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Posts posted by Vinnart

  1. This is a drop down, and collapsible situational tool that allows one to see the status of all information one would only get by selecting each unit individually. It is basically a visual players radio that allows him to see 360 degrees at all times that connects him to the force, but it has sound toggle too. It can also, be used to navigate the game. Read the thread describing it if you want to know all it's functions. it is the ultimate situational tool for the player that can be deciphered at a glance being icon based.




  2. Here´s another one, even though it is official. But I guess it still qualifies?



     Of course that qualifies! Whom ever at Battlefront made that did an absolutely great, professional job!  Whom ever made it please speak up so we can give you credit for a most entertaining movie. Thanks for posting umlaut. That definitely should be part of of the CMFI Theater collection.

  3. Excellent guys! Some very nice shots there Rinaldi. Check out some awesome special effects mods to spruce up your vids. Vein's red tracers, and Drakenlordes HD muzzle flash are ones I use that are a good combo that looks very realistic, and works with all CM games.


    Happy new year, and keep 'em coming!


    Here is a good one that shows some of the crazy, memorable momments that happen in the game that isn't a cinematic style, but definitely belongs in the CMBN Theater collection. Watch this German HQ go total commando.


    Commando by Justicar (youtube name)

  4. The vid does look very nice, but this (above) was my reaction too. Whenever I use Carriers and they come under fire - I try not to let them! - they have all of the protection for their inhabitants of tissue paper. Here, the carriers and their inhabitants seem to clear out successive sets of foxholes without taking any (?) casualties themselves. I began to think that there must be an enemy AI setting of "Dummy" that I've been missing all this time ...  :D


    "I began to think that there must be an enemy AI setting of "Dummy" that I've been missing all this time ...  :D"


    Lol. :D

  5. Welcome to the grand opening of the New CMBN Theater!


    I thought it would be good to start a thread similar to a screen shot thread dedicated to cinematic or just crazy cool CMBM vids now that the forum has video imbed feature. I started similar threads  at CMFI, and CMRT like each game has its own screen shot threads, so check out, and post movies in those CM theaters too.


    I enjoyed this awesome vid created by JorgeMC, and thought it would be a good idea to open the CMBN Theater thread as a collection point for those to show off their video editing / directing talent, and to make everyone's movies easily found and seen. Although I do not have any video editing programs personally I can enjoy watching what others have made. Cinematic style using video editors, OR just unusual/ interesting things that happen in the game movies of any length will be the focus. Jorge's vid is a good example of what the CMBN Theater would like to show as opposed to AAR type vids with voice over commentary by the player. You don't need to be a Spielberg, if you just want to share something interesting or crazy that happened in the game as a video. So, if you have a good CMBN vids, or know of any good ones such as this one please post it for us to enjoy and find it easily, and to build our CMBN Theater collection. Please remember to give credit to the movie maker if you did not make it yourself.


    Get the pop corn popping, the beer head foaming, and enjoy the shows!

    Barkmann's Corner 3.0 by JorgeMC

  6. Hey, thanks for featuring my video; this is a thread idea that's right up my alley. 


    Just wanted to give some context to the situation in that video since I can see people are wondering how much booze I was on to order such mounted actions in a UC. In specific to try and answer some of JK's questions:



    They are without a doubt far too quiet without sound mods. This was certainly exacerbated in the video by poor audio balance on my end; sounds to the right are actually noticeably louder.



    This I believe is something on the Battlefront side of things; as I noticed (in a new video I am making) that US Soldiers were rolling over the sides of their M3, despite not being under fire and having a perfectly good back door to exit through. Its probably the same animation applied to different chassis; hence the x-men esque ability to phase through. Just thinking out loud.



    Oh John, you wound me :P - It did look very hollywood; and I fully intended to do a dismounted attack (as you can see early on with the probing teams) but this is where context comes in. The entire little fight was something I decided to record as I figured it was about to get very interesting, but its only happening on a third of the map in the scenario "Elefants and Tigers"; two guns were taking my Staghounds in the center under fire and effectively seperating my supporting fire from my main infantry advance - stalling me. The UC platoon had been kept in reserve, so I sent them out to find and eliminate with artillery those guns. When I got contact, it turned out that the guns had no infantry protection of any sort, and I moved forward to engage with the forces to hand. Heavy cover fire from a HMG and a skirmish line, coupled with leapfrogging towards the mansion allowed me to take the 2nd mountain gun 'at a dash.' 


    I would never recommend anyone use a UC or any type of AFV like this unless a fantastic opportunity to overwhelm with firepower comes about like this. The only real return fire I took was at the very end as the crews were effectively suppressed for the duration. The entire video shows what is essentially a battle within a battle; a 'dust up.' Hence the name of the video. Hope this clears some things up.


