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Posts posted by Vinnart


    I saw it recently, and liked it. Not the greatest war movie, but definitely not the worst. There was some movie stuff only a grog would catch, and would know that it was BS. No way an immobile tank would hold out long against all that infantry with the biggest BS surviving a shot from at least one perhaps two panzerfaust. Hollywood got it right as the tanks looked authentic, unlike "Patton" which used US Vietnam era tanks for both Germans and USA.

    The movie follows a predictable format similar to "Saving Pvt Ryan" with the REMF who is a pacifist being thrown into combat, then becoming a killer by the end. I guess what I liked most about the film was that it centered on a tank crew. The only other movie I can think of that centered around a tank was Bogie's "Sahara". Some how I don't think that movie would have been received the same if it were named "Lulu Belle" instead for the name of his tank.

    As expected Pitt's death was dramatic surviving multiple sniper shots, with the taking of a last grenade as a final touch. Funny that when the last guy alive goes back into the tank where the grenade went off Brad's hair(which was kinda cool) is still in place with no blown off body parts. He even dies like a pretty boy!

  2. The only females you might be able to get interested in CM are those with military back grounds that are chess players. Even in that demographic the percentage is small they have interest in a a hardcore game like CM. Military women are a different breed, and are the finest women I have known. Most like more male orientated stuff, and aren't girly girl types. Don't get me wrong there are some beautiful women in the military who put their make up on and such, but are not afraid to go camping either.

    As far as safety goes, I agree with DLaurier that the CM forum is a bit more mature than that of less intellectual games as CM, and is a place a woman would feel safe. The nut job types gravitate to violent FPS type games. It is a shame though to see people behaving like that as in the article.

  3. Bring back Juju's ? mod of a pink panther.

    (Sorry if it was someone else's)

    I did this one.


    It just doesn't appeal to a vast female audience, nor will it probably ever. Girls just have different interest, and I think that is fine since I don't buy into the whole everything needs to be PC gender neutral thing.

    I used CM once to break up with a chick without actually having to do so. I got her to break up with me so I didn't have to look like the bad guy.

    "You would rather play that stupid game than hang out with me!"

    "Well yeah, it is so much more interesting than hearing another shopping story"

    "That's it I'm out of here!"

    "Can you please get me a beer from the fridge before you go?":D

  4. It is no serious programming effort, especially since the work has been done already. It's not such a big difference to let a program show an additional 'casualties' text or a third set of bitmaps. To create a third set of bitmaps - speaking of the simple two colored weapon icons - is no big effort, too, if you have a green and yellow set already. It would not even increase the download significant. A set of weapon icons has much less than 1 MB when packed.

    Agree. I'm only assuming they went the way of the "Casualty" text to trim game size, and so they would not have to make extra bmps for ever weapon, which anyone could make very easily. Only BF knows why they chose the route they did between the two options. As it is, especially with using the red cross like my mod does, it functions and looks fine for me.

  5. Yes red, and dark red weapon icons would be best, but it cannot be modded that way. In order to have that BF would have to have a red, and dark red bitmap for each weapon in the game. Although that would look best it just is not practical. This would double the amount of weapon bitmaps that are there, and would make the application even larger in size. The way they have it now is the most practical way to do it for the function it has. I think it is a good addition to the game over all, made even better with the animated text mod :D.

  6. I play mainly WEGO, but play small QB meeting engagements now and then in REAL TIME enjoying that experience too. Overall I think the game currently plays best in WEGO mainly because of it's REAL TIME short comings that it has now. Of the two styles of play I think its REAL TIME aspect has WAY more potential than it has at this point in it's development.

    Here are the improvements that address all the turn offs to REAL TIME making it more enjoyable and manageable to play:

    1st Force Management -

    The problem with all RT is games is the ability to have 360 degree situational awareness at all times no matter the camera view. "The Roster" tool addresses this in an easy to follow way. To read about it check the concept thread. The last graphic version is toward the end of the thread.


    2nd Real Time Multiplayer Support -

    Currently there is none, but when 1 is done RT would become more popular. There needs to be a way to find games real time. This grows an RT community, and lays the ground work for step 3.

