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Posts posted by Vinnart

  1. I think your last post was what the viewers needed, and wanted pnzrldr to bettter understand the overall picture and your thought processes. As for the original creative writing approach I think if you keep a mixed balance between the role playing narrative, and your thoughts as the player it will maintain your creative buzz/fun while satisfying the want to know more whats going on in your mind. Most of all I'd like to see you have fun with your AAR, and thank your for your time I know that goes into putting it together.

    I do hope through your AAR that you talk about new game features, and your knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of the units. Good tip about not neglecting to use the benefits of using low ground vs high.

  2. Except for this rare case with me, it's almost always Vin's when it comes to mod conflicts. I guess because he alters the strings text which in turn is usually altered by BFC when they do a patch or module.


    That's excatly the reason. The strings text changes most of the time with each patch so I always have to update it to keep it compatible. It is a helpful little mod, but I wish it were as easy as a bmp. or sound mod to release. Until this thread I have never heard of a bmp mod causing conflicts. I use a mix of juju's, marco's and my own stuff for UI, and never have had a problem

  3. This is an idea I am passionate about as I think it is how the game would shine the most when played real time mode. I can also think of no other feature that would expand CM's market as much as coop multiplayer. I say this confidently from my experience with "Sudden Strike" game which sold over 2 million copies. There is not a SS player that would not gravitate to this, and I could also see players that are into games like ARMA that has a very team orientated multiplayer community wanting to play it too. It is not going to happen tomorrow, but I hope it does someday.

    Here is a CoOp multiplayer concept I put together that concentrates on teamwork in the real time environment. Each player gets a chance to role play as either a platoon, company, or battalion commander. It is based on 6v6 play, but the more players/observers (Yes, that is right you can just watch a battle live in real time if you don't want to actively play.) it could allow the better.


  4. I use it WEGO when I want a unit to stop what I have plotted for it without having to re-plot the path I have planned for it for it to move out at a later unspecific time.

    In real time I will often issue the unlimited pause order first, plot moves, check LOS ect.. then release it for the unit, or units to start the move. Very useful in giving real time play a more WEGO style where you can think more carefully about moves before committing.

  5. I'm not sure if there will be on map mortars in CMBS like the ww2 titles, but you can try it by moving the camera along the ground to where you think the mortar fire is coming from. You will here the sounds of the guns going off in a general area then can try some area fire there. From my experience though it is a waste of shells. Better to save them for when you can actually spot what you want to mortar.

  6. Here is a good interview with Bing West the author of "One Million Steps". Another thing interesting about this book is he was platoon leader in Vietnam and makes comparisons between combat in the two wars. He also talks about the tactics the marines adapted and how the indirect support made all the difference when it was approved in Afghanistan.

  7. The irony here is that the villagers are pretty much OK with beheading, raping, extorting, etc. each other on a massive scale on a daily basis. But when a foreigner does even ONE of these things ONCE ... well then, it's war! That goat herder killed by an errant Western artillery strike becomes a rallying cry, but if he was blown up by a Taliban roadside bomb there wouldn't be any fuss about him.


    Spot on. The very same thing was mentioned. The statistic given was 7 out of 10 civilian deaths are caused by the Taliban, not allied forces. It is ok for them to kill each other in numbers, but if we kill one it is taken very differently. Given those numbers one would think the hearts and minds would be more against the Taliban than with us.

    Listening on I feel better as it is implied many more support missions were approved vs. denied. In all honesty, and fairness I really can't vent against the lawyers as they are just doing their job, and don't make the policies. I guess what gets me is the fact that commanders even have to consult with them at all to make combat decisions now a days. It just doesn't fit with my mentality when it comes to warfare that combatants should have to worry about lawyers looking over their shoulders scrutinizing their decisions.

  8. I agree with you Vinnart, just look what happened in this video :

    Too bad the grunts couldn't rip up the ROE like the Marx brothers did. There should be ROE I agree, but from what I got from the book it really has gotten too hand tying to ridiculous proportions happening more than once in the story and not just with calling in support. Again I highly recommend checking this one out. It is definitely worth the read or listen. Just hope some of the incidents talked about don't get your blood up like it did me :) When a book can evoke feelings of empathy you know it is powerful putting the reader/listener in the shoes of those it is written about.

