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Posts posted by Vinnart

  1. One of the nicer (probably only nicer) aspects of GTOS' UI is the LOS function which shows in a flat color absolutely every angle a unit can see. You don't need to target and point to check every line, the game shows you everything your men can see in one click. 


    Also i'm sure it's been brought up but a formation control that allows vehicles and units to proceed in convoys down roads. Again, another feature GTOS has that works great. 


    What is GTOS?


    In regard to the original poster, I agree those defense icons could use some tool tip text. However,I recall it is easier said than done from a programming perspective.


    In the mean time a mod is probably the easiest way to improve them, but they are a bit small to deal with. I'll think of ideas for them. If anyone else has ideas please share.

  2. damn the look on those guys faces says it all. Yuuum cold spam.


    Lol.. I recall having that very same look getting my very first MRE thrown off the back of a truck at 4am for breakfast. The dreaded "dehydrated pork patty". Served nice and cold in a brown plastic bag. Followed by greasy, slimy imitation cheese product, or oily glue ( I mean peanut butter) on extra dry, tasteless crackers, and the ever so precious little square of toilet paper to add to the collection for when you literally s@#t a brick a few days later.


    I was in when the Army transitioned to MRE from C-RAT which were better tasting IMO, and came with one of those nifty P-38 openers (anyone else save one of those?). I hear the MREs have gotten much better, but those early ones were pretty nasty albeit easier to carry around.

  3. I realize most people treat it that way but copyright holders are allowed to decide if there stuff gets used at all or if they want to charge for use. That is the point of copyright.

    Lots of content producers do allow usage for no charge for non commercial use but technically it is up to them to decide the terms.


    I wouldn't worry too much about copyright with this stuff. The main type of infringement happens, as Kieme said, when you are making multiple copies of another's intellectual property, and making money from it without license cutting the copyright holder out of it. There are plenty of situations where "fair use" is exceptable. I'm not an expert on it like a lawyer who would understand more technical infringements, but I do own copyrights with my art and know a bit about it.


    Now that this is zipped i'll check it out IG. I tried when you had it at drop-box, but it was all individual files.

  4. Really nice work, Pete. Now all we need are some civilian vehicles to give the maps a little more "life".





    For sure. Some burned out ones too.


    Definitely agree it brings more life to the scenery. I have a feeling I will have to do a personal mod, and open a gallery front in UKR. Very nice Pete. Going into the mod folder for sure.

  5. The weathered vehicles really do give a better sense of how vehicles actually look in the field. The best part is you don't have to clean them with the rest of the gear when back at base :)


    All gives more atmosphere to the game. Everything looks great Kieme! Thinking you should change your display name to "Modding Madman Machine" ;)

  6. Vin Easy Visibility UI


    I set this up with each part being in its own separate folder to make it easy to use all, or whatever parts you like, and to make it easy to combine parts with other UI mods to make your own custom UI. To combine parts with other UI mods just add a few "Zs" to the beginning of a folders name.




    COLOR BAR MODIFIERS: Changes +1 and -1 to one green or red easy to see bar. Changes +2 and -2 to two easy to see green or red bars.


    RIGHT FACING PORTRAITS: Better orientates the visual composition of the UI so the facing of the portraits leads your eye toward the information rather than away from it


    CALL SIGN SOLDIER NAMES: Changes hard to pronounce, or remember names to catchier call sign, nick names, and some historical names. Of course there are some Vin, Vinman, Vinnie Baga Donuts ;) in there, but at the very least it gives you easy access to the file to put whatever names you like. HINT if you want to make changes to the name files make a copy, change, test first in case you erase a >.


    CLASSIC C2 FULL COLOR/DETAIL ICONS:  Changes to classics from CMSF.


    RIGHT FACING WEAPON SILHOUETTES: Flips them to better accommodate text.


    COMMAND GROUP SELECTOR: Changes to clearer, easy to see red border when selected.


    EASY VIS COMMAND BUTTONS: Changes to use corresponding colored border when selected to make it easier to see what is selected. Especially useful for seeing Open, Hiding, Deploy Weapon.





    Vin Easy Vis UI:

    Vin easy vis UI.zip

  7. I want to hear what the indefinite pause is good for.??? :huh:


    As womble stated it can be used to hold up a movement for an unspecified time to be resumed when you want without having to re plot moves that already may been given.


    Where it is VERY useful is when you play real time. SO useful that i created a hot key for it. Using it allows one to issue commands in a more WEGO fashion where you can take a moment to think, and check out moves BEFORE the unit starts moving. I give the order FIRST, then plot moves, check LOS ect.. then when I am happy I release the pause and the unit starts the move. It is also VERY useful it coordinating attacks. Example: Give a platoon an Indefinite pause, then issue orders to each sqaud, then release the pause and they all move out at once just like hitting "go" in replay. Issuing the pause first kind of replicates putting the unit in "command" phase of a WEGO game temporarily.


    If you play real time, and are not doing this you are not taking advantage of how to make smarter moves.

  8. Looks like the Russian leader ** and * weapons still show up as left facing?


    Thanks Fizou. I double checked and I missed the gathering the AK74 with grenade launcher, and one of the RPG yellows from their perspective weapon folders in the game. I will change the file in post #1 with the corrections. Also the mod will be part of the "Easy Vis UI" package, so I am glad those was caught before I upload that one. Beyond that I am not seeing any other errors. Are there anymore?


    One thing I can say is this new forum attachment capability works great in being able to swap out files. Also, better to find and fix errors here rather than after posting to repository. Sorry for the errors, but the pros do it too. That is why there is not just one beta version when going through development. Even after the final version I found an error with one of the Russian weapon "yellows". I fixed it in my mod, but those who do not have the mod will find one of the 'yellows' to be a bright orange rather than the muted shade the developers decided to go with. There are MANY files in this game, and it is easy to miss something.

  9. not working with NATO icons?


    I don't have a NATO icons mod, but the FOW, and Fortifications will work if you want to combine with another icon mod. FOW icons will show as they are silhouettes. You may have to add a few "Zs" to the folder title to over ride any FOW icons that mod may come with. For Fortifications you will have to go into the folder named "shared", and will have to pull the fortifications icons out and replace the ones in that mods shared folder. Otherwise you will get the regular HQ, FO, and sniper icons instead of the ones for that mod.

  10. Vin Arrow Bases Mod


    This mod works with all cmx2 games. The default is the thick bright arrow, which I think is the best, but there are lots of other alternate base shapes such as a pentagon to use if you like.


    Check these out. I think you will find them more functional, and attractive over the stock bases.





    Vin Arrow Bases Mod.
    Vin's arrow base mod.zip


    Still doing some tweaks and testing with the Easy Vis UI.  Plans later tonight, so will probably have it up tomorrow.

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