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Posts posted by Vinnart

  1. . Its muzzle is so large, you can probably get a shell right in there. ;)

    Perhaps Elvis will get lucky if one of Bil's pixeltruppen want to see if his pixelhead fits in there, and plugs it up. We had a pinhead in my artillery battalion who tried that with a 8" howitzer while cleaning it, and got is head stuck! :D. They squirted a bunch of oil around his head, and a bunch of guys had to pick him up holding him level with the gun twisting him out. He had this huge circular cut around his head. Talk about funny. I wish I had a camera with me to capture the moment.

  2. I finished “Smoke Em, if You Got em” in CMFI recently playing as USA on the attack, and had 20mm AA in a good position that gave me a very tough time even with my armor. The fast rate of fire, and rotation can get some nice firepower down range quick. I had many damaged tanks from it, and many tanks freak out and reverse from the first hits. Of’ course it is also a great meat grinder against infantry too. I wouldn’t feel too bad about getting it Elvis, it can be a very effective weapon even if it doesn’t take a tank out in one shot. How it does against Air remains to be seen.

  3. Yes, Elvis finally set up an ambush, but in the worst spot especially now that Bil is just going around it. When Bil circles his assault force around while keeping his defense pinning force in place all Elvis’s troops in that little patch he decided to go will be encircled, and cut off. He also got caught being spotted moving in to the position so essential there is no more ambush. Bad spot, with bad retreat options across open ground. I’ve been preaching patience, but hopefully he will see that spot is not good and move from there soon. Perhaps he will see the woods behind that patch are much better. There is where he should have gone in the first place.

  4. Superwoz, I’d like you to imagine for a moment that you made something. It could be anything. Now imagine someone telling you what you made was pure crap, instead of offering constructive criticism in a mature, polite manner. How do YOU think you would feel? Ponder that for a moment and get back to us.

    Many of the issues you have spoken of have been brought up before albeit in a more constructive tone. In many of the cases the forum members and the BF team would agree improvements could be made, but unfortunately it cannot be done all at once. This is not only of gaming products, but all products. If this was not the case there would have never been I-phones 1-4, and they would have started with I-phone 5 to begin with. The thing you need to understand is development is an on going process no matter what it is including skills. Food for thought for you.

  5. I don’t think Elvis picked a good spot to set up on the edge. He could very easily get pinned there, and if he has to retreat he must cross open ground. Also, the woods are not deep there which means Bil can get arty rounds in there with better LOS where he cannot in deeper woods. I would have set up on the deep woods to the rear of that position set back as far as possible to cover the open ground with a cover arc about 25m into the open. That spot it is not the most optimal, and getting there late means Bil may have seen him moving in which makes the whole surprise advantage mute.

    The deep, dense woods on that edge could be sweet terrain for hit, and run tactics.

    I am assuming that one is vulnerable to one’s own mines. Is this the case?

  6. I'm a bit leery of repeated ambush defense. Assuming you're going to successfully get the drop on him over and over is dubious, even with the most careful preparation. I'm reminded of those old westerns, the gunslinger relying on his ability to draw his six-shooter first. Except in this case the opponent is wielding a PPSh. ;)

    Ambushing (laying prone, and STILL) should allow Elvis to spot, and fire first giving him the edge on the contact more successfuly. When Elvis is moving, and Bil is moving there is no advantage of surprise. After being ambushed, Bil's, or anyone’s response will be area fire into the suspected spot, and then move in. If he moves in and finds no one there because Elvis has relocated further back (beginning of next turn with the evade command) he must proceed slowly with caution eating up time, and ammo area firing. The woods are best for this tactic with limited LOS. Stick, and move. Now I am not saying he might not lose any troops during these skirmishes, but the chances of getting the better of them are enhanced ambushing rather than moving to contact. Elvis, think like a Viet Cong ;). Try some wedge, that morph into vee formations pulling only the contacted squad back behind squads still in place. This will allow a layered rolling ambush defence that leapfrogs back. If arty starts coming in either HIDE, or run back.

    I think being more aggressive with the armor is a good idea since it is my understanding German armor for the most part is better than Soviet. If you can get the armor upper hand then you will stop Bil cold.

  7. . Just like they have no problem with my house-rule about "no turn zero defender barrages on the attacker's setup zone."

