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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Vinnart

  1. Nice addition with the casualty info now showing in the UI (I noticed it right away ;) ). I have to agree that just having a red (WIA), and a dark red(KIA) would look cleaner, and less cluttered for the area than having text in this case. I do understand why they went with text though as they would then have to make red icons for each weapon making the game larger in memory size. Hey can we get that text showing what floor on, open, and passenger under the portrait now?

    When buddy aid is complete I would prefer the casualties disappear from the UI, again to keep the area less cluttered with information that is no longer relevant.

  2. Next to "Pause" and "Cancel all movement commands" is a third button. It's called the Evade button. .., the unit takes a morale hit.

    Are you sure on that womble? I never noticed morale hit at all. All I notice is it gives a fast back from the enemy + face command at the end facing forward again combining the two orders into one making it more streamlined especially for RT play. From what I see it is no different than giving a fast, then face command seperatly. The Evade also cancels all orders so one does not have to hit CANCEL, then fast, then face

    Here is what it says about command from manual:

    1. Instant Commands - allow one click change in unit behavior. The left button tells

    the unit to HALT and retain its Commands. Clicking on the button again tells the

    unit to RESUME. The middle button instructs the unit to CANCEL all its Commands

    and to do nothing for the moment. The right button tells the unit to EVADE

    by abandoning its current Commands, seeking immediate cover and perhaps

    popping smoke. Although units can Evade on their own initiative, sometimes they

    try too hard to stick to their Commands and need to be redirected without further

    delay. Instant Commands work in both Real-Time and We-Go styles of play.

    No mention of morale hit.

  3. I would have as much infantry in the woods set on ambush (prone + 180 degree cover arc, no hide). After each ambush is triggered give the evade command, and reset the ambush further back start of next turn the same way. Hit and run all the way back to the objective. Let Bil find you each time losing a few in each ambush, which you should get better of the exchange with the element of surprise. By hunting Bil in the woods you have no element of surprise, and have seen the results of doing so. He will have to literally step on your guys to find them if set the way described. Lets say Bil bypasses an ambush you have set deep in the woods. Even better. Be patient, and you will be able to attack him from the rear, but wait till he starts assaulting objective.

  4. I predict that Elvis will lose more men next contact hunting for Bil. Bil's SMg teams are better suited for in fighting, and by hunting he loses the element of surprise that ambush would bring. Also, in looking at his set up I would have moved more infantry into the woods doing the ambush, pull back, then reset sequence basically doing a series of delaying action ambushes finally pulling back to dig in to defend the objectives. By doing this Elvis would widdle Bil’s forces down a little bit by bit by the time he plans for a final assault on the objectives.

    I’m interested to see how Bil handles the minefield in relation to where he plans to move his Engineers before finding it.

  5. I think Elvis went too deep, and aggressive with his recon. This ruined his chance for ambush by surprise for first contact. I don’t understand why he wants to find Bil’s troops when all he has to do is set up ambushes, and Bil will surely find him at the cost of probably losing some men with each ambush. The strength of defense is in ambush IMO, which is the strategy I think he should follow. Elvis has plenty of great terrain for this especially in the woods. He should have stopped at least 50m short of the halfway mark between his starting jump off point and Bil’s, and set his guys prone with 180 degree cover arc. He would have spotted Bil first, and got off the first shots getting the better of the exchange. Bil’s next turn would be area fire into the suspected area. Elvis’s next turn should be the evade command, and reset the ambush the same way 25-50m back from the first, then a repeat of the above. Every time he would pick off a few and slow down Bil’s advance. This will frustrate Bil, eat up time, and lower morale of his forces.

  6. “The Long Walk” by Slavomir Rawicz. This is not a combat story, but rather one of the best P.O.W escape stories about a Polish soldiers escape from a Russian gulag at the beginning of the war. The trek takes him, and several fellow prisoners 4,000 miles through the deep wilderness of Siberia through the Gobi desert. This Really is an amazing story that is well written, and read (audiobook version). There is also a movie about the story called “The Way Back”. One very small interesting tidbit is that during the journey he claims to have seen a yeti (bigfoot). This was before such things were talked about, or commercialized, so I got no feeling why he would lie about such a thing.

  7. Yeah, the Hetzer certainly is nothing sexy to look at. If it were a car it would probably be a Ford Pinto, but it is still the best tank destroyer to get IMO. Low silhouette, rounded slopped nose that ricochets most rounds (very hard to kill from the front), good optics and firepower, and cheap to buy being a great value for the buck. Of course I am quoting CMx1 play with it, but I suspect it probably is just as good in CMx2.

  8. The Hetzer is definitely on the list of armor that has been missed since CMx1. The model looks awesome especially with Elvis’s logo ;). I always bought them when playing as Germany, and so did my opponent if he was axis. I still got to get Market Garden to get my hands on the Hellcat, another favorite, which was always bought to fight Hetzers with. Beyond those I miss the Chaffee, another favorite great little tank.

  9. They have always had cover arcs since CMSF. Hide is needed for optimal EVADING behavour. Evading is the key word to understanding when HIDE is your best bet, or not. If one wants to evade they want to avoid contact, not seek it as in an ambush. This is why they are reluctant to fire. Recon wants to evade, but wants to see better likewise so does ambush. Prone + cover arc meets that need.

  10. Your blaming BF for shipping cost? They are not the post office, or UPS. They are the ones that make the shipping prices, not BF. I had a guy in Germany buy some posters recently, and it cost $35 for the mailing tube from USA to him, and I did not add anything to the shipping cost.

    Just download it, and back up the installer on CD with a read me of licence code.

