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Posts posted by Vinnart

  1. I've been looking to get a real time HvH game too. I have touched base with Lacroix, but we still haven't been able to have time at the same time to play. Steve, do you have CMRT? The points for a tiny battle (about 950) are much better in that each player gets approx a company which is more desirable for real time play to manage. CMBS's tiny setting is set way too high (about 3200 points). This results in the Russians always getting battalion + size force which is way too much to control for a real time battle without being too hectic. The only way it seems to work is to select tiny, but limit the points by honor system to about 800. This gives Russians a Coy +, and USA gets a platoon+. Feel free to personal message to try to get a game sometime, but as I said I prefer ww2 CMRT setting for better QB settings to get a game going faster.

  2. One thing I can say is the QB points allowed need to be lower for battle size in CMBS. CMRT is working much better for this. When one picks TINY they are not expecting to get a battalion size force which is more than is desired for a tiny battle. I have noticed this always with Russians. I think more in terms of company size or smaller for tiny setting. Of Course the best system was how cmx1 had it where the amount of points allowed could be adjusted to preference. I also like how for combined arms fights it would allow a budget for each type of unit type.  This assured much better force balance for QB battles.

  3. If anyone else wants to try playing a real time game PM me. Haven't heard yet from Lacroix at this time, so first come first serve.


    Battle: Meeting Engagement
    Map: Random, medium ( Not too big or small)
    Force: Tiny, inf only, computer picks force. Hopefully it will not pick something crazy like a company of flamethrowers :), but I say we just roll the dice and go with whatever just to play. One of us may end up with advantage for force, but most of the time it picks something workable.
    Battle Length: 30min

    NO artillery orders in setup phase. Can order as soon as game starts.
    Lets try for one formal Pause each of about 5-10min, but if we need to pause to go to bathroom or something no big deal. its just a game.

    Plan on a 15-30min set up time to give initial orders, check map ectt..
    To communicate via message during the game use the ` key. Lets try it as soon as we are in the game in set up phase. Whole game should take no longer than 90min with set up, play, and pause times.

    PM when ready to play and I will send IP. Any preference German or Soviets?


    It's not about  worrying about winning or losing. It's just about having some fun, and adrenaline. Don't be afraid!

  4. Lacroix, check your PM. I have some time to play now 6/28/15 1pm est. Will be around this afternoon for a bit. PM me to get a game going.


    We really need some real time chat function in this forum for any real time game matching. Forum is fine for WEGO, but not fluid at all for real time. It is just another reason why real time multiplayer is not as popular as it could be.

  5. The color is grayer, and less brown which makes it stand out to me. Obviously, it looks different than sand the closer to see the detail as it has a watery look. Different sand tiles have different colors too. I find no problem differentiating in tiles, but I do use a custom mod mix that uses distinctive tiles for each type of terrain. I do wish that the original mod makers would have set up their folders so one could cherry pick easier as I have done. To make a custom mix you need to put each tile type in its own folder with a unique name such as "Aris grass", "Kieme grass" ect.. Each folder should contain its mini counterpart. Then cherry pick those folders by comparing which mod tile you prefer, and put them into a custom folder you make.

  6. Hi Lacroix,

    It is Sunday afternoon around 1pm est and have some time to play if you like. I would have liked to get on earlier to play, but wasn't possible.
    Lets go with CMRT. I will set it up to get it moving quicker.

    Battle: Meeting Engagement
    Map: Random, medium ( Not too big or small)
    Force: Tiny, inf only, computer picks force. Hopefully it will not pick something crazy like a company of flamethrowers :), but I say we just roll the dice and go with whatever just to play. One of us may end up with advantage for force, but chance of balance too.
    Battle Length: 30min

    NO artillery orders in setup phase. Can order as soon as game starts.
    Lets try for one formal Pause each of about 5-10min, but if we need to pause to go to bathroom or something no big deal. its just a game.

    Plan on a 15-30set up time to give initial orders, check map ectt..
    To communicate via message during the game use the ` key. Lets try it as soon as we are in the game in set up phase.

    PM when ready to play and I will send IP. Any preference German or Soviets? I am more familiar with German so prefer them.

  7. I had that same problem going way back until I started using this more distinct looking mud tile from a CMSF mod, and never have had a problem since. I use the same tile in all CM games. This one has a grid on it too that I put on it. Just put the folder in the mod folder, and you are good to go. You may need to add a few "Z"s to the folder title if you have other terrain mods to override them.

    Syrope Mud.zip

  8. I just realized this is CMBN forum. I haven't played it in a few years so I doubt I am up to date with patches. I should be up to date with the other titles. At least CMRT, and I know CMBS since I have been playing only that since it came out. Come to think of it I don't think i have played any ww2 in a long while so I hope I can adjust being used to modern more these days. Perhaps we can play another title than CMBN?  Anyway we will try for sometime Sundays which probably best for me at the moment to have some spare time.

  9. Bunch of PC crap especially if a flag is being used in a historical context! Govt buildings may be one thing, but historical games? I wouldn't be surprised if ww2 games depicting the Nazi flag are next in the cross hairs. After that ww2, and civil war movies will have to delete scenes where any flag in a historical context is shown because it may offend some one. Madness!, and i have no attachment to either one of those flags.