    I think you would find most all players would agree to that. The reason why is doing that ruins the fight before it even starts. It is like starting a boxing match, and one fighter kicking the other in the balls as soon as the bell rings incapacitating his ability to well, have a boxing match. Any reasonable person would agree that is in bad taste. I have never had an opponent do it to me, nor have I done that to them, but I have had the AI do it to me. In that case a restart is well warranted to be able to carry out the game. The only time most would say arty barrage on the set up turn is acceptable is for the attacker to bombard the defender who is on known objectives. Not the other way around as the attacker must be able to maneuver to begin the game.

  8. The whole damn game is gamey. It's a game. If you don't defend against the edge approach (or nullify it) that's your fault. Is it gamey when a ball game player uses every inch of the pitch up to the sideline (trying to be generic here)? No.

    Might as well say it's gamey for the defender to use the edge so they can't be flanked on that side...

    I couldn't have said that any better.

    Players, there is an edge that will always be there. Adapt to it as it will never adapt to you.

  9. What you say there Steve regarding design is very true. There are always compromises to be able to achieve a happy medium in all designs no matter what it is including creation.

    A classic product example is the Sansa Clip MP3 player I got not long ago. The cost is $35 so affordable to most. It sounds very good, It is very light, compact like the size of a car’s remote, clips to everything, expands to 32g, great features especially for one who enjoys audio books. It allows one to pause one chapter then go to another, then go back and pick up where you left off. Sounds perfect right? Well, the cons to being compact are the screen must be small, and a little tough to read, and must be held a certain way by the finger tips, and can slip out of your hand, and is not as loud and doesn’t sound quite as good as a bigger Sony Walkman I have. $35 is not as good as $10.

    So, there will always be cons to achieve an overall good design. This is the thing people should realize to understand the design process. It can’t be prefect in EVERY way. The good thing though to look forward to when it comes to technology based things though such as computers is the constant increasing of power. Can you imagine what could be done with a game concept such as CM on a computer 25 to 50 years from now? It is exciting to think about.

  10. This is where I think a 1:1 action square (2m x 2m) system like Sudden Strike used would eliminate this problem. I also see other advantages of flexibility in squad formations too in such a system. Sudden Strike was a less complex game, but had many similarities to CM in structure. Both games use layers of action square grids to control the game although CM’s 8m x 8m is bigger. Perhaps CM with current hardware is too complex at this time for a 1:1 action squares, but it is fun to think of the possibilities.

  11. I think Elvis has psyched himself out. He's more jittery than a jitterbug and seems convinced that Bil's forces are going to materialize in his midst at any moment. Why would staying in place be suicide?

    Agree. The more he keeps moving around, the more he will keep feeding an already proven failed strategy that keeps losing a few here, and a few there. It should be the other way around. He should set up ambushes, and have the PATIENCE to stay put. He has not sprung one ambush because he keeps moving around trying to hunt Bil in the woods, which hasn’t proven successful. Constantly moving around, loses the element of surprise.

    Elvis will lose more, and more men with each movement to contact, which he cannot win being out gunned. The best strategy for this terrain is what I said earlier. Ambush, fall back, reset ambush, and repeat. Hit, and run as long as he can. There is no better terrain than woods for this tactic. Whenever Uncle Sun Tzu’s advice is not taken the outcome is predictable. Elvis will lose the woods war with the strategy he is using. There is a time to be aggressive, and a time to be patient. Patience is needed in this case.

  12. Heh... well, here I am to solve the mystery!

    It is a graphic that is misaligned for this particular Beta. It's a new feature to highlight when a unit has previously been Broken. Let's put it this way... when you see the light lit up, don't count on the unit being all that reliable.


    I get it now thanks. I guess it looks more like a “3” than a “B” because of the alignment. I feel like missing that one on the smallest line of the eye exam chart ;)

    Ah “3”

    No “B’

    No wait I think it’s a “3’, yeah “3”.

    “Next line please…”

  13. You've lost me, mate. Are we talking about the same screen shot?

    I am refering to the red number “3” shown in the lower right corner of the suppression meter panel. In the screen shot on post #256 it shows three casualties for 4 squad/ B team in weapons panel, and also shows a red “3” in the suppression panel. The screen shot on post #288 shows 3rd squad/B team, and also shows this red “3” in the suppression panel, but does not show any casualties in the weapons panel. Hence I thought this red “3” was keeping track of total casualties, and that the casualties in the weapons panel had been buddy aided no longer being shown. You said this number “3” is noting squad number, but that can’t be according to the pic in post #256 as it shows 4th sqd, and shows a red “3” in the suppression panel. Just trying to figure what the number showing there means, and also how the casuaties showing in the weapons panel works in the game in relation to being able to tell what casualty has recieved medic aid or not.

