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Everything posted by Vergeltung

  1. where's a picture of the world's smallest violin when you need it?
  2. not if you have your act together. :cool:
  3. two thumbs up for everyone at BFC. looking forward to a great gaming experience.
  4. yeah, I guess we can always count on that. :eek:
  5. it's only 4:30 PM EST here in the USA. So, there's plenty of time for a release tonight. if not, perhaps tomorrow. to the complainers, just concentrate * cough * on your real life issues * cough * and you'll be playing the game before you know it. :cool:
  6. the picture of the knocked out Tiger is depressing. nice screenies though! thanks.
  7. good points on all accounts. I can't get at the game till tomorrow night or the weekend either.
  8. hmmmm, bad move there chief. I made sure mine was safely moved to the "storage" part of my e-mail program, and printed a copy. good luck. is the rest of your life thaty disorganized?
  9. gosh, it must be a pressing time for them. lots of coffee I imagine.
  10. thanks for the feedback. can't wait to play it this weekend!!
  11. this place needs more positive threads. good work.
  12. anyone else but me not really caring about the demo? I mean, the game (the real game, the whole game) is out tomorrow. who cares about a demo? I'll sit down with some beers tomorrow night (4/19) and enjoy the full game. And you damn sure won't catch me complaining abouit tedious crap on here like over 50% of the people here do. And on a related topic, does the release of a demo bring out the quick-to-judge complaining morons or what? I swear it's happened in every single game I've followed on a message board. it's no wonder companies loath having to release a demo. gotta love the modern human.
  13. excellent thread topic. I personally would enjoy kicking the complainers right in the teeth.
  14. close but not quite. It comes from Friday, October 13th 1307, when the French king Phillip ( the V??) had all the Templar Knights arrested on trumped up charges, and essentially destroyed one of the most famous and influential religioius/military orders in Western Civilization. the 700 year anniversary of the event approaches. I bet it gets alot of press this Fall. it's a compelling story. I recommend reading up on it.
  15. trivia question; does anyone know where the tradition/superstition concerning Friday the 13th comes from? special prize for the winner.
  16. it's a nice (hopeful) idea though. I mean, a whole 24-48 hours of time with the manual in the "reading room" (pOOp!) would be awesome. :cool:
  17. dude, it's been discussed and re-puked up 50,000 times already. no one cares. just wait for the damn game like everyone else m'man! :cool:
  18. ok, then, how about a cure for cancer?
  19. just to be the first in line for the download..... Uwe </font>
  20. so, as I was saying, these "where is the demo?" threads are a complete waste. so, let's talk about something else; how about World Peace?
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