  10. The AI for the most part just feeds units into a meat grinder on the attack no matter the force. It all depends on the complexity of the scripting if it is going to act remotely intelligent. I played a little RT QB not long ago that i am sorry I didn't screen shot. I had a squad in a great position overlooking an ally, and the AI was programed to take that path into my LOF. I never saw so may bodies piled up in one area! Looked like a whole company dead from my small unit engaging them. Major body count action, but pathetic. Even the most tactically inept human would not do that, and is more challenging than than the AI.

  11. Off to work, but if I have some time on Sunday and you're around on the forum I'll play a game with you if timing works if you want to try a game. I suggest a tiny-small QB meeting engagement with inf only on a small map with computer picking force. This will get a game going quicker, will be easier to control, and should be more balanced.


    As far as adrenaline. You hit it on the head as to a key appeal of Real Time play. In WEGO I find the cliff hanger element is a big part of the appeal. Playing both ways is fun, but they are different experiences.

  12. Another example are all the companies that get away with selling preorders to broken games that they rushed out the door before they were finished.  It's a sound "business strategy", because it makes them money - if it wasn't, they would have stopped doing it 20 years ago - but it doesn't mean it is one that anyone would knowingly support.  

    I can tell you as as one who has beta tested is that the games are not rushed out the door. You may be surprised in how long it takes, and how many builds are gone through before a game is release. A lot of time and work goes into making the game, and I am just a tester. Even to make some of the mods out there, which I have done too take time and testing, and more time and more testing and changing ,,and more testing. Even after it is said and done there is testing and patching. In other words it is a very complex thing that one who does not do may find hard to understand from seeing it on the surface.


    There have been changes, refinements, and features to the CMx2 engine since its inception. For instance moving waypoints just to name one. Are there as many changes at this point as we would all like? No, but like I said "baby steps" is just the way it is. As far as each games content. Yes, it is the same engine for the most part, but each game has a different feel. The unique units, and terrains do give each game a uniqueness as a series. Still we are all looking forward to the next engine rebuild when ever that may be.


    As for business models we all have our opinions. I for one would like to see expansion of Real Time capabilities to Multi-multiplay to offer a unique team play experience. I would like to see BF sell 2 million copies like "Sudden Strike" did which was a big part of the appeal of it's success. The thing is it is their business so it is their decisions. Whatever they do i wish them well.

  13. The fact that this roster concept was brought up and heavily discussed over 3 years ago only solidifies my fear that not a damn thing in the Combat Mission series is ever going to change.  


    Not true. I have been playing CMx2 since CMSF and there have been improvements albeit it has to be in baby steps. BF is a very small company with small business budget. Many times with good improvement threads the guys at BF would love to do, but unfortunately it has to be in baby steps because of the reason I gave that Steve has repeated through the years. For instance you can find threads saying how great it would be to have a FOLLOW command. Hell, Steve will tell you it is on the top of things he would like and you see there still no FOLLOW command. And HE is ONE of THE OWNERS! It is not like they do not want to make enhancements, but they are limited in resources.  Just be patient, and remember development is an ongoing process. As far as CM goes CMBS is SO much more polished than CMSF to show there has been progression. Despite CM’s shortcomings it is still the best thing out there in this genre. It will only get better with each build.

  14. Moeburn,

    Your point is very valid to the short comings Combat Mission has as far as Real Time play goes. Fortunately Steve, at Battlefront is a Real Time player and understands this. Hopefully sometime in the future the game will adopt something like the ROSTER concept that addresses exactly what you are talking about.


    ROSTER SUMMERY:This is a drop down, and collapsible situational tool that allows one to see the status of all information one would only get by selecting each unit individually. It is basically a visual players radio that allows him to see 360 degrees at all times that connects him to the force, but it has sound toggle too. It can also be used to navigate the game. Read the thread describing it if you want to know all it's functions. it is the ultimate situational tool for the player that can be deciphered at a glance being icon based.




    As for dealing with RT play as it is now I can tell you a few good hints. Some of which others have mentioned.

    1) Do not approach RT with a WEGO mindset. Be prepared to probably take more casualties. Don't dwell on it. Keep the overall in mind and don't get too caught up in micro managing.


    2) Try to stay at camera level 4-5 so you can keep on eye an as much of the force at all times. This is the hardest thing as far as Real Time goes compared to other RT games. The Line of sight and terrain are much more complex, and here is where the biggest problem lies as you have to drop down losing sight of the force compared to WEGO which can rewind and see from multiple angles. This is the prime reason for the ROSTER concept to “see all” at all times like WEGO can. The idea is to take the frustrating part out so you can enjoy the fun part like the combat and strategy.


    3) Become more attuned to the LOS/target tool to get a feel for the land from above.


    4) Use the indefinite PAUSE command. Issue it first, then issue your order, check LoS and so on. When satisfied, release the Pause to start the move. This technique will allow you to be able to simulate a more WEGO approach where things can be checked without committing to a move. It can also be used to coordinate multiple units to move at the same time. Just select them all and release the Pause command.