  11. My experience is that it isn't necessarily the poor spotting that kills you, it's the reluctance to open fire even on spotted enemy units inside the covered arc. They usually have to be getting shot at before they will un-hide to return fire on their own. I think this TacAI behavior should no longer be necessary now that we have covered arcs.

    I have to concur with what Ian, and Vanir said that HIDE is not optimal behavior for ambush. I found this out the hard way my very first CMx2 PBEM. I did HIDE/w short cover and it was a disaster! Luckily I recovered and won, but it was a good learning experience. My men were attacked by trucks/w weapons at close range (within 25m),and they did not spot one even when they started to fire at my guys. They did not spot as well, and react quickly to fire back going to cowering instead.

    It is still better to give the HIDE with arc when evading if enemy contact is possible vs. HIDE alone as alone they will just cower. With the arc at least they may ambush, but will likely not as quickly. The problem Is HIDE sets EVADING behavior as the priority so reaction to enemy contact is secondary. Without a doubt HIDE gives a concealment bonus better than prone in sighting test I have done hotseat. I believe Hide implies laying flat with face down like you want to hide from someone, or incoming arty. Prone I think implies being up on your elbows as in the prone firing position. There is a difference in these postures. So there is the dilemma; do you want better concealment, or quicker reaction? From my experience prone in concealment terrain + cover arc is the best compromise for ambush and recon. Give either a short slow order, or slow order on the same action square if you don’t want them to move to manually control units to go prone. Keep checking them though as after awhile one may take a knee depending on terrain. If they do, give the slow order again. I would keep most Hidden till you feel contact is getting close then unhide + prone(slow), and Keep a few prone + unhidden at all times (spotters).

  12. Why limit yourself to just one route? Use them ALL!

    This is more my thinking too that a multi prong attack should be used. I would stick more to the woods to close the distance, but perhaps not attacking up the middle till Yellow-3 is in postion trying to take that objective first. I like how all the Yellow spear tips form a semi circle envelopment around the objectives. The woods side look like it will be harder to move the armor in postions for good support though.

    I like the way this map looks. Good luck Bil.

  13. Would you call a task organized force (Battle Group, Kampfgruppe, Task Force, Combat Team) that was organized with the terrain in mind gamey? Because that is exactly what happened in real combat units.. sure they could not cherry pick units like we can, but this is a game, and these BETA AAR battles use cherry picked forces to show off certain features or units.

    I find QB games to be a lot of fun and a great test of skill. That is indeed gamey, but this is a game, and I enjoy facing off against a skilled opponent as if we sit across from each other with a really advanced chess board separating us.

    Well put. Those are my thoughts exactly about the game. I think what is most important to players is for the COMBAT, and environment to have as much realism while fitting into a fun, playable game format. Combat Mission does that.

  14. Katyusha preliminary bombardment on the build up area followed up by hordes of OT-34 carrying SMG troopers FTW!!! :D

    Oh yeah Kats! The one thing that one doesn't get in CM being off map where it was so cool in Sudden Strike where they were on map is seeing, and hearing the launches. That bad Bad ass whine swhoosh

    here is a short clip of it.

  15. Thanks Bil for taking the time to do what I am sure will be another great AAR. I like the idea of getting an editor view of the map to see it in a different way. Being that it looks like much or the route, and perhaps fighting will be in the woods I think you should get at least one hand held flame thrower, but don’t know any set up areas for either side. For woods clearing I think should be very useful if CMx1 experience is the same. Woods were where I had the best results with flame units. Just a little area fire here and there can cause lots of casualties and panic plus we all want to see the flame throwers :D. The flame tank won’t be able to get in to certain parts of the woods, but will cool to see in action.

  16. First person shooter view mode may equal a better Infantry Company commander or Platoon leader simulator.

    Actually Los from reading on another thread it sounds like it is not a new FPS view, but rather one can controll the camera simiar to how one does in a FPS. Still though, I think a true FPS view would be cool for immersion, but for practical reasons it would give players the truest viewpoint the unit has. For squads I would want to get the FPS view of the highest ranking guy. I'm not interested in firing, and taking control like a FPS, but I do think that viewpoint could be helpful.

  17. When I first saw the FPS feature I thought it was going to be a new camera viewpoint like one gets in a FPS so we could get the truest view the unit is seeing, but after the explanations I see it will be options only with how the camera can be controlled. I think the different modes to choose from should be good for players who are used to controlling the camera a certain way in other games they play. Admitidly when I first started playing CM it took me awhile to get used to the camera as it is different than any other game I played and did find it awkward. Now I am used to it I think it controls easily.

  18. This has been brought up before, but it is something I have been thinking about lately. I am not saying CM needs to adapt to a 1v1 action square (1.5m-2m) system such as Sudden Strike used, but I do think such a system creates a framework for the AI to work with that is more flexible than the larger action squares used now. Two other features Sudden Strike had were a scatter command, and a seek cover command that were also helpful. The scatter command used the 1v1 grid as a control of the separation. Each time the player pressed the command the units would spread a few more action squares. The cover command made units seek the closest cover within a certain radius of action squares. Ideally for CM I would rather all this be AI controlled. Where the 1v1 action squares come in is that it allows each man to be able to move as individuals while still being connected to a squad or team. The AI could dictate that each member of the squad keeps a 2 action square interval for example in a line formation, or to spread out and seek cover. Even with a 1v1 action square troops could still be close together as they are now, but could also have the flexibility to spread out randomly, or in different formations using the 1v1 grid as the control guide.

  19. Wow, that looks awesome! I can't wait to check out the new features, and am very curious to see the new interface and camera changes like "first person shooter" view. That sound like it should give players the truest view of what the unit has which should be a great help. I have to hurry up and get through the single play of CMFI so I can get it.

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