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Everything posted by rofl

  1. Remove statics1.tga and roads1.tga, with those files i had also crashes with another edited map.
  2. Its a tga file and was easy to edit with photshop, it seems LeLynx was right, its only for dusteffect I'll check it tonite, sorry but that week i was very busy at work.
  3. rofl

    Bad new bug!

    That was similar to my solution for fixing that problem, i made my mustangs neutral to all because they just make a lowlevel flyby for some eyecandy :cool: But another strange thing, the german fighters dont see anything :eek: , tonite i'll check the other nations.
  4. I dont know that because i allways put my deployment forces as friendly army and change army on missionbeginn, that works fine also with attached guns and i have no stress with placeholders [ March 02, 2008, 04:49 PM: Message edited by: rofl ]
  5. Thanks lele They question now, does it makes difference in pathfinding, cover and pathfinding or does it change only the dust from tacks?
  6. What for is the TypesAI.tga in the mapfolder and how can i change it?
  7. I made a mission with two friendly fighters fly over enemy territory, all units the fighters could see stay visible for my groundforces . The same mission/map without uberpatch works fine as it should be, enemys was just visible as long the planes fly over them.
  8. Go to Theatre of War\Missions\SINGLE_MISSIONS and open campaign.xml with notepad, here you can delete the quickmissions from the list.
  9. I used the pathfinding tool and one step angle reduces the cells from 7 down to 5. It seems thats not enaugh for medium tanks like sherman, only small vehicles like willys or motorcycles can cross the bridge but also with pathfinding problems, the AI prefer the straith bridge half mile away
  10. If i place a bridge in a straith nort-south or east-west direction my tanks can it without problems but as soon i rotate the bridge a little bit its not more possible for vehiles, only infantry can cross I also noticed that on some stock maps (dunkerque), cant the gameengine handle that?
  11. Create a new folder for those files and then select it with the extractor.
  12. Just put the models folder in the maindirectory.
  13. Works fine for me without search, i use the new version from extractor.
  14. You must use another body.msh, i took the german summer 43 file for my ss-camo with helmet. The camo looks great
  15. You need Dr.Jones extractor, dl it at http://www.cmmods.com/ Extract the files you need (samples folder for sounds), modify them and put it in the ToW maindirectory.
  16. Check the mapfolder for minimap.tga, seems its not in it. The other problem looks like the load.ini was wrong, try the method i wrote in BrassEm's last thread.
  17. You can take one from the new empty maps, rename it to xx and then copy all files from the caen in it, the raods you must copy from caen_f. Works fine for me
  18. We can choose four differend grasstypes in the mapbuilder (normal, wheat, reed and flowers) and we can change the minimum and maximum high of them in the load.ini. Does that makes any difference for cover or is that only eyecandy :confused:
  19. Of corse we all know that but the lightning from that and some other parts is wrong in the game
  20. Updated version for uberpatch, now with correct german flag for campaigns and singelmissions. dl here: http://hosted.filefront.com/rofl21/
  21. Do you mean the wrong slash on that errormessage? In my files.ini it looks correct .... 3626 maps/_roads/winter/railroad.tga 3627 maps/_roads/winter/stone_road.tga 3628 maps/_roads/winter/trash_4.tga 3629 data/units/tanks/uk/m4_(sherman) But i found another thing. Maybe my german windows cant write those letters correct and that causes the error? 3463 maps/_roads/autumn/bump/ñlumb_1.tga 3464 maps/_roads/autumn/bump/ñlumb_2.tga 3465 maps/_roads/autumn/bump/ñlumb_3.tga
  22. That shawdowbug is also on other vehicles, you must change in the ww.ini ShaderQuality=2 to 1
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