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Field Marshal Blücher

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Everything posted by Field Marshal Blücher

  1. Thanks a lot! This video has gotten me into scenario design now!
  2. My personal opinion: You'll get all of those. But I think you might want to wait. Personally, I think the pathfinding sometimes has serious issues, but the enemy AI is usually very good and it makes for a pretty hard game.
  3. I found that it helps to approach (as the US Army, at least) from long range, where your big guns, javelins, MGs, and Strykers can cover your advance. Advance slowly with infantry, and as soon as they draw fire, have them hit the dirt and start shooting with everything. Even if your men haven't actually spotted the enemy, just area fire to suppress them. Besides, area fire with an M1A2 can usually cause more casualties than aimed fire with an M4 . . .
  4. Also, the consequences of people riding on a tank could be hard to model. Certainly, if the tank gets blown up, then it's very easy! But it's hard to model the effects of soldiers being deafened, for example. Also, something else to consider: Perhaps the Syrians would ride on tanks, but once they arrived at the battlefield (i.e. in the game) they'd dismount, which is what I would do if I were they.
  5. So you think the game should let Syrians ride their tanks?
  6. ADDAX is indeed correct. I just updated to 1.04 (really love the patch, BTW), and I kept my progress. Thanks very much!
  7. Since previous saved games are incompatible with 1.04, does that mean I will lose my campaign progress if I update the game? 1.04 looks really good, and I want to implement the fixes, but I don't really feel like going all the way through all of the missions again right now . . . maybe later . . .
  8. I think they fixed a lot of stuff, particularly LOS, in v1.03. I haven't played any other version (only got the game a few days ago), and have had no problems with anything like this. The thing with a visible indication of a building being hit is: the wall is either destroyed or it's not. So unless the AP round destroyed the wall, you wouldn't see any indication of it. I think either it's a 1.02 issue, or the AP round went through the building, which I consider quite feasible.
  9. Never mind; I figured out how to do it. Just got a major victory, 2 killed, 4 wounded, and lost the FIST, but inflicted over 150 casualties on the Syrians, who also lost 2 BMPs. God, I love this game.
  10. OK, at the beginning of this mission, I start out in range of at least four Syrian ATGM units. How do I not lose all of my armour immediately? Should I plot artillery to land at the very beginning of the mission or something? Thanks in advance! P.S. I have to admit, I really like this game, but it ticks me off when either me or my opponent suddenly appears on the battlefield as if by magic--right next to each others' units!
  11. I've been playing Take Command: 2nd Manassas a lot. Also, Napoleonic-Total War and Pike & Musket-Total War (both mods for MTW1).
  12. I pause a lot simply so that I can issue different but simultaneous orders to my units.
  13. If you want to access the patch on a browser other than IE, just copy and paste this into your browser: http://www.battlefront.com/products/tow/patch.html
  14. Are you sure? I thought it was way higher than 90-- well over 100.
  15. I agree. I don't have a single problem with the camera. It took me about 20 seconds to get used to, and now I like it quite a bit. I agree emphatically with the original poster.
  16. There are no on-screen mortars in the current game.
  17. I find artillery is pretty good at killing AT and MG crews . . .
  18. Yeah, infantry should be more effective against AT guns. At least they should be able to kill the spotter who's just standing there with no cover whatsoever.
  19. I would say that if you maybe halved the number of enemies, this game would be even more fun. I haven't gotten into the campaign yet, mainly been playing the single battles, but in every single mission that I've played, you are outnumbered approximately 2:1. I've beaten most of the ones that I've tried, but I've taken horrific casualties. It would be fun to play at least some levels where you can get through them without 80% casualties. I think I'm going to make some levels that are not suicidal. Don't get me wrong, a suicidal mission once in a while is fun, but when 100% of the missions are, that kind of takes the charm out a little . . .
  20. That shouldn't be happening. You should only have to re-select hold position if you told them to move after you held position, not every time you target something. There's something wrong there.
  21. Umm, there are mortars, they just don't appear on screen. You can call in mortar fire just like any other artillery.
  22. Hate to rain on your parades, but while many of the things we've been requesting are doable, enterable buildings are not. The moderators have already pointed this out in quite a few threads. It would be really great, but apparently this game engine won't support it.
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