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Everything posted by Honch

  1. In my overzealousness to install the new patch I went and installed it without first checking on the map size of my custom scenario. I need this before I can have the scenario updated to V1.03. Can someone please open my scenario and report on the map size?
  2. Just an update guys. Version 7 with all of the fixes and expanded map will be uploaded as soon as Patch 1.03 is up and I have incorporated it onto my mod. Dave.
  3. Under # 1 there is no direct land route between London and those cities. Under # 2 there is a direct land route from Berlin to those cities.
  4. Hubert: Just in case you were not busy enough getting English 1.03 ready (the changes sound great), I thought I'd get started on what I need for 1.04!! Not including the usual bugs to fix and the changes to the scenarios for balance etc, the game engine changes required are: 1. Give cruisers, battleships and air and bomber fleets that are in range a small chance to raid convoy routes just as subs do. 2. Make subs operating as "silent" even harder to hit. 3. Allow majors to transfer tech to their minors. 4. Create a script that can force a surrender on a nation under set conditions or on a failsafe date. 5. Allow "at sea" supply for naval units. This should be an option just like reinforcing etc., should cost MPPs and only be allowed if a line can be drawn to a friendly port without enemy units in range. 6. Allow "later move and fire" so units don't lose their action points if you accidentally right click away from them. (Very frustrating) 7. Give the option to set max morale and readiness values for different units of different nations. (For example, I would like to set all Italian units at max morale and readiness 75%). 8. Maybe a tough one.....Create a script that will, for the duration of the game, allow you to change the contents of a tile if certain conditions are met. For example, heavy bombing changes a city to an impassable tile or a nation laying mine fields at sea. 9. Create a script allowing for units to be damaged in a particular tile if certain conditions are met. 10. Make the current scripts more robust, allowing them to be adapted to even more situations. 11. Allow popup pictures and sound attached to popup text. 12. Allow air and naval HQs, Donitz, Goering, Dowding, etc. And.........of course...more country slots, unit slots and terrain slots. I would love to add garrison/territorial troops and destroyers as a unit. I would also love to be able to add minor ports in addition to regular ports. Feel free to add anything else guys!
  5. With just a quick glance I would think that you would have to write a separate script for each condition poistion. Just remove the popup text or you may have it popping up several times a turn.
  6. With the current scale I am using (the default scale) I only have room to add the rest of French Indo China, Malaysia/Singapore and the Dutch East Indies to the East. This will be in version 7 of my "Honch Expanded Scenario". I also plan on going further South, filling out Africa, adding Brazil, putting Uruguay in its proper place, putting Madagascar in its proper place and creating off map tiles for Australia and New Zealand. However, not only am I constrained by East-West map size now but also in the number of country slots. I would like to make Japan a major. I would then add Abyssinia, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand and Siam as minors. I would also add Switzerland back in. Hubert? Is this do-able for a future patch?
  7. Hi guys: Most of the problems are straight supply problems. With the expanded distances on my map it becomes harder for countries with poor HQs (Italy) to move across hundreds of miles without close HQ support. Even then, some of the problems you are encountering are due to terrain such as enemy rivers, forest, jungle and marsh. Amsterdam is marsh. So is much of Eastern Finland. Fixes for version 7: 1. I moved the starting position of Mannerheim so that he at least starts in full supply. 2. I reduced the cost of moving into forest and minor cities to zero. (It had been at one) This will fix the problems you were having of moving into Sofia. 3. I slightly increased the Italian and Dutch Naval starting OOB upwards. 4. I added back an Italian corps in Benghazi. 5. I will add a Tokyo to Bangkok naval loop. 6. I will add the rest of Malaysia, Singapore, Hanoi and the Dutch East Indies. 7. I will add an HQ for Bulgaria and Hungary. 8. I made Bangkok and ind. center allowing builds. The Soviet Navy is direct from the historical OOB. Thanks for the reports.
  8. I will have to check on that Amsterdam problem. Hubert has already corrected the Japan thing for the next patch.
  9. Historically the Soviet Navy was very large. They had the largest U-Boat fleet in the world, even larger than the Germans in 1939. The Soviet starting OOB is taken direct from the history books.
  10. I was away for several days so I am uploading version 6 right now to cmmmods. Bangkok is in its proper location, the naval loop is fixed and the UK gets hurt if they abandon India. I have made research and diplomacy slightly more expensive. I have not adjusted MPPs in any way. The Allies SHOULD always have an advatntage in that area. The historical OOB for the German AF was about the same as the RAF in 1939. The superiority in German AF support of land battles is represented in the increased soft attack that they have. As for the errors, Hubert needs to fix those. Send him a save game and he can usually fix it for you.