    5) Get a mouse with many buttons, and Nostromo speedpad. With these you will issue commands faster than you though imagined. If you do not have these or want to invest, then make a custom hotkey setup on your regular keyboard optimized for REAL TIME. The idea is to make the most used command accessible with the left hand by feel, and the rest accessed via the spacebar. If you are searching for hotkeys, or moving the curser a lot hit command buttons you are too slow.


    6) Lastly, don’t play against me real time ;)

  15. Remember you are not playing the part of all-knowing Godalmighty in the game, you're playing the part of - usually - the company commander. Sometimes the company commander discovers to his horror that his western outpost has been over-run while his attention was turned elsewhere and he's being encircled. War is hell that way. :)

    Horse Hockey!  (Just had a little Col. Potter flashback ;) Rather ridiculous reasoning there. If the game were trying to simulate that there would be no camera view over position 1 even for WEGO. You do play WEGO that way don't you to keep it real right? :P Of course you don't becuase that would be very frustrating, and not many people want that out of their games. The funny thing is when I see comments like that I know it does not come from much if any playing experience in Real Time.

  16. Yeah, it has been slow to where it does not look like it is updating at all right now. I just checked an update in the repository I put up a few weeks ago and it is still showing the original upload. It is good to hear improvements are being worked on it with hopefully some keyword or category functionality to make things more easily found. In the meantime, I like the new functionality of the forum to upload to, and have found I have downloaded most mods direct from the thread links. It is also very easy to edit the posts too, which works good for getting rid of out dated uploads and replacing with updated ones. Overall the new forum is SO much better than the former. Great job Battlefront. I look forward to the improved repository. Good to hear GAJ is involved with the project since between CMMODS and the repository I always found his site more user friendly. Thanks for all your contributions to the community GAJ.

  17. There is nothing such as best played as Real Time, or WEGO as far as scenario AI goes. It is up to the player which way they want to play. "Best played as" deals more with optimal play as either RED or BLUE in the way the AI for the scenario is set up. The AI is the same whether it is played RT or WEGO. Like I said above, as Combat Mission is right now smaller scenarios are easier to control if one wants to play Real Time in "real" Real Time in that you're not pausing every other second. If one pauses a lot it is not as hard to control a larger force. There is no one way to play CM. There is only the way you like to play.

  18. If you want to get into real time play I suggest playing anything with smaller forces to start out with. As for CMBS IanL's "Opportunity Knocks" comes to mind as a good scenario to play real time. When I want to play real time I usually set up a quick battle meeting engagement fight on a tiny to small map with tiny to small force size. To get it going quick I will set it to: infantry only computer generated force selection. This usually puts together a relatively balanced force, and INF only is a bit easier to control if you are new to RT play.


    If you really want to control the game in real time with fluidity having a mouse with many programmable buttons is a big help. Additionally using a Nostromo speedpad like i use will have you controlling the game very fast. If you do not have either, you can make a special keyboard set up for optimal real time control by making a copy of the "hotkey" file. The way to do this is to hotkey most common used commands only for the left hand with the rest accessed with the space bar menu. I suggest top row starting with Q button for MOVE commands fast to slow. COMBAT for the second row starting with A button. Some SPECIAL and CAMERA on bottom row starting with Z key. You will be surprised how fast you can control the game in either Real Time or WEGO with the set ups, and equipment I described.

  19. Like others have said, best way to make a tactical map is to just take a good above shot of the map. If you want to have some fun with using a tactical map to see the battle in a different way for planning take into a military sketch program like Overlay maker, which is what I use. I have only done this a few times when dealing with a very large force and having some spare time to put it together. If you are one for doing something like this make a template of how you want the tactical icons to look and be named. You can even import the games, or icon mods into the program to use. Then you can just swap maps out without having to re-make your TAC icons for the sketch program.


    In a large battle I found it helped to see the force in this different organizational way to plan with and to keep track of the battle by moving the icons on the TAC map like Generals do. The downside is I found it still was a bit time consuming even with creating a template to get motivated to do all the time. Here is a sample of an overall AAR I did with Overlay Maker.







  20. Hello Vin, I'm using your easy vis UI mode, and I found that some of the portraits for soldiers are changed to vehicle crew portrait. I checked that the Russian infantry have crew portrait. Not sure about US and UA. Could you check this? 

    All I did was flip some of the portraits so they face in toward the information rather than out. Many of the portraits already had optimal facing in so I didn't touch those.  I didn't re-name anything so that is how the game is.

  21. Vin's Animated Text mod CMBS v1.03 (Graphics version)


    Concept by Vin

    Graphics by Marco Bergman


    Thank you Marco for updating the graphics version. This is only compatible with CMBS v1.03. If you are using the mod and are getting screwy text you are not using a compatible version. To use put either the "Light", or "Heavy" folder in your mods folder. Only difference in the two versions is "spotting".

    Light maintains the word as a filter that can be ignored making the symbols stand out, while Heavy uses the graphic of an "eye" instead of the word.




    Vin animated text CMBS v103 light.zip

    Vin animated text CMBS v103 heavy.zip

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