    PS: I am actually recording another cinematic Vinnart, from a PBEM match going absolutely my way. I will post it here, despite it being in CMBN, to keep this idea for a thread rolling. 


    Thanks for taking the time to make it Rinaldi.


    I started a similar thread in CMRT, so I suggest we make a separate one for CMBN movies like each game has its own screen shot thread. This way we will have more bases covered for some who may not play all the games. If you have anymore CMFI vids please post them here, CMRT, and CMBN there.


    Edit: The CMBN Theater is NOW open showing "Barkman's Corner" by JorgeMC as the first feature. Check it out!

  7. Yeah, Bozowans did a great job, and I am completely impartial of course  ;)


    +1. What map/mission is he playing there? Is it "Bunkers Burning"? I just got done playing that, and approached it much differently. I'm going to have to play through it again doing a mass assault like Bozowans did. That looked way more awesome! I loved the long shots that showed the mass of troops on the assault, and who doesn't love seeing flamethrowers?

  8. Yeah, I don't know how Rinaldi managed to get that carrier with two heroes firing from it like that without getting hit, but it makes for good cinema.


    I sent PM's to both Rinaldi, and Jorge to encourage both of them to add more of their movies to add to this collection so hopefully they will, and others will add stuff too. Anything that is cinematic style, or just a cool vid of some of the crazy stuff that happens in the game would be great additions.

  9. Welcome to the grand opening of the New CMFI Theater!


    I thought it would be cool to start a thread similar to a screen shot thread dedicated to cinematic CM vids now that the forum has video imbed feature. I enjoyed this excellent vid created by Rinaldi, and thought it would be a good idea to open the CM Theater thread as a collection point for those to show off their video editing / directing talent, and to make everyone's movies easily found and seen. Although I do not have any video editing programs personally I can enjoy watching what others have made. Cinematic style using video editors, or unusual/ interesting things that happen in the game movies of any length will be the focus. Rinaldi's vid is a good example of what the CMFI Theater would like to show as opposed to AAR type vids with voice over commentary by the player. So, if you have a good CMFI vid, or know of any good ones such as this one please post it for us to enjoy and find it easily, and to build our CM Theater collection. Please remember to give credit to the movie maker if you did not make it yourself.


    Get the pop corn popping, the beer head foaming, and enjoy the shows! Please check out, and post more movies at our other locations CMRT Theater, and the newly opened CMBN Theater.


    A Hussar Affair by Rinaldi

  10. Very good cinematic editing Rinaldi! I'm going to make this the first movie added to our new CMFI Theater. If you have anymore like this please add them to the Theater's collection. Like the others have said CM especially when done climatically with editing programs is just fun to watch. I'm starting the CM Theater thread as collection point similar to a screen shot thread for vids that are of the cinematic variety, or just show cool interesting things that happen in the game.

  11. Welcome to the grand opening of the New CMRT Theater!


    I thought it would be cool to start a thread similar to a screen shot thread dedicated to cinematic CM vids now that the forum has video imbed feature. I thoroughly enjoyed this excellent vid created by Macisle, and thought it would be a good idea to open the CM Theater thread as a collection point for those to show off their video editing / directing talent, and to make everyone's movies easily found and seen. Although I do not have any video editing programs personally I can enjoy watching what others have made. Artistic style using video editors, or unusual/ interesting things that happen in the game movies of any length will be the focus. Macisle's vid is a good example of what the Theater would like to show as opposed to AAR type vids with voice over commentary by the player. So, if you have a good CMRT vids, or know of any such as this one please post it for us to enjoy and find it easily, and to build our CM Theater collection. Please remember to give credit to the movie maker if you did not make it yourself.




    Get the pop corn popping, the beer head foaming, and enjoy the show!

    Hill 527 by Macisle

  12. Excellent vid Macisle! I sent the link to my cousin I am trying to get into playing CM.


    You should make more movies. I watched it again, and you really have a good eye for directing/editing. I am going to start a thread similar to a "Screen shot Thread" called "CM Theater" for artistic CM vids such as this. I also think the mods you used give it so much more character and realistic look. Great job!

  13. Bils attack on the power station looks to be going well at this point and the Artillery barrage on the town appears to be cutting down Scotts forces by the minute.

    I am wondering if the modern houses are providing better cover from the Barrage than I thought, time will tell.


    Hmm, for some reason I thought Bil's arty barrage ended already. To survive arty in a building I usually put the inf on the 1st floor multistory and HIDE them till the barrage ends, which usually works good depending on how heavy munition are.

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