    3rd - REAL TIME Multiplayer more than 1v1

    This would be the greatest evolution of the REAL TIME capability of the game. Of all the game has to offer I think this gives it it's largest growth potential in many ways. Team play is how REAL TIME games are meant to be played, and how they flourish the most. I see a game similar to ARMA's approach has been to the FPS genre. For those not familiar with ARMA check out some of the 2, or 3 youtube videos, and you will see it is something of a FPS cousin to Combat Mission. I could see a lot of those players digging playing CM with team play, and can also see it's radio feature in CM coop multi. Here is a concept I put together that talks about it in depth.


    Anyway, these are what would grow, and improve CM REAL TIME the way I see it. Beyond that I can say in playing CM both in real time, and in WEGO the way it is now you do need to approach playing REAL TIME in a different way to play effectively. REAL TIME requires a different mind set, and keeping a more top view of the force.

    Both styles of play offer different experiences that can both be enjoyed, but REAL TIME needs further development to see its fullest potential.

  7. Thanks for reposting that sburke. I guess I missed the explanation post which is reasonable. Glad to hear they at least wanted to include it for all the games, but it was a case of workload over not wanting to do it. Bummer it is not in Italy. I was looking forward to it since there is lots of open ground in that terrain too. Oh well' I'm mainly playing CMRT these days anyway.

  8. I think it was a bad idea to leave ANY 3.0 features out including the ability to board tanks if that is the case as I have not upgraded. To me the decision to leave that feature out is just being anal grog. If a human being can board a tank let the player decide if he wants to issue the order, or not. I used boarding tanks to good use in all CMx1 games, and use it much in CMRT.

    For me it is no big deal personally as i haven't played Normandy in a long time and have no plan to upgrade, but I had to chime in saying I think BF should have put all features in the upgrade. The only one I might upgrade is CMFI, and hope all 3.0 features are in it. I think leaving features out turn more people off than on.

  9. My best advise to reading the terrain is to use a grid mod. It really helps to see the subtitles in the terrain which can really make a difference to placement, and routes. If a more covered route will take longer, better to take it if possible over saving time in movement through terrain that will be more dangerous. Also, always consider what movement order is best for the situation according to the terrain. I try to think how i would move if i was that grunt on the ground. Would I sprint? low crawl? ect..

  10. Grenade down the barrel, one arm blown off, cigar clenched in teeth, turning to wink at his men as fireball engulfs him.

    Pitt is cliche.

    Lol :D Yeah, yeah! and, right before the fireball kills him in the last shot he pulls a pic out of Jolie. He looks, says something corny(close up of face), Drops the photo(close up of photo). it burns, but slowly, and nicely from the edges. The end. Cut to credits, ending song is something very melodramatic like the end of "Platoon".

  11. I just listened to the British voices. Hilarious! I Love the Scottish accent with my favorite line being "First one of yous bastards to move gets my foot up his arse!" The funny thing is I kept picturing Mike Myers from "I married an ax murderer" saying the lines. Much more character, and fun than the stock voices. Thanks for putting this together Saferight. Going to check out the US voices next.

  12. I just won this with the German's surrendering. I used a three pronged attack, but concentrated mainly on each flank rolling them up toward the center. The best advice is to recon, then kill the positions you find with the SU-76's. Any terrain mods with grid lines are helpful too in reading the "stepped" terrain. Use the dead areas for cover, and use some low crawling in advancing through the tall grass. This was my approach, but am sure it can be won other ways too.

  13. Personally, I prefer the AI to decide for two main reasons for the most part. It is less micro managing I have to do as supreme commander so to speak, and second letting the AI decide creates a realism with in the game in depending on the AI just as a regimental commander must rely on the decisions of field officers. Here is where I think the leadership ratings come into play. I notice +2 leaders making better decisions compared to -2 leaders. Now is to say the AI can't be improved? It can always be improved in one area or another. The closest the game will ever emulate that is if ever goes more than 1v1 multiplayer where different players control platoons and such. That would play best, and would boost the real time value of the game big time.

    One control I do miss sometimes though is being able to control throwing demo charges at close range. In cmx1 type would appear next to the target saying "Throw Demo" from I believe within 30m.

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