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Everything posted by Fartknock3r

  1. This weekend? c'mon im going on vacation this thursday.
  2. It was a UK colony but i think it had its own constitution granted by the UK.
  3. Oh well, i aleady added eatern style buildings to china, so it's not a big bummer, thanks anyway.
  4. you were lucky with the weather! it was just a minor setback. I'm still pumped and ready to give some nice *** kicking
  5. Hmmm, so this is why you didnt do it to me in our game? Either way your going down!
  6. Can two people combine there maps together? If it's possible 1 person can make the pacific theater map and the other can do the European theater map. That way it doesn't take too much time.
  7. You can turn the game sound off, even in the game. I usually do this and listen to my music.
  8. no, I never copied the campaign. i just need 2 add 4 cities to the resource pallete and thats it. seems like such a hard thing to do.
  9. Why not make it challenging for the allied player as well. You guys make playing the axis seem so easy that you can walk over the allies the whole game. play balance IS needed, no matter what country is represented poorly, otherwise people would only want to play the winning side, and in this case, that is the allies.
  10. If the US is able to produce wht it did historically then it'll be over way before 1947.
  11. No. I just copied the bitmaps from a regular campaign of SC-2 and pasted it in my campaigns bitmap subdirectory. Then I edited the cities to cover other resources that i didnt need, and saved it instead of the resources there before.
  12. I mean who actually listens to SC-2 music? I just turn the sound off and listen to regular music.
  13. I copied the bitmap folder from regular campaigns, and edited it.
  14. The resources. So i shouldn't put it in the mod of the campaign, just in the campaign subdirectory?
  15. Can anyone help me to add my custom bitmaps to the editor? I changed the custom bitmap value to #1, and edited the custom resources in the bitmap subdirectory to fit the campaign, but its not working. Can anyone help?
  16. Rambo, you avoided my question. If the USA was able to do what it did historicaly in the game, it would be unbalanced, if you want to have the USA represented better, then YOU come up with a solution to show it w/out breaking game balance. Don't avoid this question! This is your chance, speak up, or stop making threads about how the USA in represented poorly!
  17. How bout reducing 2 corps and adding 2 armies? thats 8 armies, good enough for me. Kno1 uses corps for USA neway.
  18. Great info. The only trouble im having is editing the cities to match the ones qy posted. Any help will be appreciated!
  19. Um, and if the UK was attached to France, (in an alternate world ) would the UK have survived?
  20. Glad i was never in the military, can they draft 15 year olds anyway? :eek:
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