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Everything posted by Tartari

  1. just push "hold position" button but before push the "stop" button.
  2. This is a Tiger of the 501th (?); a us engineer is going to blowing it up: the explosion: what 's left of the tiger!
  3. button: "manoeuvering modes" then "sneak" or "crouch" (p.22 of the online manual) never attack in wide open ground specially if enemy use MG 42, or use smoke shells
  4. other great pics here:http://legacyeditorial.gettyimages.com/source/search/FrameSet.aspx?s=ImagesSearchState|0|0|-1|28|0|0|0|1|||0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|4||Tunisia+WWII|9220978876245603319|0|0|0|0&p=7&tag=3 these ones are said to be taken at El Guettar but the landscape seems to be more like northern Tunisia, I think that they should be taken during "Eilbotte" Operation as some Tigers were lost there.
  5. Yes, General Patton: very dusty country (still El Guettar):
  6. Yes, what we've seen in the demos, it's more like central (Kasserine, El Guettar) and southern (Medenine) Tunisia El Guettar:
  7. it does'nt work for me any more either
  8. yes, you can still read that in it, look at p37 of the online manual.
  9. just drag the pointer over the ammo box.
  10. no, I don't think there's one but would it be really of any use ? That being said, it could be done easily.
  11. 1-there's unfortunately no ingame 2D map in multiplayer mode, so you can view these out of the game or print it for better viewing. 2-yes, you can overwrite it, the folders contain the minimaps only with the flag rect painted in red, back-up the original ones. 3-correct!
  12. 3. Poland 1939 Sczack stock map "Bzura" weather: dusk, fog Russian Army: Armor : 4x T26, 1x T27 Infantry: 1x command squad (+1 sniper) 1x infantry platoon (3x squads + 1x AT rifle) 4 trucks 2x 45mm AT guns + 2x T27 Polish Army : Armor : 4x 7TP, 1x Tks20mm, 1x Wz34 Infantry : 1x command squad (+ 1 sniper) 1x infantry platoon (3x squads + 1x AT rifle) 4 trucks 2x 37mm AT guns + 2x trucks poles russians
  13. -2. Pologne 1944 Stazow stock map "Sandomierz" thick fog, dawn German Army : 12x PIVh 4x Tiger II 2x sdkfz232 Russian Army : 5x T34-76 mod 43 8x T34-85 3x JSII 6x ISU 122 2x Ba64
  14. you'll have to play twice each battle, changing side. The multiplayer mode is JSH "capture the flag": "Players in "Meeting engagement" multiplayer mode must capture and hold pre-defined area on the map, 'the zone'. To capture this area, send any unit to it - timer will start, showing time left before you win the mission. If enemy units enter this area as well, timer pauses. If player, who captured the area first, manages to wipe out or force to move outside the zone units of another player, timer resumes. In case if another player destroys units of first player or forces them to retreat from the zone timer is reset and begins it's countdown for the victor from the start. When timer reaches zero, player who held the zone is declared a winner. Borders of the zone are defined in mission briefing and minimap. In addition, there is a special flag in the zone which changes it's color to color of the player who controls the zone in any given moment. If there are no units of any player in the zone, color of this flag is grey. Unfortunately, because of multiplayer code implementation, placement of this flag is correct only for server player. Clients will see this flag in different place on the map, so they should use the minimap to determine zone location and it's borders." The flag rect will be painted in red in the minimaps. credit to Rofl's clean maps for the minimaps The battles of the first round: -1940 Hannut (Fr vs Ger) stock map "Cherbourg" weather: clear French Army: 1 escadron of S35 (20x S35) 3x Panhard 178 German Army : 15x PIIIf 10x PIVc 5x PIIc
  15. looks very good! I own very good 30s, 40s french topo maps of Tunisia (1:50000), tell me if you need some.
  16. very easy: left-click on the "maoeuvering modes" button, to be in "hold position" mode, more explanations on page 22 of the on-line manual.
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