  11. Thanks for the test report. I was aware of the naval loop problem and it is fixed but not uploaded until tomorrow. Actually, I added Bangkok in its proper spot and it should work fine now. Hubert has an error report on the segmentation thing. Yes, I added an airfleet for Germany in 1944 to represent the arrival of jets. The Japanese surrender thing is wierd. Japan should not surrender at all. In September 1945 all of its resources are reduced to zero to represent surrender to the US. But there is no way to "force" a surrender on a nation.
  12. Awhile ago someone created supply scripts that would hit reduce Liverpool if the Axis had bombers/air fleets/cruisers or battleships in Brest/St.Nazaire/Bilbao or Bordeaux. It was a good work around. Another script hit Archangel if the same units were in Trondheim.
  13. aesopu: I need that slot for the atomic bomb. Artillery just doesn't have a place at this scale. With all of the updates to the AI from Timskorn and Normal Dude the computer takes awhile to think. Thats good!
  14. Use the port of Marseilles as the source. Create a German port on the Baltic that lines up as close as possible with a straight line of tiles. Call it Rostok or Stettin or Pinemunda or something. If one waypoint is needed, use a point in the Baltic or Med. I did this for my Romania to Germany convoy.
  15. Version 6 will include some supply scripts to really hammer Indian resources if the British abandon the country. This represents anti-Colonial riots. Also, I have added scripts to increase Japanese, Afghan and Persian activation to the Axis if India is abandoned. I have also added Montevideo, Uruguay as a German "off map tile" (even though it was basically neutral) to provide supply to German naval units operating in the South Atlantic.
  16. Also, wasn't that a major problem in the real war? Not enough Germans to go around? I read somewhere that 50% of the troops in Russia by 1944 were Romanian, Hungarian, Italian, Finnish, Croatian, Spanish or Slovak.
  17. My fixes to the Japanese units in Siam should punish the British for abandoning India. Also, if Britian moves units from East Africa, Italy can scoop up all of those cities. I didn't realize that I had changed the IW max, I will change it back. Thanks for the comments.
  18. I am working on it piecemeal. I have just purchased the War of the Ring Boardgame and Expansion and will give that a go soon. That should inspire me a little more.
  19. Gorgin: FYI, my "mod" is not a "product". Its a personal mod that I am happy to share with everyone here. You are more than welcome to pay me for it though, whether you consider it "promising" or not. Note: I am also Canadian. Scook: I like your idea of adjusting diplomacy (which I am still hoping for in the next patch) so I will include it in V6. With all of its colonies, the UK definately had more manpower to draw from. I don't see a need to change anything. The Indian, Egyptian and Palestine corps are not only under-strength but their attack values are reduced as well. I have played numerous games and the UK and French mpp levels seem to have good balance. Is there something happening in your games that seems unrealistic? I don't think that any techs can be greater than 5, am I wrong?
  20. According to the reference I was using, it was spelled Jubuti in WW2. I will correct the name of the Gambian capital. The "ice sheet" was added to originally add an off map tile that I decided not to add after all. Its not an issue. Madagascar is fine abstracted where it is.
  21. In my Expanded Scenario I have the Admiral Graf Spee in the South Atlantic in the starting OOB, however, it runs out of supply very fast. I understand that German ships used to use Montevideo in Uruguay? to re-supply. What was the status of that nation. Was it strictly neutral?
  22. In my expanded scenario I want Japan to surrender on a fixed date, but alas, not possible. (yet?) My only solution is to use a supply script to kill all mpp values of all Japanese resources after the surrender date, making it almost impossible to reinforce, build, maintain supply etc.
  23. You can't use the territory or annexation scripts if the relinquishing nation is active.
  24. Does anyone know of any way in which a surrender (or transfer of territory) can be made via script from an active nation to another nation? For example, I I wanted to force a surrender on Italy on a certain date, is it possible?
  25. In the next version I will do the following: 1. Currently, a gamey option for the Allies is to DOW Japan early, capture Chiang-Rai and prevent the arrival of Japanese troops via script. I will change the script to make Japan occupy Siam as soon as Allied troops cross into Siam. 2. Combine Algeria and Morrocco into French North Africa to free up a country slot to put Switzerland back in or add Brazil or Abyssinia as a minor. 3. Further adjust starting tech levels, unit attributes, production queues etc., as required for balance. All comments and ideas are SERIOUSLY considered.
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