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Posts posted by Vinnart

  1. Get off my grass mod!

    Lol :D. The funny thing is you are probably are no more than 10yrs older than me.

    For real time speed certainly is important, but I’d think you would be surprised how good it is for comfortable, efficient control for WEGO too which I play 95% of the time. I dabble in real time play, but really don’t dig it 1v1. If it offered team play I would be VERY interested in playing it that way.

  2. Make note: "Never play Vinnart."

    Actualy the note should be "Never play Vin real time unless you have the same, or similiar equipment". Unless you do you would be at big disadvantage. It realy comes down to equipment, being able to organize the controlers logicaly, and having the muscle memory by feel down pat.

  3. That could be interesting - a "stance" button that as you hit it would cycle through default/prone/kneeling and standing. This could actually help with some of the terrain issues with trenches, crests on those half meter depressions etc.

    "Sudden Strike" had that, and it was useful. For CM I get them to go prone by giving SLOW command to same action square. It works most of the time, but sometimes depending on terrain they eventually want to pop up on a knee.

  4. You didn't have a hotkey for Cancel Target before ? :eek:

    How other people play the game so differently constantly amazes me. ( not meant in a sarky way )

    I never used it often enough to warrant a hotkey, and always just accessed it via the space bar menu. If you want to control this game, or any like a pro get a mouse with as many programmable buttons (I LOVE my MX revolution by Logitech), and a Nostromo speedpad. Here is my set up showing the top gear which has all the most used commands such as movement, combat and a few other specials or camera controls. All the less common used commands such as administrative I access from the spacebar pop up menu. The red gear is all the Alt toggle commands, and the green gear is number keys which I use rarely as they are also tied to my mouse. The red highlight is where I put CANCEL TARGET. The Nostromo allows macros too, so I actually have a hotkey for indefinite pause, which I use much when I play real time. Best pieces of hardware I ever invested in. I can honestly say I control CM as fast as I have any very fast paced real time game. I AM the fastest gun in the west. Anyone want to play me real time? ;)


  5. It is an excellent feature and I used it a lot during play testing.

    Though I still from time to time hit the 'J' key place the target and then think "nah I want it over there" 'J' click nothing happens 'J' why 'J' won't 'J' it 'J' target where I want. Oh yeah I just increased the target time on my first order. Ooops and I always chuckle at my self as I cancel the target order.

    Yeah, one needs to get used to that. I made a hotkey of CANCEL TARGET so it is easy to move it. Also, I find I grab "TARGET LIGHT" if I want to still look around without canceling.

  6. No, really?

    What a shocker!

    Animated text usually works so well whenever the slightest thing is changed in the game :P

    Hehehehe, must be annoying to have to update that all the time man, I feel for ya.

    No matter how much It is specified that it must be updated there is always someone who seems to miss the memo, so I try to always remind people of that.

    The mod is different than all other mods out there as it modifies a hard code file that changes sometimes (not always), so this is why it has to be updated.

    It is no big deal to update. The biggest problem is those who fail to do so, and can't realize logicaly that the "animated text" mod is affecting the text. I could have been selfish by not sharing it, and kept it for myself which would make the updating issue easier though. Since Marco offered the graphics it has improved the original concepts look, but he is my Charles in making sure the update works so I do hate to have to bother him with that. He doesn't seem to mind though as he enjoys using the mod too. We both think it adds much to the GUI experience so think it is a whorthwhile project.

  7. The words 'animated text' comes to mind. :D

    YES, there will have to be a specific "animated text" mod for CMRT. NONE of the other versions will work with it! No doubt though, someone will put it in with the inevitable thread "My text is all screwed up, and I can’t figure out why?" . I could put huge neon signs that say it must be specific, and updated with each patch and someone will still try to use it.

  8. Juju, one suggestion I have is to lighten the detailed weapons I am ure you plan to do for the weapons panel. This gives more contrast so that they show better. I have been taking your weapons into photoshop and under enhancment tab going to "color variations", and hitting lighten a few times, which seems to do the trick. After doing this I go back and fix the black background which ends up lightening too. They do "pop" better after doing this. If you want to see some I have done to compare PM me, and I will send to you.

  9. And as a new game/module/upgrade or whatever is about the be released they are usualy not as present on the forums as they are otherwise. Steve will soon show up again to adress stuff like this, Im sure.

    Yeah, I'm sure he is all tied up with the CMRT release. I'd let that come out for a little while then give this thread a bump to try to get him to address it, or at least explain any reasons why it is there. My guess is it may have to do with getting movable waypoint to work which he has said has been a challenge. I may be wrong about that reason, but I'm sure we can get some answers after CMRT comes out. Untill then just keep aware of moving the first waypoint if you have set a delay beforehand to avoid any unwanted behavior, and you should be ok.

  10. I think the best thing to do is to get into the habit of setting the delay after moving the waypoints around, or avoid moving the 1st waypoint if you set the delay beforehand. In that case you will have to reset just the initial delay. The time resets ONLY for the initial delay, and ONLY if the first waypoint is moved. I’m sure I must have had this happened on a limited basis, and just reset the initial delay without thinking much about it. The combination of the condition of setting a delay, and happening to move the first waypoint doesn’t happen too often especially with infantry. I would say this could come up most when having to move convoys of vehicles. Even then it all revolves around a delay that has been set, and happening to move the 1st waypoint.

    Just keep it in your mind when planning, and setting delays that moving the first waypoint causes this problem, and try to avoid it.

  11. Ok I did a test and see what you are getting at. If you give a bunch of waypoints with say 15 sec delay to start the move you can move all the waypoints EXCEPT the first one, which is the only one that will reset it to 1 sec. If you move any others it does not reset it, and keeps the original delay you set. If you set delays on waypoints in the middle of the chain, and move them it does not reset it either.

    The work around for this will be to set a very short move as the first waypoint that you will not likely move after the chain and delay are set.

    Example set 15 sec delay, and then a 1m move, then the rest of the chain setting delays where ever, and moving the waypoints. As long as you do not move the very fist 1m waypoint it looks like it will not reset to 1 sec.

    Again I think the 1 sec thing must have been needed for a reason unknown to us. Until they come up with a way to change it try the above solution as it seems to work for this reset problem. Just remember to give this short first waypoint and don’t move it.

  12. I have never found the 1 sec delay any real problem. I think it may be something that has to be there for whatever reason to get movable waypoints since that is when I believe it first appeared. You can alway get rid of it by hitting small pause command if you think 1 sec makes that much of a difference.

  13. I predict it released when it has worked out whatever bugs they still need to work on. I would rather they take whatever time they need rather than to rush puttting out more bugs that later must be patched.

    The pope to Michelangelo regarding the Sistine chapel ceiling;

    Pope – “When is it going to be finished?”

    Michelangelo – “When it’s done”

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