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Sgt.Rock of Easy Company

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Everything posted by Sgt.Rock of Easy Company

  1. That is called post-fact ratioanlization. You are playing mostly Syrians with relatively low morale. I have to see a surrender or a Syrian unit rout. I have seen someone say they have seen them, but very few have stepped up and to say its a regular occurence. </font>
  2. Maybe they dont retreat and fight to the last man because their insurgents? And maybe no one surrenders because its either certain death (US) or they just wont (INS)?
  3. Do planes and Helo's even fly over the map? I haven't seen a shadow yet, just munitions coming from outside the map. I would think you would hear or see something if either the A10 or apache used their 30mm's
  4. Well, we need something that will make them move, even in contact (someone ontop of some buildings down the road, or otherwise not in the building your entering), so that they'll rush in and gun down the contact they make in the building. If they only start moving after losing contact, im afraid it would be too late.
  5. Yea, but the way hunt works now, if there are enemies in other buildings or down the road, they will stop where they are and not proceed. I could see it becoming a micromanaging problem like thewood said, though grenades being used in entry would be good, especially if its a known enemy location. It could be a movement command to use grenades and for used automatically (no grenades) when using quick to enter buildings. Either way or whatever, the AI needs to enter buildings in a combat zone better. EDIT- so far none of the commands Ive used will they fire after running into the enemy. In fact, the usually either sit in the floor together for a little then shoot, or run past to the next floor then fight. Though a few times now, a waiting enemy (12 men), that I assume were unsuppressed, just mow them down as I enter (or move about the floor).
  6. We need a Dynamic entry command for use in clearing buildings in this game. Ive had a few times where Ill enter a building and get mowed down from the lack of fighting from my men (they just run to their waypoint). What im suggesting is a command that is used on buildings. The troops will line up along the wall (kinda like they do already), but before entering the building, will chuck two grenades in, then rush in. But instead of continuing to rush, fire on the move and resposition till the floor is clear. If ordered higher than the first floor, they will do the same, but upon entering upper floors, they will not use grenades (for floor entry, but close quarters they still use them). It would also be useful to have a quick version, but with some differences. The use would be if a firefight is currently taking place, a unit can cross a street (or disembark) and effectively take a building with low amounts of enemy combatents in them. Grenades would not be used for entry, but the same weapons ready when moving into the room would. Of course this command will make the units (relatively, depeding on the situation) more vulnerable once inside the building if properly occupied.
  7. I forgot to even use my mortars on that mission. I started on Highway 4 near the town in a defensive posture (Strykers giving cover to infantry, they were dismounted). As soon as it started, it turned out there were quite a few on the roof tops on the adjacent buildings, but the fire from my infantry and strykers either killed them or made them run (within the first minute). From their I just did bounding overwatch and jumped from rooftop to rooftop. For the most part it worked too,I only had 4 men killed and 16 wounded, with about 4 strykers down (those things are extrememly vulnerable).
  8. Every once in a while, ill get a single or double hit collapse on a building, but most of the time I'll either get the roof to collapse in or get an upper story to collapse. As to being gamey, the Marines have a motto, "Adapt and Overcome." I think put in a situation to where it comes down to your and your squads lives or an expended javelin or two, any human being would choose the javelin.
  9. Javelins, they're your best friends as Americans. It always irks me when the RPG guys ontop of the buildings decide to take some 400-500m pot shot at me. So just return their greeting with a top down javelin on the building.
  10. It seems like we cant give certain orders in conjunction with eacy other anymore. For example, I cant seem to tell anyone to go to an area and then face in a certain direction. Instead, they all want to face the direction I told them, and then go to where ever they were going.
  11. (post from the other thread) I can add to this. I was playing in that high altitude map, and I was shooting at my friend through another 8foot wall, which I wouldnt have been able to see over, even if I was 8 meters away from it. Shot at 2007-07-28 Here I am shooting through the wall, on the striker and infantry about the striker. Shot at 2007-07-28 Here is how the ground level view of the wall is, the guys with the guns pointing in that direction were shooting.
  12. Yea, but assualt seems a little slow. Though okay for a bounding overwatch, I would prefer something a little more urgent when disengaging. The order itself could be like assualt, except that units move faster as well as chucking a mix of smoke and frag at the enemy as they bound (Suppressing fire as well).
  13. Lol, well, in multiplayer its usually a different story. Even though most of the strykers still get killed, If the infantry are disembarked from the get go, you can use the multitude of Javelins to almost wipe out any roof top stronghold.
  14. Yes, this scenario is unbelievably easy on the Red Forces. Just set up the AT-3 Sagger and AT-14 Kornet to where you can see the US set-up area (which is usually right where they begin, just face right), and youll usually kill all strykers within 2 minutes.
  15. I can add to this. I was playing in that high altitude map, and I was shooting at my friend through another 8foot wall, which I wouldnt have been able to see over, even if I was 8 meters away from it. Shot at 2007-07-28 Here I am shooting through the wall, on the striker and infantry about the striker. Shot at 2007-07-28 Here is how the ground level view of the wall is, the guys with the guns pointing in that direction were shooting.
  16. 1 Other than a few dissapointments in certain areas, and some lacking features (that'll probably get fixed), I really enjoy this CM Of coarse, everytime I got a new CM when they were coming out, it was my new best CM experience ever.
  17. On either side, the AI on this mission will not use its IFV against me, but sits in the set-up area.
  18. Lol, I was hoping to make things louder, add in some echo, or giving more bass where its due. For example, I was going to give the .50cal a much more, I guess realistic sound, with some brass dropping for added effect. But I guess to each his own
  19. I second the WEGO TCP/IP idea. As many of us have stated before in this thread, we are willing to compromise. If having WEGO TCP/IP can't mean that its essentially PBEM but automated (letting you stay in game to chat as well as having replays), then we are willing to have a WEGO that is RT (no replays, but still no controls during the 60 seconds) and pauses every minute to give a new set of orders. In this way, we bypass yalls huge packets size problem, and we get WEGO TCP/IP (giving us control over over large battles, either in field or force) .
  20. Is that part of the list of stuff trying to get back in? I really miss my detailed armor labels, especially when going toe-to-toe against Abrams with T-62's (sneaky fire and manuever of caorse ).
  21. So later down the road, when our computers can handle much larger size forces than what would be comfortable with Real-time, could yall add in WEGO Tcp/IP in a patch or module? Right now, even 14mbs would be no problem of an upload for me. It would be maybe a minute transfer for me and my friends and by then, it would make playing battallion level or bigger games much easier, in depth and fun. It would also keep us from going through the hassle of PBEM and email.
  22. So, after a few scenario battles (the hospital fight and small town fight), I have to say I'm quite impressed (I especially enjoy watching MK19 rounds go downrange), though a little displeased with the quick battle (units bunched starting). BUT, where is the WAV folder in the program files??? I know Battlefront doesnt like modding (well, at least full overhauls), but the BMP and WAV folder made the other CM that much more awesome (especially once you found a really nice MG42 sound). Is there anyway we can mod sounds or textures?? Will I be able to give the .50 cal its true terrifying sound? -Sgt.Rock-
  23. Will that .50cal sniper rifle be able to take out light vehicles, like a BRDM or such?
  24. Hah, if interiors were modelled more detailed, or you could adjust them, that would make for some amazing urban combat. ....mmm six stories of indoor madness.
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