  14. The 3 designates the squad number in the platoon. This is the scout that I was sending up the Eastern side....they have not been fired on..............yet.

    Hmm.. I would have never thought that as it seems rather redundant given it already says the squad # on the top panel. So then how does one tell whether a casualty has been medic aided or not if the casualty text supposedly stays through the game?

  15. Yes, we now show casualties in the 2D UI's Soldier Panel. This information remains for the duration of the game.

    Another thing I noticed upon a second look is that the number of casualties is kept in the corner of the suppression meter. Looking close one sees a red “3”. It looks like this count remains through the game to keep an on going total of the squad’s casualties, which players will like (There you have it womble!), while weapon icons are removed after buddy aid. This is what I get from the above screen shot. This woud eliminate the problem I see if the weapon icon with the word “casualty” remains during the game in the distinction between a casualty that has not had buddy aid, and one that has already had buddy aid.

  16. Nice addition with the casualty info now showing in the UI (I noticed it right away ;) ). I have to agree that just having a red (WIA), and a dark red(KIA) would look cleaner, and less cluttered for the area than having text in this case. I do understand why they went with text though as they would then have to make red icons for each weapon making the game larger in memory size. Hey can we get that text showing what floor on, open, and passenger under the portrait now?

    When buddy aid is complete I would prefer the casualties disappear from the UI, again to keep the area less cluttered with information that is no longer relevant.

  17. Next to "Pause" and "Cancel all movement commands" is a third button. It's called the Evade button. .., the unit takes a morale hit.

    Are you sure on that womble? I never noticed morale hit at all. All I notice is it gives a fast back from the enemy + face command at the end facing forward again combining the two orders into one making it more streamlined especially for RT play. From what I see it is no different than giving a fast, then face command seperatly. The Evade also cancels all orders so one does not have to hit CANCEL, then fast, then face

    Here is what it says about command from manual:

    1. Instant Commands - allow one click change in unit behavior. The left button tells

    the unit to HALT and retain its Commands. Clicking on the button again tells the

    unit to RESUME. The middle button instructs the unit to CANCEL all its Commands

    and to do nothing for the moment. The right button tells the unit to EVADE

    by abandoning its current Commands, seeking immediate cover and perhaps

    popping smoke. Although units can Evade on their own initiative, sometimes they

    try too hard to stick to their Commands and need to be redirected without further

    delay. Instant Commands work in both Real-Time and We-Go styles of play.

    No mention of morale hit.

  18. I would have as much infantry in the woods set on ambush (prone + 180 degree cover arc, no hide). After each ambush is triggered give the evade command, and reset the ambush further back start of next turn the same way. Hit and run all the way back to the objective. Let Bil find you each time losing a few in each ambush, which you should get better of the exchange with the element of surprise. By hunting Bil in the woods you have no element of surprise, and have seen the results of doing so. He will have to literally step on your guys to find them if set the way described. Lets say Bil bypasses an ambush you have set deep in the woods. Even better. Be patient, and you will be able to attack him from the rear, but wait till he starts assaulting objective.

  19. I predict that Elvis will lose more men next contact hunting for Bil. Bil's SMg teams are better suited for in fighting, and by hunting he loses the element of surprise that ambush would bring. Also, in looking at his set up I would have moved more infantry into the woods doing the ambush, pull back, then reset sequence basically doing a series of delaying action ambushes finally pulling back to dig in to defend the objectives. By doing this Elvis would widdle Bil’s forces down a little bit by bit by the time he plans for a final assault on the objectives.

    I’m interested to see how Bil handles the minefield in relation to where he plans to move his Engineers before finding it.

  20. I think Elvis went too deep, and aggressive with his recon. This ruined his chance for ambush by surprise for first contact. I don’t understand why he wants to find Bil’s troops when all he has to do is set up ambushes, and Bil will surely find him at the cost of probably losing some men with each ambush. The strength of defense is in ambush IMO, which is the strategy I think he should follow. Elvis has plenty of great terrain for this especially in the woods. He should have stopped at least 50m short of the halfway mark between his starting jump off point and Bil’s, and set his guys prone with 180 degree cover arc. He would have spotted Bil first, and got off the first shots getting the better of the exchange. Bil’s next turn would be area fire into the suspected area. Elvis’s next turn should be the evade command, and reset the ambush the same way 25-50m back from the first, then a repeat of the above. Every time he would pick off a few and slow down Bil’s advance. This will frustrate Bil, eat up time, and lower morale of his forces.

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