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Everything posted by Fartknock3r

  1. People should be able to choose there own government, right? </font>
  2. People should be able to choose there own government, right?
  3. This is the greatest mod so far... so sexy... i love it! I answered my own question, im so stupid . Did you happen to get the skeleton on your second comments second screenshot from diablo 2? It looks exactly like it...
  4. Who cares? It looks awsome! I've been gone for like 15 days, and im happy to come see this! Great work! I see Japan is the only changed major? Did you use France or Italy to change it? Neways, looks great! Hope you guys keep up the good work and keep this up!
  5. I don't see why people are so against illegal immigrants. I mean, if you and your family were living a harsh life would'nt you be seeking a better life abroad? Immigrants are the reason this country (USA) is the way it is. Illegal or not. PS- Hey, you live in Sacramento, I live in LA. I have to deal with, well actually my parents have to deal with terrible drivers. I mean, we've seriously been stuck behind asians going 20 MPH countless times. After containing myself so much, once we changed streets and pass them, i go to the wheel and give them a nice, long honk, even if there are police.
  6. Add sc2 players on your friends list, and then you may speak with them. Then choose the rules you guys like to play with and choose who hosts the game.
  7. .... Don't drink diet soda's! It's full of chemicals. Made my friend faint!
  8. Awwww, i won't be here for july 4. Going on vacation tomorrow. Going to miss the food and all the fireworks.
  9. Ya, this has been the topic of discussion many times, BUT, seems like its gonna stay this way for a while.
  10. hey, downloaded the mod, looks great! but there aren't any scrips in effect.... and when i check the scripts in the option's menu, there arent any...
  11. But then how did Fontomas add those american civil war units in the editor? Am i missing something?
  12. Ya, and you should be able to withdraw units from egypt with higher level ports. Reducing the Egyptian ports below 5 only takes 1 LF strike, and all those UK units just sit there waiting to die. I suggest making egypt's ports a higher value at least. Me losing a hq, army, tank group, corps, and my commonwealth units really sucks, especially since you have to rebuild them and wait. I'd rather send them home and reinforce them.
  13. I have just one question, why is the topic name Megalomania?
  14. I need your help fontomas, i see you adding all these units in you mod, but for me it's really difficult, can you a help a poor, young un'?
  15. That whole "We will fight them on the beaches..." thing was a ruse then, eh? </font>
  16. Well if senior dumbass (got this from you blashy ) hadn't attacked the USSR, and focused on the U-boat war, Britian would have worked on a piece agreement, but thank god they didn't.
  17. Well a solution could be to combine Italy under Germany and The Western Allies all together. Or you can just have china as a minor ally with a strong military. Right now that's the best your going to get. Oh and, Welcome to the forum!
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