    Since there will be no lawyer units I will have to settle for this: Lawyer mod ;)


  9. To echo what Michael said, the problem is that you don't win the war in Afghanistan with artillery strikes. You win when you create conditions such that groups like the Taliban have no popular support. Civilian casualties create immense resentment and strengthen the Taliban.

    I'm not saying that command didn't get it wrong in that particular instance, but sometimes they have to make tough decisions balance the immediate needs of the troops versus broader political goals. We all remember the dialogue about the merits of the mission in Saving Private Ryan, and Upham's reference to the Charge of the Light Brigade in response.

    "Forward, the Light Brigade!"

    Was there a man dismay'd?

    Not tho' the soldier knew

    Someone had blunder'd:

    Theirs not to make reply,

    Theirs not to reason why,

    Theirs but to do and die:

    Of course, but there is a difference in blowing up a school full of children with bad guys shooting out of it, and more reasonable collateral damage like a farmer (who probably is Taliban sympathizer), his goat, and his mud hut which simply cannot be avoided in a warzone. There just is no such thing as a "clean war" no matter how many politicians think it can be done. Artillery strikes don't win wars, but they can decide battles. Can one lose the battles, and still win the war? I don't know, but if you're that dead troop in the body bag I guess it really doesn't' matter except to his family. It definitely isn't your grandfathers wars anymore.

  10. Ballad Of The Para-Legals

    Fighting counsel, from the sky

    litigate and jump and die

    Two undergrads will test today

    and only one will earn an attache

    Trained to leave no case unplanned

    Trained in trial, hand to hand

    They litigate by night and day

    And all are in the ABA

    With student loans, they are a-cursed

    These are men, America's worst

    Never meaning what they say

    Exorbitant fees, we have to pay

    Back at home a young wife waits

    Her lawyer has met his fate

    Sent to jail, he’s locked up away

    Shares a cell with an old OJ

    Power ties and business dress

    We are the folks you all detest

    One thousand suits we’ll file today

    We get rich while others pay!

    (from my friend Tam's blog)

    Brilliant! That pretty much sums it up.

    Vietnam was the start of the real PC ROE movement, but from what I'm hearing it has gotten to ridiculous proportions with too much worrying about legalities vs. saving Allied lives. That is why these wars go on and on for long times. Unfortunately conventional forces are all there is as there are not enough unconventional to handle it all. There really is no one else.

    I have listened to other books that have talked about red tape when it comes to air and artillery support ROE, but this is the first time I heard them actually talk about lawyers being involved in giving a go ahead or not for support. It is frustrating to hear, but I can only imagine the frustration of living it with the ROE restrictions these guys have to deal with. If you guys get the chance check the book out "One Million Steps". It is well written, very informative on how really awful and tough these modern wars are on these front line guys, and the audio version's narrator does a great job of giving you the feeling you are right there.

  11. So I'm listening to this book "One Million Steps" about a marine platoon in Afghanistan, and I get to this part where they want to call in some artillery and are denied because the LAWYER sitting back at some command center said NO. Can you believe how F'd up this PC ROE has gotten to the point that they have to have lawyers approve whether the grunts get the support they are requesting because they are too worried a civilian will accidentally get killed in the middle of a war zone.? Meanwhile because they can't get the support some American kid gets to come home in a body bag. I couldn't believe I heard it right so I re- winded it, and sure enough that is how it is today. Lawyers giving the final say! WTF!!! I am so glad I am no longer in the military. I can't imagine being in a war where if you accidentally kill civilians in the way of the enemy you go to Leavenworth.

    If this game is to be realistic then I guess we shall have to have pixel lawyers that deny fire missions. Please make it an actual on map unit so I can put pixel bullet in douche bag pixel head. I am so pissed hearing this stupid PC bull sh t is going on resulting in KIA's that could be avoided!

  12. Welcome to the game, and community Artemis! Lots of great mods out there. Best advice is to try different ones, and see which is your preference. I have some out there too that you make like. Mine usually have "Vin" as the prefix, and are usually geared toward practical changes.

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