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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Vinnart

  1. Anyone can see him attack. Everyone wants to see c3k Defend ! THAT will be awesome. :D

    Actually we saw c3K do mainly defense last game he played Bil. Remember he held the town first in the meeting engagement. At that point he was defending for the rest of the game. That is why I like meeting engagement PBEM most. There is no set attacker or defender, and often the player must do both.

    Since Bil seems to be the steady AAR preview guy I would like to see him alternate attacking and defending unless it is a meeting engagement. Bil seems like he is always playing as the attacker in A/D battles.

    As for this battle Elvis should surrender at this point. He fought an honorable game albeit with some critical mistakes. The biggest one being his tank charge at the end with having to FACE when arriving at that tree line. If he had used waypoints in an arcing configuration he would have come in front first. That could have made all the difference avoiding exposing his flanks.

  2. What I don't understand is why were Elvis's tanks coming in to the tree line at that angle giving the T-34 their flanks? The objective is clearly to the left of his armor from the screens Bil posted. Even the panther has his turret rotated to the side. They should have come in straight pointing toward Gelb. This mistake has cost him one hetzer, and the panther could go easy now. Perhaps it was a pathfinding glitch is my only reasoning for this sideways movement to contact.

    I think he should have brought some infanty from the mine field as a diversion for the T-34 before he attacked. He may have got a TC to at least button, and perhaps rotate toward them as I do not think Bil has armor cover arc set. At a bit of delay he then should have come in with tanks to engage the T-34s from the other direction of his infantry.

    The best time to counter is as soon as possible. Waiting only allows the opposition to manuver, and gather his defence. Speed of decisive action has a better chance than waiting too long in this case. It is a fine dance from knowing when to be patient, and when agressive speed is needed.

    Elvis certainly got his money worth out of the flamethrower team. He could have got many more successful ambushes with other units he had there with all those buildings to work with. He just needed short cover arcs.

  3. One other issue that perhaps belongs in this thread is that in the US army it was common practice that if one of the platoon commanders got popped (which they did with great frequency) the company XO would get sent down to take over the platoon until a permanent replacement could be found. This does not seem to be possible in the game.

    That certainly would make him more useful. Unill that ever happens I use them as lead officer scouts, as they spot rather good. I also use as medic, and as a F.O. There are more uses for him as one may think.

  4. My best hope is to get armor superiority. If I can do that then maybe I can fight off what appears to be an overwhelming amount of infantry.

    I agree that is what you must do. If you can tip the armpr scale in your favor Bil's infantry wont be able to do anything more on their own. First, I think you have to counter attack at Gelb to try to knock him off, and try to retake that objective. If you do not try to counter he may just sit there insead of coming to you, which means he gets Gelb's points. At least you have some infantry on that side at the mine field that you can use to assist whatever armor you can get into the fight. If you can't retake Gelb at some point you lose in victory loacations two to one, that is if you can hold Rot. At least that is how I see it from this vantage point.

  5. Nice ballsy assault on Gelb! I think that is the boldest move we have ever seen from you in any of these AARs Bil. I love to see those types of moves go good. The funny thing is I will experiment doing stuff like that single player, and one time it may work, and the other it doesn’t go as well or could be a total disaster. It really is a roll of the dice.

  6. I think the only chance Elvis has now is if he can perhaps get some armor back to Gelb fast to deal with those T-34's who will have their flanks to him once they stop. Maybe try to get 1x hetzer, and 1x Panther back there while keeping the rest of his armor to try to cover the rest of his front. Bil must stop for a turn to let his infantry off so Elvis will have 1 min at least to react if he isn't already moving toward Gelb. The other option is to just let it go, but I think that is riskier as Bil with then have armor behind him.

  7. How do you find time to play the game, Vinnie? I mean, when you're not dreaming up these great ideas.

    I still find time ;) Many of the ideas I present are things that the BF team has also thought of I’m sure, but perhaps in a different way of doing certain features. After all game design is what they do and think of most. Although I play CM mainly WEGO, many of the things I present are geared toward improving situational awareness at a glance for real time play in mind, but certainly help the WEGO player too. Many features they want to do are basically limited to time, and budget so they cannot get it all done at once. Hopefully the desired wish list will be empty someday, but I doubt it. I do think though that the ideas above are important to improving the overall ease of gameplay in regard to ease of gaining situational awarness.

  8. Here's a simple update that will speed of game play in armor-centric engagements: denote on the vehicle graphic at the bottom of the screen whether it's buttoned up or unbuttoned. Instead of having to jump to the movement command panel.

    You mean maybe like this? Other options under portait are the word "Passenger" if a unit is currently a passenger, and “# Floor” to show what floor on.


  9. Bil noticed Elvis's Panthers are buttoned, but it really is a double edge sword considering how quick an opened tank commander can die. I would like to see improved reactions in open tanks when they take inf fire from known closer ranges. I'm talking when the TC tries to have a mounted MG vs inf duel when the MG is not using its range advantage. More than once I have yelled at the screen button up!, and then they die.

  10. It is all going to come down to the armor fight which is what it always comes down to for the most part. In this department I put my money on German armor coming out on top especialy if there are weather conditions are present as i have learned. Once that Panther starts up things will definitly get interesting to see how Bil handles it.

    I'm wondering how Bil spotted Elvis's flamethrower in the building so easily? He didn't fire a burst giving away his position.

  11. Thanks for posting the link DaveK555.


    I enjoyed reading how you got started very much. It really is an inspiring “American Dream” success story. As I read it I saw so many similarities to my own story of how I first got my artwork published. The same thing happened to me with doors slammed in my face, with it being a blessing in disguise. I sent my work to all the big blackight poster publishers with one telling me my work would NEVER sell. I knew he was wrong, so I decided to try to publish myself. No bank would loan me the money, so I gambled financing start up to do two images with about $6000 on credit cards in 1993 with no customers yet. Within a few years I was making a good living just from my art, grew to fourteen published images, and developed an improved new printing technique for blacklight posters.

    I know how great it felt when the people who originally turned you down starting knocking on your door as one of the big guys who originally turned me down started carrying my art posters. The original rejection was the best thing that ever happened. In the end I ended up making much more money publishing myself, and was able to control the product development process just as you did by starting your own gaming business.

    I identified with hours, and hours spent doing research for Cmx1 in the days before the Internet as I looked at microfilm after microfilm of yellow pages across the country to find potential customers. Just as you and Charles were doing all the packaging, and sales/marketing of your product I was rolling poster after poster myself, and making call after call to try to sell my prints. I rolled 50,000 myself my first year.

    Finally, the most important similarity in the stories is we like the same beer :D. Guinness!

    Where the similarities end is that Battlefront’s star is still, and think will always rise higher, and higher while mine reached its peak in the late 90’s at the height of the blacklight poster trend. I still sell my art, and always will, but am not making enough to live solely off it these days. It’s not exactly an artist economy right now.

    I sincerely wish you, Charles, and the BF team continued success in the future. You should feel proud of your accomplishment in making the wargame that has become the bar to strive for in the genre. If there is no link to the story on the “about us” page I would add it. I think many would find it interesting, and encouraging to follow their dreams.

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