ToW-1 there was a few very nice german (?) buildings on some screens, would it be possible that we can have them because the lack of large europen buildings? They looks perfect for a late war germany scenario http://games.1c.ru/ww2rts/gallery/ww2rts198.jpg http://games.1c.ru/ww2rts/gallery/ww2rts197.jpg
  6. Great, thanks a lot for that
  7. rofl

    Map size?

    Yes, but everyone should have the possibilty to make his own larger maps. I think about large desertmaps without much hills and details, 2x2 is a bad joke IMO . Reminds a lil bit to Il-2, we allways heard thats not possible to make larger maps than leningrad because the engine limits but now we have, thx to the moders, awesome large maps like the slot.
  8. Awesome bridge, thanks a lot for that Sneaksie
  9. Will it be possible to make larger maps than ToW-1, on the diary i can see only those 2x2 km again ?
  10. I remember some very early WIP screens with the russian tral from Il-2. It seems ships and moving trains was some of many canceled things in ToW and only a few death files left
  11. A few months ago i made some differend french resistance with black leatherjackets and without the ugly armband, maybe you want them for your mission. http://static1.filefront.com/images/personal/r/rofl21/95050/vxwxclhczl.thumb500.jpg http://hosted.filefront.com/rofl21
  12. Gnasher, you must change the transparency (PointAlpha)to 0.0 at the end of the road, i use the tranparency also for smoother contryroads. Your map looks great btw
  13. If we would only have stukas
  14. One year ago i start to work on new effects with my neighbor but since he stopped to play ToW i never finished that mod. Now i start to work again on it and hope its in a few weeks ready for upload. You can watch some previews on youtube, all WIP http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=rofl210
  15. About the bridges we had a thread a few weeks ago http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=63;t=001810#000000
  16. You must define the starting point and altitude in editors support settings. For incoming german planes on the westernfront (from south) i use about Y 1000 and X 1000, esternfront Y -1000 and X 700,.... Create a rect and move it as far you can in the diseried startingarea and then change the coodinates manually far outside the map.
  17. I had the some problem. Copy one of the stock MP-missions and rename it to MP_Mission_21 then it works
  18. Could you upload the map for a test, maybe the same problem like some people have with my map. How many trees and statics you put on the map?
  19. Sorry for those wich cant run the map. Trees and statics was very far over the recommended limits but i never had a gamecrash in all my tests, same for my neighbor wich use exact the same hardware like me. Maybe some hardwareconfigurations can run it and some not, however . @Petrus58: glad you like it, thanks for comment
  20. And what happens with the other vehicles, i dont think they want use ba-10, t-34 and panther in africa. Can we expect a last add-on/update or is ToW-1 definitely death for 1C ?
  21. Now i made an infantry only quickbattle US vs germans and im realy impressed, excellent work Tartari
  22. Great, i'll try them out tonite. Thanks a lot for your work
  23. Sounds very good Please could you upload as it is only for an ingame test?
  24. Maybe not for all, i can cross a bridge with a sdkfz-251 and attached pak-40 without problems.
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